My response and rational (therein) was framed towards the gentleman
@T-Rex who had the following question:
Is it impossible to convert AIP subs into nuclear subs?
2) After someone told him "NO" he shot back with the following:
Would you explain the reason please?
Now, based on above conversation, I released my answer to THAT gentleman
Please note that my response was
specially crafted for THAT gentleman, towards HIS query.
And this is where you interjected.
Let us assume that I was talking of SSN and not SSBN, which was not the case however.
Let us presume that it IS SSN.
What is the lowest displacement number for "operational" SSNs ?
And what is the lowest displacement number for "operational" AIPs?
Once you have the right numbers. I would not have to post again on this to prove my point. Cause that would be self explanatory for what I meant, when I replied to T-Rex.
The crux of the matter here is, that the nuclear boats are supposed to be bigger than AIP, and this IS the case normally.