Azadi ka matlab kia, La Ilaha Ilallah !!
Do not forget to wear weird clown pyjamas when you go out demanding a country which has been demanded and given 72 years ago.
Good luck
I'm from Lucknow, am a Hindu with most of my best friends being Muslim.
Trust me none of friends will prefer Pakistan over India, we have our issues in India for sure but still a lot better than Pakistan in same sense.
IMHO all these issues are only due to the historic mistake of partition, unnecessary wars, unnecessarily millions dying due to violence in migration, and for what, aren't there segetarian issues in Pakistan with Punjabi dominating other states, are minorities not having issues in Pakistan as well as in India? Ahmedi's facing procecution, Hindu and Christians facing hatred etc.
20% of Indians are Muslims, if we take whole subcontinent the number must be around 40% right? That would have been good, Muslims must have had greater say in politics and the balance would have been there.
Then we could have seen great harmony, without all these religion based issues.
Obviously you might not like it as you have grown in Pakistan with Pakistan nationalism, like I have grown in India with Indian nationalism. Many Indians consider all our problems due to Pakistan and vice versa, reality is all our problems are our own. Politicians are of pootlr quality.
A United country let's not even call it India or Pakistan or Bangladesh, let's call it United Country. ( UC )
UC would have been true competitor of China and true super power in the world, neither India nor Pakistan nor Bangladesh can come close.
But being born in this house or the other is just a matter of chance. Are we so different after all?