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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi

This is not a personal view. The FM has made this statement as a policy shift. China and Pakistan are moving their relationship up in more deeply engaged strategic partnership. Its a result of that.

Saudis have been dragging their feet on Kashmir and at same time increasing their investments in India. Same with UAE. These two countries for their economic interest are overlooking Israel and India's atrocities and in fact are improving their relations with both countries.

Pakistan should treat Saudi Arabia as a country. Saudis are not doing any service to Islam. They use their influence for their geopolitical interest They get this respect for having the most sacred places of worship. Pakistan must separate places of worship from the country and deal with each individually.

My views are the same. The whole Gulf ended up being useless in the end. And your statement about their investment habits need no further explanation as to show what their geopolitical views and position are.
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