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Pakistan VS UAE

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Pak vs UAE is no contest we have superior Army and Airforce and Navy
PERIOD - our defences are for every nations that is close to us on our forigne policy

(Pakistan is a brotherly nation for UAE and we will come to aid of any of our middle eastern friends in time of need)
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There is no comp with Pakistan !! come on we are alot stronger country and nuke power.. although UAE does have some very advance wepons speically in there AF.
UAE is just being , pumped up to target potential airstrike vs Iran

That is why French have created a base there and that is why UAE has been given F16 long range versions of the Vipers - to make a full return trip mission

Its hard to tell what French intentions are in that region -Are the french looking to expand into Middle east , lets not forget when British came to Subcontinent they started off just like French or other nations with simple , basic bases on coastal regions before possible take overs

Israel will be far off nations Its too risky for them to run an operation over KSA or Kuwait or Jordan etc with out being detected etc or Syria

A more strategic alliance is to work with UAE, and develop a negativity between UAE / Iran , and then cause them to disrupt each other's progress in war, and just like how Iraq was shorted ended. A case may be created on war against Iran

The problem with Iran is they DON'T DO anything they stay in their countries, and don't go out or explore , so to tesnse up the region

UAE is being developed as a possible security guard sorta speak

But one thing that does causes some concern is that UAE has a big iranian population and they openly support iranian teams so the situation is quite confusing if UAE would actually be considering any military strikes against Iran specially since they have good ties with each other -

Pakistan vs UAE is out of question , UAE is like Islamabad , so many Pakistanis living in UAE its none sense

Its always confusing where the loyalties of Middle eastern countries lie

- Egypt/Saudia/Kuwait/Qatar/UAE/Bahrain -

All these nation are under heavy British influence , and the King there are just ruling the people with , an approval from Britain or else where - its only recently that they have started to buy weapons from Russia or else where but it quite questionable just exactly what is happening in these regions

UAE since their King died , have started to pile up weapons - and that is not a positive sign what they intend to do with all those weapons -
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"Arabs" Most so called (in urdu) "Phatooo tareen Koom" whole middle east because i know my family live in middleast from last 30 - 40 years. These Arabs are seriously dont have even gutz to stand against ANYONE ANYONE!

UAE VS Pakistan lol PAkistan is a country who threatnd India, Isreal and one of top military heavy military and forces country and UAE lol Just Airforce and so called Airforce "on Paper". Guyz we have LONGRANGE MEDIUM NUCLEAR WARHEADS, MISSILES, SUBMARINES, GUNSHIPS, TANKS, HUGE AIRFORCE with heavy military ground Military forces in front of little Airforce ???? lol comeon its totaly out of sense....
well let me look at it from another angle! you live in their country & you want respect....izzat chaiyaay tu apnaay mulk wapas jaoo! look i am sorry but in every country an outsider is treated with a bit of racism by some people! even in pakistan if we have an outsider and not a EUROPEAN OR WESTERN outsider....we will treat him with racism...NOT ALL of us but some of us!

so my friend it is not abnormal for them to be racist! & that racism is the reason why muslims currently are being humiliated by the world!

the arabs feel they are superior because quran was revealed in their language! well if you look at it we feel superior thinknig our miltary can kick their ***! racism is both ways not just one way.....
some of our dear members said we never have war with muslim country and that same muslim country uae wants a war with iran why not they say usa that iran is our brother and we dont want to listen u but i hope pakistan is not counting on any middle eastern countries they r bigget liers in the earth not all but they have very small heart and too much money for me some arabs are good but most of them have same mentality these are not our brothers if they use to think us as their brothers they never do it is their govt is not eductaed they just every year increase charges for .......................... which is not useable to us identity card etc our identity is our passport why they issue us 2 id cards which is stealing money from us i personally bellieve from these arabs those non muslims are better who respect human life im not in favour of war with any muslim country but our foreign offices and laws for pakistanis has to be changed to help them in what ever possible as USA and europeans are doing nothing is impossible untill u want to do i know we have list of probleums in our country if we dont respect our people abroed and help them who will respect us it needs to be done serious thinking arabs are arabs we should never trust them they will make U turn any time so we have to help them but limited
i appologize to our arab members and if hearted any ones sentimenst i also oyed u have message to those arabs kindly change ur thinking of treating any other human being we r more powerfull than u in millitary if we want u to be destryed u will be but as a muslims we respect u and we want to help u when u need we never have any bad things in our heart for u but ur this treatment is unexactable we r brothers but u should change
InshaALLAH it will never happen , Pakistan Love Arabs very much.

I am living here in Arab , now their way of thinking is little better about us. Hope so they will come out of 'Past Glory' as called by my friend.

I think Strength of Aircrafts not matters alone , Strength of Minds matters a big.
in some thread today read that the same arabs(who are your brothers) are funding your home grown taliban, which mercilessly bombing pakistan everyday and kills scores your own muslim pakistani nationals.

i agree, these arabs are not only funding terrorists, but they are actively participating as well!

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Check this video out! this is how Arab sheikh and UAE police beat up and tortured a Afghan:

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They think they are so awesome since they have all these nice and shiny toys and a city that popped out of sand. I remember my dad saying that they are racist against asians. I don't know if its true or not but I expect it to be. My uncle makes millions designing buildings in Dubai and I dont think he has ever experienced something negative from the Arabs.
The only people who suffer any thing negative are who are illegally in the country on visit visas and they do not return back , so obviously their employers take advantage of situation and make them work for less.

Also not having a standardized pay scale, helps the companies abuse
immigrants - who are constructing the best buildings in UAE and roads and its infrastructures.

Do UAE nationals get better privledges , YES, I think Europe and US are more libral when it comes to Human Right , equality and other matters - US/Europe is generally enjoys a better Judicial system , the main issue with US is their loopsided forigne policy other then that , they donate TONES of cash to all 3rd world countries

Most of the so call countries , we know , don't have Justice system and this is why there are abuses of labour and other matters which are well documented on Human Rights pages. You get in argument with a Arab cop and you could be sent in Jail for 7 days or 3 days etc there is no rule of law - some British person was holding hands with his wife , at UAE beach was prisoned lol I mean that is how it works there

Other then that if you can stay quiet and do your work , you will make good living by Pakistani Standards. Most US/British Expatriates who work in UAE openly say that the engineers from Asia who work building all the buildings and construction work don't get even 10% of their net worth - and they never complain - becasue they have no RIGHTS no one is there to raise their pay scale or anything if they ask they get fired and the UAE finds replacements -

I think its a social issue that will fade away as the countries rules become more civilized.

But its up to our own countries Embassies to ensure that labour laws are respected and people are not abused -

Its our Embassy's Job to give guidelines to people coming in look here is a normal pay rate , for your position (Engineering/Doctors/Accountants etc ) so make sure you get comparable salary for your net worth - and also Embassies should black list companies with known human rights abuse cases logged in past 1-2 years.

The case of our Cricketr Asif being banned from Dubai airport is an example - I think with little bit of diplomacy and privacy the matter could have been resolved -

UAE is generally good to Pakistan lets keep it at that

Pakistani working overseas annually send 10 billion dollars to Pakistan thur their work in Middle east so is not all that bad - specially since our own gov can't create jobs for our work froce.

We could be building our own engineering projects for desalination plants our own power plants for coal conversion to energy or our own petro chemical industry

But we are not - so if they are giving our nationals a chance to live there - beggars can't be choosers , while I do feel that more can be done , to bring the labour issues to light

UAE , and other middle east countries are close to Pakistan and hopefully there would be more cooperation between brotherly nations and I hope that the labour issue in the Middle east can improve - with time

"RESPECT is only found in your own nation"
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some of your thoughts i disagree sir but they should never abuse other muslims whatever the law is their is no big law than ALLAH'S law sir
saudis and the arabs from all the emirates are Grade A jackasses...theyre racist to everyone not just indians and pakis...ma buddy from palestine lives there, he hates it there way too much discrimination .. and the sad part is these are protectors of mecca and madina
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