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Pakistan will buy fighter jets from Jordan, Russia, France

I agree with you on this one. Pakistan has lost it’s importance in the US eyes. And if it was as easy to take Pakistan down as it was to take down Iran and Afghanistan. It would have already happened. But the one thing that sets these cases apart is the fact that the US was able to convince the world that those countries were bad and then attacked them with support from most of the world. Hence no one could blame them. Pakistan hasn’t reached that yet, it has too many allies and too many neutral states who’d raise an issue If it were attacked. Even if they didn’t like us, they’d do it to not end up like it themselves. But even before that we have China and the Muslim countries, no matter how corrupt some of those Muslim countries are on the inside. They’ll be force to raise an issue.

Now god forbid the US is able to do the same to us as it did to Iran and Afghanistan. Isolate us globally and turn the world against us. It’d be a short life for Pakistan. Even with the Nukes.


But they are setting us up real good---. They asked us to let India do and incursion & not retalite---we let india do the incursion---but then retaliated the next day---the manner of which was extremely shocking---specially th display of our abilities and capabilities---. They then put up Thaad in israel---maybe there was an israeli pilot somewhere. Then they created certain scenarios against Iran to get closer---their naval aramada is right next door.

Then this scenario of oil tankers getting busted by torpedo and mines---.

A day is approaching soon---when all the naysayers would agree that we fckd up by not building a large military force in the GCC with the permission of the US UK & Israel against Yemen---.

That force would have prevented India to be aggressive on the border---that force would have neutered iranian influence in Yemen and would have brought the temperature of the region way way down---.

The GCC would have felt secure---we would have been better with a better economy---the GCC would be better knowing we are there and the west would be thinking WHAT THE FCK DID THEY DO BY ASKING PAKISTAN TO BUILD UP A MILITARY FORCE IN THE GCC---.
Me and @LeGenD Beleive that we still need to engage US and F16 is a corner stone in that regard we should lobby for blk 70 with that we don't need any third type platform continue with F16 JF17 combo and look for 5th Gen in future
My concern is overreliance on Chinese sensor systems in Block III of JF-17 Thunder, expecting these largely unproven sensor systems to do miracles.

In spite of great hype, AESA radar systems vary a lot in terms of capabilities and resultant performance in reality.

An Indian radar expert highlighted some shortcomings of KLJ-7a radar system in the following video.

NOTE: Amit R. Kashyap have publications and patents to his name (not a layman).

F-16 Block 70/72 is equipped with cutting-edge 4th generation AN/APG-83 radar system which is a derivative of the extremely powerful AN/APG-81 radar system in use in F-35 variants.

KLJ-7a is reportedly roughly on par with AN/APG-63v2.
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My concern is overreliance on Chinese sensor systems in Block III of JF-17 Thunder, expecting these largely unproven sensor systems to do miracles.

In spite of great hype, AESA radar systems vary a lot in terms of performance and capabilities in reality.

An Indian Radar expert highlighted some shortcomings of KLA-7a radar system in this video.

F-16 Block 70/72 is equipped with cutting-edge 4th generation AN/APG-83 radar system which is a derivative of the extremely powerful AN/APG-81 radar system in use in F-35 variants.

KLJ-7a is reportedly roughly on par with AN/APG-63v2.
indian expert hmmm...
how many jets does Jordan have????they have like something to offer every time.c130 f 16 Chinese uav black hawks.and what are their replacement options???regarding the exploring French and Russian option.jab ayenge dekh lenge
indian expert hmmm...
There is difference between stupid Modi Sarkar and Indian scientists with patents. I pay attention to revelations of scientists irrespective of their nationalities (researcher myself). If you refuse to pay attention to what your enemy is doing, then overconfidence will eventually set in and the enemy will surprise you one day.

Amit's patents: https://patents.justia.com/inventor/amit-kashyap

Amit's modeling and explanation of J-20 aircraft for reference.


Indians have deep knowledge of Russian defense applications and dropped Su-57 which is very telling. Indians are now paying close attention to defense applications of Israel and France for further insight. Even US is willing to oblige them now. Therefore, situation will no longer be the same.

Chinese also have deep knowledge of Russian defense applications and even though they are trying to develop their own stuff now, they still need access to Western defense applications for further insight which is not the case.

Pakistani military have access to Western, Russian, Ukranian, and Chinese defense applications - rich insight and potent capability. However, I fear that access to Western defense applications might be slowly but surely cut-off unless Afghanistan is sorted out and money-laundering issues are fixed (FATF issue).
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with the current economic situation getting worse with every passing day. dollar going high against rupee it seems impossible for paf to induct any new platform . even it may become difficult to maintain the present fleet of jets. IAF lost to paf on 27 feb but the indian politicians are surely won against corrupt pak politicians .
They then put up Thaad in israel---maybe there was an israeli pilot somewhere.

There is not one but two.

They will help us get Block 72s..may be 36 of them plus the upgrade of 18 Block 52s to Viper standard.

Outrageous isnt it! :)
There is not one but two.

They will help us get Block 72s..may be 36 of them plus the upgrade of 18 Block 52s to Viper standard.

Outrageous isnt it! :)

See Tallguy you don´t find these sort of info in the internet.

If its true then insider info is needed....
My concern is overreliance on Chinese sensor systems in Block III of JF-17 Thunder, expecting these largely unproven sensor systems to do miracles.

In spite of great hype, AESA radar systems vary a lot in terms of performance and capabilities in reality.

An Indian radar expert highlighted some shortcomings of KLJ-7a radar system in this video.

NOTE: Amit R. Kashyap have publications and patents to his name.

F-16 Block 70/72 is equipped with cutting-edge 4th generation AN/APG-83 radar system which is a derivative of the extremely powerful AN/APG-81 radar system in use in F-35 variants.

KLJ-7a is reportedly roughly on par with AN/APG-63v2.
Bar intro to AESA radar for basic understanding rest of his analysis is BS. He may have a patent in one field that doesn't make him expert in all other fields as well. Glorifying a video with mention of a patent in his credentials is so typical of Indians and just to attract few gullible viewers. My friend once had an idea which he rushed to patent and runs a company by the name of capture mobility based on that patent. Despite his commendable efforts, having a patent to his name doesn't automatically make him a better engineer.
Bar intro to AESA radar for basic understanding rest of his analysis is BS. He may have a patent in one field that doesn't make him expert in all other fields as well. Glorifying a video with mention of a patent in his credentials is so typical of Indians and just to attract few gullible viewers. My friend once had an idea which he rushed to patent and runs a company by the name of capture mobility based on that patent. Despite his commendable efforts, having a patent to his name doesn't automatically make him a better engineer.
You are welcome to debunk his information if you can. I am not nationality-prejudiced in the matters of scientific discourse in person.

Point is how KLJ-7a compare to RBE2-AA, capabilities-wise. Brochure information is often filled with BS, particularly Chinese and Russian.
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You are welcome to debunk his information if you can. I am not nationality-prejudiced in the matters of scientific discourse in person.

Point is how KLJ-7a compare to RBE2-AA, capabilities-wise. Brochure information is often filled with BS, particularly Chinese and Russian.
For me to debunk his claims he has to prove his claims with some substantial evidence first. He has skilfully tailored his video for Indian audience not to prove any scientific facts.
For me to debunk his claims he has to prove his claims with some substantial evidence first. He has skilfully tailored his video for Indian audience not to prove any scientific facts.
Again, how do you know his explanation is full of BS? You can easily expose BS parts in it if you know better.

I am encouraging you to provide your input. Go ahead.
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Again, how do you know his explanation is full of BS? You can easily expose BS parts if you know better.

I am encouraging you to provide your input.
From his BS introduction picture where he put a 5th gen plane against (so called)4th gen ....what else remained....
From his BS introduction picture where he put a 5th gen plane against (so called)4th gen ....what else remained....
Did you watch the video? It is the content within that is important, not the wallpaper.

Just because the narrator is Indian, doesn't make him automatically wrong. This prejudiced mentality is not fruitful.

Try to debunk his information with your own if you can. This is the correct approach.

I normally do not pay much attention to and/or cite Indian sources in my arguments but Amit's videos were interesting enough to share due to his technical knowhow.
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