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Pakistan will nuke economic hubs of India : Former ISI Chief Hamid gul

And your democratic values boil down to where some are asking to sterilise Muslim and Christians and others involved in ''Ghar Wapsi'' drama......is this what Indian democracy preaches.....perhaps it's the action of a few individuals but Hamid Gul obviously represents the whole of Pakistan and it's establishment....i guess that's also the result of Indian teachings. :rolleyes:

Only due to Indian democracy , we have created Jinna. A separate state for muslim, still we have more than 18 crore muslim and growing well and converting others to muslim and more than 3 crore christian and still converting other people to Christian. Only due to this democracy a muslim boy married a hindu girl and convert her and when a hindu do this then it called a "Ghar Wapsi"
But democracy is more than "ghar wapsi" or conversion and when we talk about conversion then everyone know that whole muslim world is the worst example for this which killed million of people on the name of religion.
And look the height of hypocrisies, a person teaching us about democracy who never live in a true democratic country, neither study or feel about the democracy .
Well what can you expect from a Pakistani...

They cannot compete using their conventional army.....
Mad old man :lol:

In this world only Pakistan has the nuke, they can't forget it for a minute. :rofl:

Hope for them is they are in India, if they were in Pakistan just think about how Ghar wapsi would happen!!! :lol: BTW you don't have any minorities left for ghar wapsi.

The new minority is Shia.
Ever since Hamid Gul retired from services.. he has been spouting venom against India & the West. This is how he stays relevant within the scheme of things in Pakistan. Only couple of weeks ago he claimed... indian defence budget is a waste ,we are a nuclear drone power! :lol: Just goes to show.. how devil has opened up a workshop up there!
We will use water bomb :D much stronger than all your nukes :D
Yes i think so its true.
After the formation of R.A.N.D.I Pakistan and China can do anything :lol:
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