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Pakistan vs India:Military evaluation,separating boys from men

Please read my posts on pakistani UAV inventory before making false claims.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh again a bharti Fanboy:lol::lol:
C'mon now,India was unable to perform a surgical strike in Pakistan even with its 'Technological and Numerical superiority' :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Bhartis just love to make fun of themselves again and again :no:

This article is posted million times before.It was published in 2007 and moreover article is itself biased cuz it says that Bharti Pilots are better trained than Pakistani Pilots which is, as you all know, UTTER BULLSHIT :lol:

So,bottom line is .....:wave:
WOW!! A great thread of Sweet F All.

Outdated blogs really make useful nothing.
If you as a new poster want to make a real name for yourself post the blog AND point out the errors and bring it up todate if you are really serious.

Last point:
It is threads like this that drag this forum, Pakistan Defence Forum, down. Its is a defence forum not a cat fight hole.
No wonder many of the serious posters vanish.
Remind me of :

YouTube - war strategy of a pakistani

In terms of sheer idiocy; your media is Sh***y as ours!

" Jo sheeshe ke gharon mein rahte hain wo dusaro ke gharo pe patthar nahi feka karte!":sick:

Hey you,this video is NOT of Pakistani Media.A pakistani You tuber just used the video of AJJ TV .Are you that slow??:no:

Pakistani media is NOT fuckin retarded like your Media who is more of cry baby :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sorry if I hurt you :wave:
Don't post outdated article from blogs..
Source from blogs r not valid in a forum...
Don't post outdated article from blogs..
Source from blogs r not valid in a forum...

Really, are you telling me the Paf does not possess a UAV? The posts of mine where the data is irrelevent , i have acknowledged them . And the places where i see no need to update, i take no corrective measures.
Oh and stop being a hypocrite. This article older than anything i have ever seen and contains nothing but wet dreams of a deluded patriot.
It is amazing to me that a country with most of its people illiterate and hungry has 34% defense budget increases. There is something seriously wrong with this country's mentality. India is turning into the former-Soviet Union. China only spends 1.4% of GDP on defense. Even with related items (like space program), it is less than 2%.

Haq's Musings: FAQs on India's Massive 34% Defense Budget Hike

Last year, India decided on a massive 34% increase year-over-year in its defense spending. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about this dramatic move that puts India among the world's biggest spenders on defense.

Q1: How much does India really spend on defense?

A1: On paper, India spends $32.7 billion, about 3% of its GDP on defense, after an increase of 34% for 2010.

In reality, India spends closer to 3.5% of its GDP on defense.

Here's what Col.(Retd) Pavan Nair of the Indian Army has to say about it in a recent guest post on Haq's Musings:

India's own specified limit of 3% has been observed only by excluding several items like the cost of the MoD and the expenditure on military pensions which by itself amounts to 15% of the total defense outlay. Several other items like the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry (JAKLI, a regular regiment of the army consisting of thirteen battalions) and the Coast Guard are also excluded. A substantial part of the cost of the nuclear arsenal and allied systems is excluded. All para-military forces including the ones directly involved in border management are excluded. The Parliamentary Committee on Defense spends most of its time on personnel matters and resolving issues of protocol between the service chiefs and the defense secretary. The Committee looks at DE but beyond stating that DE should be pegged at 3% of GDP, it has nothing substantial to contribute. Clearly, parliamentary oversight and control seems to be missing. For several years, DE in aggregate has crossed 3% of GDP.


Q2: Doesn't India need to spend more on defense to fight the terrorists in the region?

A2: The military brass in India used the Mumbai attacks in late 2008 to argue for and win a 34% increase in defense budget. But terrorism is just an excuse by Indian military to get large funds and buy expensive cold war era weapons which are useless against the asymmetrical threat from the terrorists any way. It lines the pockets of the arms dealers (and a few corrupt generals and officials) without increasing India's security against potential terror attacks.

The 34% increase can not be explained by Indian military pay hikes either, given India's huge weapons' shopping list and its status as one of the biggest importers of military hardware in the world. The real aim is to intimidate India's neighbors, and assert India's hegemony. But it won't work as long as India has serious challenges of poverty, illiteracy, hunger, social inequity and multiple insurgencies at home by its most impoverished citizens.

Q3: Won't India just grow out of poverty, hunger, illiteracy through rapid economic expansion of its economy?

A3: Over a decade of rapid economic growth in India has done little to help its poor, hungry and illiterate population.

India has miserably failed to use a period of high economic growth to lift tens of millions of people out of poverty, falling far short of China’s record in protecting its population from the ravages of chronic hunger, United Nations officials said recently. In 2008, British Development Minister Alexander contrasted the rapid growth in China with India's economic success - highlighting government figures that showed the number of poor people had dropped in the one-party communist state by 70% since 1990 but had risen in the world's biggest democracy by 5%.


Q6: Why Is the Indian defense spending any of this blogger's business?

A6: India's military spending directly affects the entire south Asian region. It increases the threat perception in the neighborhood, particularly when the Indian military brass engages in threatening rhetoric in the midst of its huge arms buildup. It distorts the spending priorities of Pakistan, a smaller neighbor which was invaded and divided by India in 1971.

Recently, Lt-General A S Lamba of Indian Army has been quoted by the Indian media as boasting about a "massive thrust into Rawalpindi to quiet Pakistanis within 48 hours of the start of assault." Indian Army chief General Deepak Kapoor has said India is ready for a “the successful firming-up of the cold start strategy (to be able to go to war promptly) in the multiple fronts against multiple different militias at the same time.” General Kapoor has talked about taking on China and Pakistan at the same time.

India has over 6000 tanks, and it is inconceivable that these tanks will roll over the Himalayas to invade China. These tanks are meant to invade Pakistan in the plains of Punjab and the deserts of Sind. Indian Army has 33 infantry divisions. Twenty-four are on Pakistan borders. It has three armored divisions, all three are positioned near Pakistan borders. There are three mechanized divisions in India, all three are on Pakistan borders.
^^The thread is utter nonsense, but holy $hit I never thought I'd live to see the day when someone OTHER than Haq posted articles from his blog. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Remind me of :

YouTube - war strategy of a pakistani

In terms of sheer idiocy; your media is Sh***y as ours!

" Jo sheeshe ke gharon mein rahte hain wo dusaro ke gharo pe patthar nahi feka karte!":sick:

I hope you know that the purported Pakistani video is not the production of a Pakistani media outlet, rather that of a Pakistani fan boy who mimicked the Indian news report above.

Both are problematic though.
I hope you know that the purported Pakistani video is not the production of a Pakistani media outlet, rather that of a Pakistani fan boy who mimicked the Indian news report above.

Both are problematic though.

Would you please clean up the Indian Defence Section? Thread like this and other troll thread about supposed India-China war by a fanboy made this subsection a joke.
I am very sad to see even a SUPER MODERATOR is replying the posts in this cheap thread.

Haha!India TV
I seriously don't believe anything from this channel.
They like to make spicy rather very spicy news.
Daily news on ghosts in your neighborhood!,use different kinds of herbs and make a handprint on your walls with it to prevent the ghosts entering your house! Next week Monday 7:32 PM a storm from sun might cause some destruction...
Thats what you get from India TV!

It's a completely non-sense private channel.
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