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Pakistan Without Pakistanis


Apr 4, 2009
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Something has to be done! The world is running while we are still debating on stupid issues. Look at India, till the 60 and 70 and even the 80's it was behind us in terms of technology, economics but now they are way ahead. We at PKKH and other such organizations are trying our best to keep the countries motivation high, but our rulers are taking us back, instead of going forward. Do we have any solution?

I personally don't beleive in Demoacracy or Dictatorship. I believe that their should be one right man for the right job, instead of having a 100 man + army of minsters and advisors who are good for nothing. What will happen??

They come on talk shows, and blame and spread hate propaganda against the army as if it is Pakistan's biggest threat and democracy is God given. They don't want to talk about sugar, electricity, etc. I heard on Mubashir Lucman show that the sugar mills combined made an extra profit of $750 million, while the cost of importing sugar at the right tome form the international market would had been $2 billion.

In Pakistan, load shedding is now at a record level of 18 to 20 hours. Why don't they change the names of utilities to 'Karachi Electric Load Shedding Corpoaration" (KELSC) and so forth?

Countries are daily making deals, to secure energy and making their defense strong while we are still negotiating all our deals. We as a nation failed to make Dams, or utilize our resources like coal and gold. Economic mismanagement is at a peak. They are taking loans at deathly terms from IMF. Don't they know what IMF did to countries like Argentina and others. We Pakistanis are world wide seen as people affiliated to terrorism, thanks to our friends in the East, with which we are doinf Aman ke Asha.

In the nuclear conference, instead of being aggressive and blasting India's Nuclear infra structure our delegation took a defense stand. We should have took reports and given it to all delegations and show what is the state of our neighbors who seem so worried about our program. Tell them to get their house in order first.

We talk about co-operation with India, and then the Mumbai drama comes out, we don't attack back by bringing Kashmir up. Kashmir is an Integral Part of Pakistan and we should not put it in the back burner. It is our land, and we shoudl be clear to the world.

Democracy is the name of a magical, that fixes everything, well thats what our leaders believe. At least during Mushraf's time we were economically stable and we made our defense strong, we made deals that has brought us back to have an edge with India, which i am sorry to say we had lost in the late 90's and early 2000. We survived because of ourNuclear deterrence, and that too because the government had announced to go nuclear if India attacked during the 2002 stand off, while today our leaders are like no first use. Some one please tell them, if we don't threat to use first we wont have time for the second use. We have some infra structure for second use, but that is very limited. Source: Pakistan Ideology

a concerned Pakistani - Wajahat

Kashmir is an Integral Part of Pakistan
First make sure....what you want :
1. you say independent kashmir
2. you say kashmir is part of pakistan

United Nation reports shows that indian kashmir enjoys more liberty then pakistani occupied kashmir...
This is the same time as Mush's reign, how can you praise and blast the same man in the same post?
dude its a 'minority' of pakistanis and majority of other nationals who like mushy, indians basically because not only he took a huge u-trun over kashmir but never braved to take a strong stand against india...

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 PM ----------

First make sure....what you want :
1. you say independent kashmir
2. you say kashmir is part of pakistan

United Nation reports shows that indian kashmir enjoys more liberty then pakistani occupied kashmir...
can you please quote that report sir??
dude its a 'minority' of pakistanis and majority of other nationals who like mushy, indians basically because not only he took a huge u-trun over kashmir but never braved to take a strong stand against india..

I thought in Pak he was widely regarded to be a man of balls for having stood upto the willy Indians in Kargil circa '99, other than that the article suffers from a lack of coherence as it talks in +ve and -ve terms refering to the same period:

"At least during Mushraf's time we were economically stable and we made our defense strong, we made deals that has brought us back to have an edge with India, which i am sorry to say we had lost in the late 90's and early 2000."
We Pakistanis now have a daunting task to educate our population and to learn how to respect democratic institutions. Without education and strong democratic institutions , the future is very bleak.
First make sure....what you want :
1. you say independent kashmir
2. you say kashmir is part of pakistan

United Nation reports shows that indian kashmir enjoys more liberty then pakistani occupied kashmir...

kashmir is an independent unit even know, the northern areas were made provinces just few months back, it had its own assembly, parties and flag
First make sure....what you want :
1. you say independent kashmir
2. you say kashmir is part of pakistan

United Nation reports shows that indian kashmir enjoys more liberty then pakistani occupied kashmir...

if kashmiris want there own country then we shud let them hav there own country if they want to pakistan then they can be a part of pakistan but there leaders nd majority people of kashmir want to be a part of pakistan bcuz they always say kashmir banay ga pakistan..its there choice no one is forcing them.
The amount of damage that has been done to Pakistan in the last 30 odd years needs repairing. That repairing will take the same amout of time if not more. We talk about laws and rules and what has gone wrong and what one man can do to save this country. The enitre gene pool is being contaminated from the ground up. We are raising children with no moral ethics and understaning what's right and what's wrong. The excuses we give are survival for a person in the short run. We have educated people who are grooming the next generation of thieves as we speak. The only people left in this country are the ones that our eating this country from within or the ones that cannot escape from this persecution. They all say you can take the Pakistani out of Pakistan but cannot take the Pakistan out of the Paksitani. But I say you cannot bring that Pakistani back to Pakistan to be a Pakistani. Time is running out. Proposing solutions on the internet will not save This Country. It is not about Kashmir anymore, we are fighting for our survival, we need to see the bigger picture. We need to reinforce and hit back. If we keep hitting the wall with our hands, its our hands that will bleed. We need solid leadership to get us moving in the right direction, and that comes not from the top, but the common man who makes the choice to either continue to steal electricity and sell his vote for a couple of rupees.
can you please quote that report sir??

Yeah sure ,, why not ,, I have quoted it many times in this forums

A 2008 report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees determined that Indian Administered Kashmir, was 'partly Free'
while same report determined that Pakistan administered Kashmir was 'Not Free'.

you can read about freedom in your azad kashmir in United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) website below
UNHCR | Refworld | Freedom in the World 2008 - Kashmir [Pakistan]
I thought in Pak he was widely regarded to be a man of balls for having stood upto the willy Indians in Kargil circa '99, other than that the article suffers from a lack of coherence as it talks in +ve and -ve terms refering to the same period:

"At least during Mushraf's time we were economically stable and we made our defense strong, we made deals that has brought us back to have an edge with India, which i am sorry to say we had lost in the late 90's and early 2000."

i aint talking about the article yaar, i was just talking abt mushy he aint a celebrated war hero or something infact a general whose loose planning left our soldiers stranded on enemy's land!!!

---------- Post added at 02:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 AM ----------

Yeah sure ,, why not ,, I have quoted it many times in this forums

A 2008 report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees determined that Indian Administered Kashmir, was 'partly Free'
while same report determined that Pakistan administered Kashmir was 'Not Free'.

you can read about freedom in your azad kashmir in United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) website below
UNHCR | Refworld | Freedom in the World 2008 - Kashmir [Pakistan]
thanks... discussable though but for the time being it will do :)
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