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Pakistan to take US into confidence on PM’s Russia visit

Says the Pakistani version of Uncle Sam sitting in the USA and advising us that papa America is the only saviour of Pakistan. Get over it. You lost more than a decade ago. Pakistan is today in the China camp.
Jaise aap kahien uncle

You got nothing. Nothing at all. The whole world witnessed how erratically your sponsors in the USA behaved after their shamefull loss in Afghanistan. Blaming and hating Pakistan for all of their humiliation and losses. LOL today you want us to believe that daddy USA has relations with Pakistan. Wake up American advisor. America has no credibility nor standing in Pakistan.

You know what we do to American CIA stooges in Pakistan? We turn them against America.
You got nothing. Nothing at all. The whole world witnessed how erratically your sponsors in the USA behaved after their shamefull loss in Afghanistan. LOL today you want us to believe that daddy USA has relations with Pakistan. Wake up American advisor.
Ji uncle
Why do you look at it so simplistically? Have some faith in our officials they are very capable diplomats of world class caliber.

Oh hope for Pakistan's sake that Pakistan's Foreign Office is up to the task. I hope the reports coming out so far about Pakistan siding with Riyadh-Najd Regime against and now "checking in" with Washington DC, on our Prime Minister's trip to Russia, are all rumors and lies. I truly hope that Pakistan's Foreign Office has not committed such blunders.
Says the Pakistani version of Uncle Sam sitting in the USA and advising us that papa America is the only saviour of Pakistan. Get over it. You lost more than a decade ago. Pakistan is today in the China camp.
Has china decided to buckle on 25% ROI projects yet or not?
Has china decided to buckle on 25% ROI projects yet or not?

China has invested tons of money in Pakistan in energy and other infrastructure. When your beloved papa America only invests 10% of Chinese amount in energy and infra wake me up. The best papa America can do is send drones, CIA agents and kill Pakistani citizens on the streets.
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It is a geopolitical mess all around. Pakistan is dependent on both US and China; so have to tread carefully.
China has invested tons of money in Pakistan in energy and other infrastructure. When your beloved papa America only invests 10% of Chinese amount in energy and infra wake me up. The best papa America can do is send drones, CIA agents and kill Pakistani citizens on the streets.
Well beloved papa wont renegoatiate deals either..but atleast the papa projects were and are pretty generous
We have hx of
Tarbela and tarbela IV -V now
Mangla and mangla upgradation(apprently free grant)

Through papa banks(WB,AB)

It is a geopolitical mess all around. Pakistan is dependent on both US and China; so have to tread carefully.
And the arabs..dont forget their money
Well beloved papa wont renegoatiate deals either..but atleast the papa projects were and are pretty generous
We have hx of
Tarbela and tarbela IV -V now
Mangla and mangla upgradation(apprently free grant)

Through papa banks(WB,AB)

And the arabs..dont forget their money

Peanuts compared to what China has given to Pakistan. The Americans propped up India in Afghanistan to undermine Pakistan. The Americans want to denuclearise Pakistan and help India with advanced nuclear tech. The Americans accuse Pakistan of all sorts including loss in Afghanistan. The Americans reward their bed partner India. America is a treacherous backstabber. China is an ally. China didn't kill Pakistanis and neither did they accuse us of anything. China invested billions of dollars at a time when the entire world was hating Pakistan under the leadership of USA and India.

Pakistan doesn't intend to take loans from WB and IMF for an eternity. This will end too one day. Only a sick economy takes loans from international banks with the approval of Uncle Sam.

GCC Arabs aren't friends of Pakistan. They want to keep Iranian influence at bay. Won't happen anymore. Pakistani foreign policy is to have a balanced relationship with every nation including Iran. As long as Iran guarantees that India won't use it as a platform to terrorize Balochistan, a healthy relationship can prosper.
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China has invested tons of money in Pakistan in energy and other infrastructure.

You keep saying "invested" . It has invested nothing as it has offered loans against sovereign guarantees with ROI on loans.
China is not taking the risks in any investment with a chance of losing their money.
The risk is borne entirely by Pakistan and its future generations .
That is not "investment" . These are loans with guaranteed return whether these "investments" are profitable or not, the Chinese will be paid one way or another.
You keep saying "invested" . It has invested nothing as it has offered loans against sovereign guarantees with ROI on loans.
China is not taking the risks in any investment with a chance of losing their money.
The risk is borne entirely by Pakistan and its future generations .
That is not "investment" . These are loans with guaranteed return whether these "investments" are profitable or not, the Chinese will be paid one way or another.

Who the fvck invests without ROI? You make it sound like China is an exception.

When Pakistan takes loans from WB and IMF these also have to be paid back. Under stricter rules and regulations. At least China is investing in energy and infrastructure which pays itself back as opposed to US approved loans from IMF and WB which are a real burden on Pakistani citizens. Where do IMF and WB loans end up? These are used to pay back interest let alone the loan itself LOL So much for US approval on IMF loans.
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