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'Pakistan to issue tenders for electricity import from India'

I think it is Pakistan's interest to deal with China than India. China has always given Pakistan a fair and square deal, something we will never get from India. Remember we used to be part of same country with you. All we got from you was death and destruction. All Jinnah asked from Indian Congress was constitutional gaurantees for Representation of Indian Muslims commensurate to their numbers ( Muslims were nearly 40% of the Population ). Indian Hindus did not want to give the Muslims their just share and now you want to tell us who we can be friends with and who is good for us. We will deal with your enemies and give them all the help to destroy you.

:lol: I was replying to a post by JD with regards to Pak-China relationship & you come out with this Hindu, muslim, Jinnah, gandhi, helping enemies to distroy India & all that c£$P. You sound very emotional.. I wish I could pass you a tissue to wipe that tears off. Alas.. I'm on an anonymous internet forum!!
Is Indian government retard ??
My city has 2 hours of load shedding per day except on weekends

My city is not that far from Gujarat some 600 kms only
Why sell it to Pakistan when Maharashtra is power deficient

******* government.. Even Pakistanis don't need electricity from poor and evil Bharatis :P

Lol .. Now no one will applaud Modi

He prefers selling electricity at higher value to Pakistan than selling it at a lower value to the neighbouring states
Is Indian government retard ??
My city has 2 hours of load shedding per day except on weekends

My city is not that far from Gujarat some 600 kms only
Why sell it to Pakistan when Maharashtra is power deficient

******* government.. Even Pakistanis don't need electricity from poor and evil Bharatis :P

Lol .. Now no one will applaud Modi

He prefers selling electricity at higher value to Pakistan than selling it at a lower value to the neighbouring states

That's why Gujarat is progressing so much. As they say, business is business! ;)
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