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Pakistan Vs South Africa Do or Die Match

I think you have shallow mind, certainly cant think far ahead.

I had a reason to say all this as MONOPLY.

Understand this, If PCB changes current lot of selectors, they will pick the old rot that is Shoaib Muhammaed and Mohsin Hassan Khan, etc . Certainly Shahid Afridi and Younis Khan are done and dusted, y bring one monolply again and again. Zardari reminiscents should not leave, like Zaka, M Khan and Shoaib Muhammed not needed anymore.

I also think Misbah ul Haq is great captain.

BUT, Pakistan needs to braoden its selectors pool up. One rot goes and other rot takes up and bring the same old players and selectors out.

pretending to be retard are you?

mohsin khan was a great selector, intekhab alam was before him not javed miandad and saleem jaffar

when you have your hands tied because of monopoly of captain, the chairman then you cant do shitt?

who is behind the selection of malik and kamran? yes your beloved misbah

no argument that misbah is a good batsman, but a very pathetic captain

bring democracy into PCB rather then zardari's or tinda's monopoly

misbah should be the one done and dusted, make younus khan the captain

the entire team management is responsible for this, the selector doesnt select without the consent of coach, captain, team manager etc
So you think Misbah ul Haq is behind Pakistan's batting failing, continusly.

So who bought the safarishi Imran Farhat then?

Bring Demcrocy in to PCB , LOL - LOL. You want elections and voting in PCB now?
So you think Misbah ul Haq is behind Pakistan's batting failing, continusly.

So who bought the safarishi Imran Farhat then?

Bring Demcrocy in to PCB , LOL - LOL. You want elections and voting in PCB now?

because misbah is a captain, he needs to be positive about selection

it was misbah who brought kamran akmal and shoaib malik back and for how long shoaib is been dragged on for so long now?

how many times he has to fail to be out of the team sir?

why is kamran brought back after disasterous performance in 2011 WC?
Dude Hafeez was captain, what did he achieve really?

Afridi became captian what did he get out of it for Pakistan?

kamran and Imran farhat has strong monoply in PCB, there are ppl inside selection committee. So selection committe and players need to go out bring fresh blood. You cannot have one rot replacing with another rot of Mohsin khan, and gang etc.
Dude Hafeez was captain, what did he achieve really?

Afridi became captian what did he get out of it for Pakistan?

kamran and Imran farhat has strong monoply in PCB, there are ppl inside selection committee. So selection committe and players need to go out bring fresh blood. You cannot have one rot replacing with another rot of Mohsin khan, and gang etc.

it was rumoured that Hafeez had fight with Misbah. I have noticed a trend here. Since Misbah is the ODI captain, Hafeez performs poorly. (god knows maybe he does it on purpose). When Hafeez is T20 captain, he performs well.
it was rumoured that Hafeez had fight with Misbah. I have noticed a trend here. Since Misbah is the ODI captain, Hafeez performs poorly. (god knows maybe he does it on purpose). When Hafeez is T20 captain, he performs well.

That is the POINT, you have found whats happeing here.

Hafeez is playing politics in the team !!!!
Please.. some one tell me, how does Imran Farhat keep showing up in team?
well for this politics pcb themeleves are responsible no clear map for policy forplanning they know it chairman come and go but policy remains the same this is probleum every new chairman do its own work afridi was doing good job ejaz butt changed him and than they made two captains not learning for before againt this captain probleum comes they need to understand they have to perform well to be in the team at firstplace in current team i dont see anyone can replace misbah onlt 2 players in pakistan younis and afridi can be captain but misbah is doing good job misbah should now think seriously what players do he trust akmal ferhat malik should not be trust worthy tehri record in team and perfomance are against them they should be writtenly said take the retirement atleast to akmal and ferhat now bring younis he is calmig influense he is master for these type of situation dont know why they dropped him on what basis he is better player in Uk condition and bring 1 or 2 players with younis in the team he transfer his exp to that player as inzi did to yousuf and younis and younis will ease the nerves with singles and doubles and razaque is sheer match winner not in the team he makes pakistani team so balanced hafeez should be sent home for next 2 years now
because misbah is a captain, he needs to be positive about selection

it was misbah who brought kamran akmal and shoaib malik back and for how long shoaib is been dragged on for so long now?

how many times he has to fail to be out of the team sir?

why is kamran brought back after disasterous performance in 2011 WC?

Just one more Game buddy. He will hit Century against India :toast_sign:

Bringa back Afridi and Razzaq :D

Actually Razzaq should indeed be brought back. He is still very good.
Dont worry guys WI gona beat india- then WI gona beat SA- and then we gona beat india with a huge margin- and net run rate will take us to the next round-
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