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Pakistan will not allow the Chinese Navy to block US trade goods

Demoracts wouldnt have given us jobs that republicans have? What do you mean?

The dems would have sold india weapons etc, but not given the call center / computer and other tech related jobs at the expense of their own labor force. That dems like to protect the basic jobs. The republicans are pure money makers---they could care less.
The dems or any other party cannot stop it. Because they are the ones who have been promoting globalisation. There are powerful lobbies that would prevent this. What they might do is make sure that no government contract goes outside. But thats about it.
Pakistan relation with china are deep routed and if China feel threatened then Pakistan cant deny its right to defend it self after all the Chinnese are the main contributors of the Gwadar deep sea port.

Guy, you are talking like a republican. Haven't you heard that the democrats are a coming---the republicans are on their way out----which means that mission accomplished------boys gotta come home. Time is again on pakistan's side. Americans are ready to screw it up again for the upteenth time. It is dejavu all over again.

Democrats see no advantage of staying in afghanistan or any other country where they are not wanted. They are ready to cut their losses and go home.
What a screw up----a catastrophy----incopmetence----again----a total lack of understanding of the middle east and that of the sub-continent.

arent you confusing Afghanistan with Iraq...??

In Iraq... the war is lost.. for all sides involved ...even the undisputed hyper power cant stop the madness there...

...Like who can protect iraqis from themselves..?? no one!

So ..of course US will pull out of there... its just a matter of time...BUT thats FAR from the case with Afghanistan.

From 2001 to now ..i.e. in 6 years the total coalition casualities are just 488

now compare it with those of Iraq ...they run around 3250 deaths for 4 yrs in iraq..

This shows that the situation is far better than Iraq and
also Afghanistan is progressing -albeit a little slower than expected...but its showing good economic recovery and its western and southern provinces are prospering. And i think this will just get better..

US has Afghanistan firmly in its grasp
its not going to loosen its grip..atleast in the foreseeable future...thats the fact....

moreover thinking that America will vacate and leave for good ...its just plain wishful thinking..

and when US leaves Iraq... the billions its spending in Iraq war effort will just get transferred to Afghanistan and the noose around Taliban will only tighten further.

And Lastly
be it Republicans or Democrats.....all their foreign policy objectives are the same i.e. expansion and continuation of American dominance Militarily,Economically,Culturally all of the world..
And Lastly
be it Republicans or Democrats.....all their foreign policy objectives are the same i.e. expansion and continuation of American dominance Militarily,Economically,Culturally all of the world..

And that my friend is the hard truth
Your only cause is to destabilize pakistan always .. This is the First time we are giving you such answers and please can you let me know what happend when US Attacked Iran .. then we will see the friendship of INDIANS ... :eek:
your thinking is still mired in the 70's isnt it..??

Look.. we have better things to do nowadays than destabilizing Pak.....Like we have to catch up with china.. we have to become a superpower...etc:lol::lol:

abt Iran..
If Iranians betray our trust we will not help them but if they retain it we'll not desert them ...thats all there is to our relationship...

i.e. if Iran doesnt develop N-weapons but US attacks it, we will unconditionally support Iran.

But If Iranians develops N-weapons and then US attacks..India (and maybe even China and russia)will not lift a finger to help them

coz ..by developing N-weapons Iranians betrayed the trust of all its allies/partners including India,Russia,china etc....since we along with russia supported Iran on many issues provided they were not developing N-weapons

but still if they developed them.. thereby making us loose face.. thats the end of our support to Iran

China and Russia voted against Iran along with US and India in the UN, that shows the China's and Russia's attitude towards Iran going Nuclear

China and Russia voted against Iran along with US and India in the UN, that shows the China's and Russia's attitude towards Iran going Nuclear

Quite true adu,

with so many un tractable conflicts already raging in middle east...a nuclear armed Iran will be opposed by any responsible world power..

The middle east can do well without a "Mexican standoff" btween (Shia)Iran and (Jewish)Israel and may be (sunni)Arabs ...all of them nuclear armed..
Wait a second, I dont think Iran has been too happy with India ever since India voted for economic sanctions on them recently. The last thing Iran wants is to have a hostile neighbour on the east, especially when deals of the IP gas pipeline are underway. Iran is already facing isolation from the rest of the world so its looking for any goodwill it can get. It doesn't want to give Pakistan an excuse to "support" a US-Israeli attack now does it?

I dont think the Americans or NATO would want to stay in landlocked Afghanistan at all. A country which regards them as occupiers, and infidels. Heck they're there because Pakistan provides the necessary logistics and support of which America pays good cash. The whole bomb them "back them back to the stone age" won't mean jack if Pakistan secures another economic partner like China. Also I dont think the Dems are looking to start another conflict in the region anyways.

Hi, the foreign policy objectives of these two parties are different and the ways and means to attain them as well. You can buy a republican if you have enough money, resource, support and manipulation----ideology may not mean a lot. You can also buy the democrat----but they rather come cheaply. You just have to make them pity you.

And no, I am not confusing iraq with afghanistan. The percentage of deaths is pretty close to iraq in afghanistan comparing the number of troops, if we take your numbers alone.

America has shamelessly lost both the campaigns due to its incompetence, a total lack of understanding the people it wanted to conquer. Now it is upto the leaders when they would accept their defeat. The americans invaded these two nations like if they were conquering any european country or maybe japan / germany. Their gung ho look down attitude towards the conquered was no help at all. The rape of women and girls and then their videos posted on the internet was an end to the means in iraq. In afghanistan it was the indiscriminate air force bombing raids that undid for the americans what they had wanted to achieve. Both times victims to their own indiscriminating behaviour.

We are getting so far away from the original topic.
Pretty late to jump into this discussion.

China wont and cant stop US goods. They dont have enough ships to do that. The few token ships that might be anchored would be useless against the USN.

And of the three ports mentioned in the pearl of strings, its only the Gwadar that can be used as Chittagong and Myanmar can be bypassed by sending goods thru suez to Middle east.
Although Pak China enjoy good relations and help each other in every situation, but both countries are peace loving and China as well do not have any offensive plans.

Gawader is purely a commercial project and China can benifit from it a lot.
US is China's largest trading partner..why would China wanna engage in such suicidal trade circus! I like the Chinese policy...bleed your enemy financially by trade!

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