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Pakistan will launch its first space satellite this april.

oh well, april is about to end . No satellites yet?
what china is doing for pakistan in term's of satellite launching, india is doing the same for countrie's like isreal.ISRO is giving techical support to isreal and helping it to launch satellite's.ha ha ha,it will take another three decade's for pakistan to launch a satellite on it's own forget about lauching spy satellite,you despirately need the chinese help to do every thing.In june ,2010 itself india is going to launch five satellite's.Our satellite's also discovered water on moon.

You high? :what:
oh well, april is about to end . No satellites yet?

may be someone now changed wikipedia page extending the deadline from April to different month.

as far as credible source is concerned they reported launch date 14, August 2011 about 5 years ago , 4 years ago , 3, 2 and an year ago and was also reported couple of months ago
man, i must tell india has achieved so much when it come's to space explortion,noticing these achievement's sevral other nation's like france ,russia,isreal and america have collaborated with us ,who where reluctant to work with us before.Our space project's have a budjet ranging from Rs.5000-Rs.20000 crore,how many $$$$$$$$ can you spend over your space project's,you need a lot of money when it come's to research and i don't think you have that money.We also have those brain's to work on such project's,30% of technical staff of NASA are indian's .In between 2015-2020, we are planing to send our own group of astronaut's to moon,and we have several other ambitious project's lined up.We are planning to setup a research facility at antartic,and search some mineral's and resourses there,only some countrie's such as america,france ,russia nd china have these facilitie's in antartica.Please try to understand ,we are not pakistan ,to seek help from china or america for everything.We are big enough to do thing's on our own.

stop trolling this thread is about pakistan lauching its satillite, no one here is intertested in hearing yours space capability.
Pakistan should immediately test its SLV capabilty. What's there to stop it if it is not for Mr. Ten Percent? Economically and militarily it will have a far reaching effect.
All the best to Pakistani scientists and technicians and may this launch be an everlasting success:)
All the best to Pakistani scientists and technicians and may this launch be an everlasting success:)

A soft-hearted indian, completely devoid of patriotism! Does it really exist?
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