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Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started

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Are they frigates or Corvettes???
The MILGEM - ADA class was originally designed as a highly deterrent platform in terms of ASW features. As you know, especially the Aegean Sea is surrounded by hundreds of islands and the submarine capacities of the countries in the region are quite high. Therefore, the main technological advantages over the ship are related to magnetic trace and ECM systems.

Class I frigates were designed as multi-role frigates that could provide more effective field defense against close-to-mid air defense and surface targets. While the ATMACA missile system and Genesis Advent allow both ships ( Ada and I class ) to engage land targets, the ability to attack deep land targets will be provided with GEZGIN missiles.

In the Turkish navy, classification is made lower than many other navy. For example, a ship classified as a frigate in many navy is classified as a corvette in the Turkish navy. There are many strategic and technical reasons for this. However, the most important reason we need to know is that meeting the demands of the Turkish Navy during the projects creates a very challenging process.

Today, the LHD project, which you know as TCG Anadolu, started as an LPD project. At the final level of project, ship had become an executable platform for fixed wing aircraft operations on deck.

The ADA class, the first phase of MILGEM, was originally planned as around 1400 tons of ASW corvettes. When the project was completed, it became the world's largest corvette in its class. In the TF2000 project, preliminary reports predicted that the vessel would be around 5000 tons. TF code means Turkish Frigate. However, when it became a ship of approximately 8000 tons in its final form, it was forced to be described as destroyer. :)

In short, when we look at the structural differences between the Ada class and the Jinnah class model , it is clear that the ship will be around 2800 to 3000 tons. So it doesn't matter what the classification will be. It will probably be described as a light frigate. The key issue will be the capacity and role of the ship. Given the information on the last pages, the ship will have a full multirole frigate capacity.
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An important point, Tork anti-torpedo torpedo program has almost completed and When It is finished, I believe They will be integrated into Pakistani Agosta submarines. Pakistan has already selected Aselsan Zargana soft kill system. (As a side note, Zargana jammed German DM2A4 torpedos in trials). I don’t know whether surface platforms will be able to launch Tork torpedo defense system but It is for sure that The submarines having this capability to use Tork hard-kill torpedos along with Zargana soft-kill system will almost be untouchable.

No, Istanbul Class isn't ready to launch yet. Erdogan came to cut the first steal of Pakistani Milgem. Now you can feel proud that even your warships are technically builded by another countries president. Brough more weapons from us and Erdogan will work day and night. (Smile)

Mr. Erdogan came for the love and respect for Pakistan. We Pakistanis consider Turkey as our second home and have the same love and respect for them.
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In Istanbul Naval Shipyard September 29, 2019 Sunday with actual ceremony TCG Kınalıada was delivered to the Turkish Navy and Pakistan, the first of two corvettes will be produced in Turkey for the Navy "Pakistan MILGEM Corvette Project 1st Marine Sheet Cutting Ceremony" was held.

Pakistan Navy corvettes will be produced in Turkey, "Pakistan MILGEM Corvette Project 1st Marine Sheet Cutting Ceremony" will be produced in the projected image with the press in the as close air defense system in the Corvette ASELSAN produced by Gökdeniz yhss'n's seems to be favored by Pakistan.


GÖKDENİZ- Close Air Defense System
KORKUT Self Propelled Low Altitude Air Defense Weapon System developed within the scope of the contract executed by the Presidency of Defense Industry (SSB) of the Republic of Turkey , was developed nationally as a result of the adaptation of the Naval Platforms to the Near Air Defense System (YHSS) by ASELSAN at IDEF 2019. was introduced.

GÖKDENİZ, which will provide the most effective coverage of the ship's defenses against Airborne Missiles, Navigation Missiles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Airplanes and Helicopters of the ship platforms, especially guided projectiles (G / M), together with the 35mm Particle Ammunition and the ship's self-defense against current weather threats. provides an effective solution.

Gökdeniz; With 3D search radar, fire control radar and E / O sensors on it, it will be able to perform target detection, diagnosis, tracking and destruction in full autonomous conditions. System; it can be operated under operator control, and can perform its tasks fully automatically without the need for operator intervention.

ADA Class Corvettes First Export Success: Pakistan
Minister of National Defense Canikli the period, "Pakistan needed by the Navy 4 corvette tender was finalized and we have received this contract as Turkey," the tender with expressions so far in the Turkish defense industry, announced that it is the highest-numbered exports at a time.


Between Turkey and Pakistan signed an agreement for the sale of four Corvettes were thrown Milgem

Rawalpindi representing the Defense Production in Turkey to do a signing ceremony at the Ministry in the town quarter of Minister of National Defense (MND) and Deputy Military Factory and Shipyard Property Corporation (asphaltene) Chairman Suay Alpay, Ministry of Defense Deputy Undersecretary and asphaltene Vice Chairman Yunus Emre Karaosmanoğlu, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of National Defense and Member of the Board asphaltene Ambassador Basat Ozturk, Istanbul Shipyard Commander Rear Admiral Erdinc Islamabad's ambassador to Turkey and joined Ihsan Mustafa Yurdakul Authority.

Under the agreement signed in September 2018, Pakistan will supply four ships. Two of the ships will be built at the Istanbul Shipyard Command and two will be built in Karachi, Pakistan.

In the first place, a corvette in Istanbul and Karachi will be added to the Pakistani Navy inventory in 2023. The other 2 ships will enter the inventory in 2024.

The production process will last 54 months on the first ship, 60 months on the second ship, 66 months on the third ship and 72 months on the last ship.

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any info on its radar?

Main 3D radar at the top of the mast will guide Gökdeniz with precision target datas. It can also be operated with Aselsan MAR-D radar independantly. The Advent CMS with autonomous decision support fusion is able to determine ship’s priorities based on environmental images created by ship’s sensor in order to guide operators to take quick action in correct time for any defensive or agressive actions against enemy assets.

The I-class frigate is basically a larger Ada-class with VLS right ? So the 4 milgem ships that Turkey is selling the PakNavy are I-class frigates or am I wrong ?

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