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Pakistan Today Is Better Than It Was 20 Years Ago

If you mean comparing us to our neighbour to the east then just forget about it. That neighbour shares no border with war torn Afghanistan while Pakistan shares its 2nd longest border with Afghanistan that has pretty much been an invisible border in most of Pakistan's history.

The truth is whatever happens in Afghanistan affects Pakistan, thats why a stable Afghanistan is in Pakistan's best interest.

TechLahore came up with a befitting, genuine and scholarly reply. I'm sorry to say but you just went on the offensive when the other person did not do anything so. Everything "India" hasn't have to come back to "Indian consulates in Afghanistan". The author didn't make any comments regarding sharing a border with Afghanistan or anything like it.

The debate was that comparative economics is necessary to gauge one's growth, I don't know how India not sharing a border with Afghanistan fits into this. No offence meant though, just an observation that I have made quite often.

PS : TechLahore, I would have contributed but sadly this is exam week and I cannot. My moral support is with you but I'd say this is as well :- going into an all is welll, we are great mood is nearly as destructive as the we cannot do anything mode. Critical analysis and introspection are necessary when analyzing development. It is necessary to analyze why we missed opportunities and we entered long periods of stagnant growth and why we have failed to grasp the power of such a large labor force. It would be as benefiting if we analyze the author's points by looking at what we could have achieved and what caused our failures.
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i disagree with all this....it has progressed but if u compare PAKISTAN with other countries like China & INdIA & Bangladesh.....they all r in much better condition.....although we were having lots of resources but we didnt utilize them properly....we r still having the chance.....just need a good leader n u will see in 5 years it can grow better then any other nation in the world!!!!

*if we just have a good leader...............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Indians view Pakistan's development, they greatly overlook the major historical fact that Pakistan had no industrial base, no educational base, no technological base to rely upon after independence, whereas India had everything. A couple of high schools and universities in lahore and karachi and that was it.

That is true.

At the time of partition and independence in 1947, Pakistan inherited the most backward parts of South Asia with only one university, one Textile Mill and one Jute Factory. The country has made tremendous progress and its per Capita GNP remains the highest in South Asia. During the last decade poverty elimination programs helped many of the poor to participate and rise up. However the Global financial crisis and other factors like the occupation of Afghanistan have impacted Pakistani growth.

Poverty in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think Karachi has seen the most improvements now than any other place in Pakistan.

Karachi is much more safer, cleaner, and more developed than it was 20 years ago.

nUp Sir!!!!!! Lahore is in much much better condition and Karachi is NOT A SECURE, SAFER & developed area as......i live in Karachi.....i know it very well....its police......& MOTAHIDAH!!!!!!
if u r a great or respectable person in the society then u have to pay mutahidah(bhata)........every single day there r many people in Karachi who lost their lifes & believe me no one even become to know about them..........................every single day their is a clash in PPP, MQM & ANP.......& if u see the the type of weapons they use.....u will forget PAK ARMY's weapons.......in Karachi at 9-0 MQM guyz r having police mobile(latest ordered by mustafa kamal) on which they r sitting with "G-3s"!!!

*i dont belong to any party......am a Punjabi & i support no one not even PPP..........
If you mean comparing us to our neighbour to the east then just forget about it. That neighbour shares no border with war torn Afghanistan while Pakistan shares its 2nd longest border with Afghanistan that has pretty much been an invisible border in most of Pakistan's history.

The truth is whatever happens in Afghanistan affects Pakistan, thats why a stable Afghanistan is in Pakistan's best interest.

However, Pakistan could learn from other countries who are emerging as a global powers like our friend People's Republic of China, Pakistan's closest ally who we can learn a lot from. The People's Republic of China (PRC), was established 2 years after Pakistan and look at where it is now.

Are you serious ? A land locked country that was and still is totally dependent on you for bulk of its trade, that couldnt have been more culturally similar to your own country. Your considering that kind of country a nuisance ? need i remind you that had we done things differently Afghanistan along with Pakistan could have been the driving force of this region.

As compared to us India is surrounded by neighbours whom it cannot do any trade with. Look at what we got Iran, Afghanistan China, what more could we have asked for ? Instead we lunged at the whatever bones uncle sam kept throwing our way. Had we played our cards rights Iran wouldnt "need" nukes, instead we are now more divided than ever. Afghans hate us, Ahmedinajad is doing whatever he can do send his country back into the stoneage. India on the other hand despite all odds has reached out to nations that were more closer to Pakistan than Israel is to US.

What did we do with all of this ? and even now you blame India ?
Originally Posted byOmar1984 If you mean comparing us to our neighbour to the east then just forget about it. That neighbour shares no border with war torn Afghanistan while Pakistan shares its 2nd longest border with Afghanistan that has pretty much been an invisible border in most of Pakistan's history.The truth is whatever happens in Afghanistan affects Pakistan, thats why a stable Afghanistan is in Pakistan's best interest.
if we see history, pakistan has helpd afghanistan in large way. .supporting and arming afghan against USSR and sheltering millions of afghan refugees. .i hv been a afghan pashtun forum .and surprised that most of them have negative views/dislike pakistan
Robbie, completely separate and apart from the USSR's exclusive support for India (while most western nations assisted both Pakistan and India), are you aware that Nikita Khruschev publicly threatened that he would nuke Peshawar in 1960?

Are you aware that Zbigniew Brzezenski is on record for saying that the US created a situation in Afghanistan that would pull the Soviets in so that they could set up a "bear trap"?

Are you aware that the Afghan resistance against the Soviets started with sticks, stones and .303 Lee Enfield rifles before Pakistan began its assistance of the Mujahideen?

Are you aware that Pakistan was inundated with 4+M refugees and no international help as a consequence of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? India used the refugee excuse to launch a war against Pakistan in 1971. Were we not within our rights to at least help Afghans defend their country and so that they could live in peace, rather than seeking refuge in the millions in our country?

Are you aware that Soviet piloted jets used to regularly cross into Pakistan and bomb Afghan refugee camps on Pakistani territory? The PAF shot over 20 such intruding aircraft, including one piloted by Alexander Rutskoy, who later became Vice President of Russia.

Are you aware that most analysts and commentators felt that the Russians would not stop in Afghanistan and would make a push for the Arabian sea?

How were we not pulled into the Afghan quagmire? We had millions of refugees coming in, bombing runs on our border areas by Russian jets, a threatening super power on our western border, encirclement by allies who were both inimical towards us and the threat of invasion. Did we invite the Russians into Afghanistan? Did we ask Brezenski to setup the Bear Trap?

History doesn't support your allegation.

While you may be almost correct in your assessment, I would like to point out one dissonance in reasoning. As pointed out by yourself, similar conditions existed in '71 that warranted Indian involvement in East Pakistan. Yet, have we found peace with that fact? I don't know many Pakistanis who have acknowledged that the civilian crisis in East Pakistan and its effect on India in the form of a refugee influx justified Indian action. To us, the backdrop of the humanitarian crisis in East Pakistan was just an excuse for India - it gave them a pretext for doing what they always wished to do.

So why is Pakistan's case any different? Why shouldn't Afghans, and Indians and whosoever else, not believe that Pakistan always wished for leverage against India, as well as strategic depth, and the Afghan War gave them the excuse to do what they would have always wanted to do in any case?
That is true.

At the time of partition and independence in 1947, Pakistan inherited the most backward parts of South Asia with only one university, one Textile Mill and one Jute Factory. The country has made tremendous progress and its per Capita GNP remains the highest in South Asia. During the last decade poverty elimination programs helped many of the poor to participate and rise up. However the Global financial crisis and other factors like the occupation of Afghanistan have impacted Pakistani growth.
You inherited the most fertile part in south asia..... Stop blaming others for your failure.

Is really Pakistan Today better than 20 years back? Think hard, U had US as your ally, U had lot of credibility. Pakistan was in better position to tackle all its problems 20 years back rather than now.
It has improved, especially in Musharraf era, massive development, infrastructure works, new institutions and economic revival happened....but from 2010 to 2015, democratic PPP Zardari era was the worst ever in the history of Pakistan, the NS era is much better than Zardari but still cannot compete with Musharraf era.
It has improved, especially in Musharraf era, massive development, infrastructure works, new institutions and economic revival happened....but from 2010 to 2015, democratic PPP Zardari era was the worst ever in the history of Pakistan, the NS era is much better than Zardari but still cannot compete with Musharraf era.

and what happened in musharraf era? what "infrastructural works" and "new institutions"?

how many power projection plants were installed? how was export increased or supported?

how was textile,agriculture sector supported?

musharraf era was literally one thing FREEDOM OF MEDIA & telecommunication sector. nothing else

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