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Pakistan lost against Australia. But no bad blood. Nothing against Australia said. No animosity against them.

While India did not play against Pakistan this evening, we are seeing too much hatred against Hindus (very explicit)

Why so?
Australia = People of the book.
Religion plays a central role in each and every sphere in Pakistan.

Can we accept him for the post of the quarter award? (For 1st quarter, 2015)
I know the deadline has passed, but given the merit, i say we make special case?
ऑस्ट्रेलिया से हारने से पहले पाकिस्तान टीम की बातचीत का टेप लीक, जानबूझ के हारे मैच
Published on March 20, 2015by बगुला भगत

एडिलेड. पाकिस्तान क्वार्टर फ़ाइनल में ऑस्ट्रेलिया से हारकर सफलतापूर्वक वर्ल्ड कप से बाहर हो चुका है लेकिन यह हार तो एक दिन पहले ही तय हो चुकी थी। पाक टीम के कोच, कप्तान और बाक़ी खिलाड़ियों ने अपनी ही टीम को हराने की साज़िश रची, जो फ़ेकिंग न्यूज़ के ख़ुफ़िया कैमरे में रिकॉर्ड हो गयी। पेश है उस रिकॉर्डिंग का पूरा ब्यौराः

(टीम के कोच और सभी खिलाड़ी मिस्बाह के कमरे में बैठे हैं)

कप्तान और कोच हार की रणनीति बनाते हुए

मिस्बाहः हां तो वक़ार भाई, बताओ क्या करें?

वक़ारः मैं क्या बताऊं?

मिस्बाहः यही कि हमें राखी सांवत करानी है या पूनम पांडे?

वक़ारः मतलब?

मिस्बाहः मतलब…छोटी बेइज़्ज़ती करानी है या बड़ी!

मक़सूदः कप्तान साब कह रहे हैं कि ऑस्ट्रेलिया से हारें या इंडिया से!

(अचानक उमर अकमल बीच में बोल पड़ता है)

उमरः भाई पता है वो धोनी क्या बोल रहा है!

आफ़रीदीः क्या बोल रहा है?

उमरः कह रहा है कि सेमीफ़ाइनल में किसी को भी देख लेंगे।

मिस्बाहः अबे वो तो जानबूझके उकसा रहा है ताकि हम ऑस्ट्रेलिया को हरा दें और सेमीफ़ाइनल में उनसे फिर से मरवाने पहुंच जायें।

शहज़ादः नहीं भाई, इस बार हम मारेंगे, आने दो सामने!

आफ़रीदीः ओए डुप्लीकेट कोहली! पाकिस्तान वापस नहीं जाना बे क्या? यहीं रहेगा ऑस्ट्रेलिया में! हैं?

वक़ारः एक ही वर्ल्ड कप में इंडिया से दो-दो बार हारने का रिकॉर्ड बनवायेगा क्या!

वहाबः उनसे दो बार हारकर लौटेंगे तो भाई लोग मार-मार के केआरके जैसा मुंह कर देंगे।

मिस्बाहः तो भैय्या ऑस्ट्रेलिया से ही हारो और अपना-अपना मुंह बचाओ!

आफ़रीदीः भाई मेरी तरफ़ से तो बेफिकर रहो, मैं तो जिताऊंगा नहीं।

(इस बात पर सारे खिलाड़ी हंस-हंसकर लोट-पोट हो जाते हैं)

मिस्बाहः रहन दो चचाजान! जब कोहली बोतल से दूध पीता था, तब जिताया था आख़िरी मैच तुमने!

(तभी राहत अली और सोहेल ख़ान कुछ ख़ुसर-फ़ुसर करते दिखते हैं)

मिस्बाहः ये तुम दोनों आम आदमी पार्टी वाला सीन क्यूं बना रहे हो!

सोहेलः भाई, राहत कह रहा है कि आख़िरी मैच है, क्यूं ना थोड़े से पैसे बना लें।

मिस्बाह (सब कुछ समझते हुए): नो बॉल डालने का मन है क्या?

राहतः बस दो या तीन! इतने में ही दो-तीन पेटी निकल आयेंगी।

सोहेलः भाई प्लीज! हमारे लिये ना तो आईपीएल है और ना…

मिस्बाहः अच्छा ठीक है। इधर आ जाओ सारे…

(इसके बाद मिस्बाह और वक़ार उन्हें लैपटॉप पर समझाने लगते हैं कि कौन नो बॉल डालेगा, कौन कैच छोड़ेगा, कौन रन आउट होगा वगैरह-वगैरह)
Hands down. The better team won. The pakistani fielding was atrocious (not unexpected given that the fielding coach himself wanted to quit in the middle of the tournament due to the behaviour of some senior players aka big dil afridi and seasoned wicket keeper who doesnt drop any catches akmal). Thanks god afridi is retiring now as his batting "with dil" charade can come to an end. When we need a serious and experienced batsman in tight situations at the end, this idiot comes in and tries to widly slog anything that is thrown at him. Itl be interesting to see though how the team copes after the departure of misbah. More often than not he has had to be the one to hold our innings together, providing some much needed stability.
Well played ..
both side
As always Aus shows why they are best ..
Pak failed to perform in bat and fielding but one of our bowler was g8... i think he never palyed before .. wahab of saomthing .. who took clark wicket.. what a delivery..
only few pak players were ENGANEGE in field ...
but still
better side won ..
the real MAUKA come..
india vs aus...

Hands down. The better team won. The pakistani fielding was atrocious (not unexpected given that the fielding coach himself wanted to quit in the middle of the tournament due to the behaviour of some senior players aka big dil afridi and seasoned wicket keeper who doesnt drop any catches akmal). Thanks god afridi is retiring now as his batting "with dil" charade can come to an end. When we need a serious and experienced batsman in tight situations at the end, this idiot comes in and tries to widly slog anything that is thrown at him. Itl be interesting to see though how the team copes after the departure of misbah. More often than not he has had to be the one to hold our innings together, providing some much needed stability.
few of your newcomer ain bat and bowling shown good class
No worries,Australia deserved to win the game.

Undoubtedly, respect , Sir Wahab .


Well played ..
both side
As always Aus shows why they are best ..
Pak failed to perform in bat and fielding but one of our bowler was g8... i think he never palyed before .. wahab of saomthing .. who took clark wicket.. what a delivery..
only few pak players were ENGANEGE in field ...
but still
better side won ..
the real MAUKA come..
india vs aus...

Best of luck Team India. Hope they successfully defend their title. Dhoni 11 can outclass Aussies in Semis. And they must do it.
Best of luck Team India. Hope they successfully defend their title. Dhoni 11 can outclass Aussies in Semis. And they must do it.
the way Aus played today.. showed they can be beaten but same time they also showed why they are top contenders too
the way Aus played today.. showed they can be beaten but same time they also showed why they are top contenders too

Today's Match showed that Aussies can be beaten, If you dont drop catches. Too bad, entire pakistani team doesnot believe in that theory
I am glad we lose today, Misbah and Shahid Afridi will retire after lose. These players are absolutely morons and big idiots.



Wasting times on selfies pictures.
Today the entire match belongs to Wahab Riaz as per my perspective... This lad gave his 100% but, unfortunately no one was helping him from the other side... Proud to have such fast bowlers in our team. M.Amir, Junaid Khan, Wahab & Irfan are the future. But we have not batting lineup & our fielding is miserable.

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