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Pakistan under watch - advanced Indian Sat Eyeballing the country [RISAT 2]

blinding laser and targetting the satellite with same frequency concenterated radio beam while its above pakistan will do the trick....
No counter measures currently available against this form of satellite jamming.
no it will not be agression but it will be response to your illegal espionage activities and we have the right to protect our soverignty and secrecy
Act of an aggression, US, Russia, China all have their spy satellites in and they do it in open, in your words its an illegal espionage, did anyone of them bring down other's satellite.

Go get some education. Your sovereignty doesn't exist above atmosphere.
with a few days of observation,even an amature can determine satellite's exact orbit and frequencies it transmits on....being radar based satellite its eyes are radio frequencies...
Direct high power beam ofsame frequencies towards satellite antennas,and it will see a white noise only...
with a few days of observation,even an amature can determine satellite's exact orbit and frequencies it transmits on....being radar based satellite its eyes are radio frequencies...
Direct high power beam ofsame frequencies towards satellite antennas,and it will see a white noise only...

Not as simple as that, Amigo. Sats do not beam info in real-time, not this kind anyway (its not a TV broadcast Sat!!). The data exchange takes place when the the Sat passes a Ground Control Station. India has several of them including overseas.

So your best bet is to blow it out of the heavens. ASAT anyone? ;)

Act of an aggression, US, Russia, China all have their spy satellites in and they do it in open, in your words its an illegal espionage, did anyone of them bring down other's satellite.

Go get some education. Your sovereignty doesn't exist above atmosphere.

Point there! Sometimes it does not even extend over the air-space. Predators unfortunately are unpleasant reminders.
Not as simple as that, Amigo. Sats do not beam info in real-time, not this kind anyway (its not a TV broadcast Sat!!). The data exchange takes place when the the Sat passes a Ground Control Station. India has several of them including overseas.

So your best bet is to blow it out of the heavens. ASAT anyone? ;)

You wont say that if you know how radar works..
This one is radar bases spy sat,if it stop transmitting it stops seeing.
crazy world pay trillions on it :lol:


There are over 8,000 artificial objects orbiting Earth, 2500 of which are either operative or inoperative satellites.
You wont say that if you know how radar works..
This one is radar bases spy sat,if it stop transmitting it stops seeing.

Even Marine Radars on Warships indulge in frequency hopping, not to mention frequency hopping Radio-Sets for data transfer. Do you think Sats like this work to lower parameters? Now tell me how is secure comms. achieved?
A store and transmit logic will negate your argument.

No it wont...
It sees because it transmits radar beam to bounce back from earth.
That readily gives away what frequency it works on and what area its watching in any given satellite pass.
Plus it cant see whole pakistan in single pass as radar beam cant be that wide...
By observation both visial and radio based it can be precisely determined which areas of pakistan it watches at what time.
Smaller classified objects such as missiles and planes can be hidden away when sat is passing?
For larger objects sat jamming by over whelming it with its own transmitting frequencies will do the trick.
Act of an aggression, US, Russia, China all have their spy satellites in and they do it in open, in your words its an illegal espionage, did anyone of them bring down other's satellite.

Go get some education. Your sovereignty doesn't exist above atmosphere.

but we will do it to bharat's toiletless satellite

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