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Pakistan to host Hurriyat leaders on Eid in New Delhi

@DESERT FIGHTER @Donatello @Irfan Baloch @Horus @Oscar @Secur @Windjammer @Manticore @RAMPAGE @Imran Khan @Umair Nawaz @Hyperion @Areesh @Akheilos @Abu Zolfiqar




Following video is recently posted by Kashmiri mujahidin has gone viral.

After pictures, militants now post videos on Facebook - Youtubes.pk - Pakistan #1 Videos Sharing Portal

The message from Pakistan is now very clear-
The very same UN Resolution demands Pakistan to withdraw its forces from its parts of Kashmir as well. When they can't do it, why expect India to do the same? Double standards?
We've been over this multiple times, only someone with absolutely no intellectual honesty could keep arguing the same point that you did here (and yes, I've read Milspec's thread on UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir) and debunked his arguments in a separate debate with him) - there isn't one UNSC Resolution on Kashmir, there are several, and the UNSC Resolutions and UN Commission reports on Kashmir make clear that the final timeframe and conditions of withdrawal were to be based on discussions and agreement on those parameters by both India and Pakistan.

There is no requirement for Pakistan to unconditionally withdraw from J&K, nor would any rational observer suggest that the unilateral withdrawal of one party from disputed territory two States have gone to war over, several times, is feasible.

The issue of Kashmir is beaten to death. India has a position
What's India's position?
So meeting with separatists is a good decision? How about India arranging a meeting with Baloch separatists in Islamabad? :lol: @levina

Put this separatists behind the bar and ask the diplomat to leave india. Ban Id celebration in India (by pakistani embassy)

I hope they don't talk about Jihad and Ghaza-e-Hind on this Holy Day.
They tried Gazawa e Hind 4 times and loose half Pakistan. Let them try it once again. We have a government in place which can take hard decision.

The message from Pakistan is now very clear-

That they shall send militants to get neutralized.
Well India can try this. Hosting some Baloch separatist but then we can also ask separatists of North East to have a lunch with us in China.

This all you can just dream of as India is not pakistan. The day we adopt the mean which you guys have adopted in Baluchistan, you won't find any separatist in India to talk with.
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Pakistan time and time again has shown utter disrespect and disregard for India sensitivities by hosting many anti India elements in the country.

Will India do anything? NOPE
I don't need an Indian tell me when my brethren are saying loudly they want freedom from the Indians. I'm not going to mention the data of mass graves, rapes, extra judicial killings, disappearances as I've mentioned all before.




Coward point a gun at an old lady

Very brave Indian soldiers.


Our FLAG waved in IOK




An Idiot who do not know the difference between Local Kashmiri police and soldier.
Pakistan time and time again has shown utter disrespect and disregard for India sensitivities by hosting many anti India elements in the country.

Will India do anything? NOPE
Must be a Proud Pakistani,knowing all the unwanted men from around the world find heaven in Pakistan.
So you visited Ladakh and felt like hero of some dumbas$ movie. Great.
Hahaha ..Enjoy :D
Ohh, I'm sorry, Taliban folks don't watch movies I guess..
Breathtakingly beautiful landscape. Each place has it's own charm. I'm packing my bags for this weekend, will be going to Munnar, and Cyprus in August.

There is one thing I'll have to do. Take my bike to South America and cover the tracks same as Che did. Now, that would be awesome!!
Do you feel proud of these people??..I thought you should have posted some pictures of a sicntist, lecturer or doctor of reputed acclaim from Kashmir where you feel proud of??..I am sorry to see that you feel great by making these young people having at their hands when they should have invested time in their study???..Any way..it is your choice...


No you are wrong. Pakistan considers Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir as integral part of Pakistan occupied by 700.000 soliders. Indian knows well that people of Kashmir want to be part of Pakistan its therefore Indian dont hold refferendum in Kashmir as UN resolutaions say , about selfdetermination.

Pakistani flags are everywhere in Jammu & Kashmir, India know this.

By overwhelmingly voting in elections, Kashmiris have proven it again and again that they are as much part of India as other Indians. Some Pakistani paid goons waves the flags of Pakistan. If they are in so much in love with Pakistan then why do not they migrate. IOK Kashmirs have a lot more right and freedom unlike Azad Kashmir Kashmiris. I read recently a Azad Kashmir leader showing his disappointment to india for Ignoring Azad Kashmir issue. Azad Kashmir shall either be the part of India or an independent territory very soon so as Baluchistan.
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