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Pakistan to get Chinese AEW&C aircraft this year

I,ve always wondered why the number of such aircrafts have been 4, our airforce has 3 air commands if they give one aircraft each of these air commands they'll have a reserve of one aircraft, this is not understandable, in a conflict situation if an aircommand loses an aircraft it could be supplemented by the surplus aircraft, but what if 2 aircommands suffer the loss of the same type of aircrafts?

in such ascenario we'll be short of such aircrafts and to the best of my knowledge PAFs current inventory of fighter aircrafts cannot be linked to both types simultaneously, some will be linked to saab and some to ZDK03, what will happen if above mentioned situation arises?

in my opinion the number should be 6 aircrafts of each type that would bring 1 active duty aircraft and 1 reserve aircraft for each air command, what do guys think?

u r just on mark bro.two out of all these AWA&C have to join NAVY.:D may be the ERIEYEs,i guess.PAF would be operating 6 AWACs instead of 8.
"Q: The Chinese AWACS progress of the procurement plan?

A: The Chinese AWACS can reach the Pakistan Air Force aerial reconnaissance and related mission requirements.China's aircraft operations and technology has entered the final stage of negotiations, the contract is expected soon. We have completed our study, and proposed a long list of improvements. Eventually we will get close to the ability of the Air Force procurement requirements. China has studied our proposals, and from here we have a lot of feedback.

We have defined a lot of technical requirements - such as aircraft internal enviourment, we require improvement. We should improve the internal renovation, the pilot's comfort level must be improved (he has to 7-9 hours-day mission). Aircraft models is ZDK-03, at the top of a rotating disk rather than the balance beam. We need four aircraft, we would love them to be commonly configured with other systems including the Erieye. They would be used to monitor Pakistans airspace which is entirely defensive in nature.

China's ZDK-03 aircraft will be cross-linked with Chinese planes,Erieyes and other Western aircraft will also be data-linked to one another, but at present there are no planes to data-link the Mirages. "


Dear the Aircraft is Y8F-600 which is in the photo i have posted & it is an upgrade to Y-8.

But The radar antena is the disk shaped one which is present in your pictures so neither of us is wrong.
I,ve always wondered why the number of such aircrafts have been 4, our airforce has 3 air commands if they give one aircraft each of these air commands they'll have a reserve of one aircraft, this is not understandable, in a conflict situation if an aircommand loses an aircraft it could be supplemented by the surplus aircraft, but what if 2 aircommands suffer the loss of the same type of aircrafts?

in such ascenario we'll be short of such aircrafts and to the best of my knowledge PAFs current inventory of fighter aircrafts cannot be linked to both types simultaneously, some will be linked to saab and some to ZDK03, what will happen if above mentioned situation arises?

in my opinion the number should be 6 aircrafts of each type that would bring 1 active duty aircraft and 1 reserve aircraft for each air command, what do guys think?
It's not as if each aircraft will be alloted to each sector commands, my assessment is that all AWACS will be under one command perhaps No 24 Blinders Squadron. Pakistan may have radar blind corridors hence the first priority would be to cover these blind spots.
The aircraft that can't be linked can be given mission orders through the GCI, which can also act as a relay system.
Thanks for the confirmation of this news folks as below is what i posted on 24-04-10

"It is not confirmed folks but i have heard that Pakistan is going for the DISH variant instead of Erieye like KJ-200 one. It is still not confirmed though but this was the reason why DISH equipped variant came to Pakistan. It was thoroughly tested and found a bit short in some unspecified fields. PAF sent technicians along with recommendations for improvement in radar and equipment. I have fingers crossed as work is almost complete.

One thing i must mention is that KJ-2000 is a very robust system and was also not offered because it is considered too advanced by Chinese friends. Many of its techs are shared in what is called as ZDK-03 for us. "

Hi, can anyone kindly please provide some evidence that that Chinese refused the IL-76 based KJ-2000 to the PAF? Or did the PAF simply pick the smaller AEW, KJ-200 based on operating costs? I am just curious. Thanks!
Pakistan will get kj-2000 bt in future.because we dnt hav any big size aircraft to mount Kj-2000 on it..
:pakistan::china:我认为应该把我们的核技术也应该和巴基斯坦兄弟分享I think we should put our technology should also share with Pakistan's brother
:pakistan::china:我认为应该把我们的核技术也应该和巴基斯坦兄弟分享I think we should put our technology should also share with Pakistan's brother

Bad idea,nuclear weapon is Pandora's Box,don't touch it~~~
Interesting images from KJ-200 interior including Cockpit, consoles etc. Similar configuration is expected for ZDK-03 AWACS. Also notice the new solid nose cone instead of previously seen glassed one.

The one which came to Pakistan and is shown above is the Y-8F400 variant, whose glass nose was removed and fitted with a solid cone nose. The Chinese KJ-200 are based on the Y-8F600 platform, which has the cockpit as shown above and it has many western input for export variant.

The model of the picture which wangrong posted, seems to have Y-8F600 platform, as the 600 variant has shorter nose cone compared to the 400 variant. And its performance is much better compared to earlier variants.

And most probably the PAF version would be coming with Honeywell avionics suite, P&W engines and a British R408 or so propeller systems, the 600 variant has 50% more fuel capacity compared to the older versions. As PAF prefers western systems.
I would prefer , we get the ILYushin platform 4 planes and instead of using it as tankers for refueling - put a AWAC radar on these planes

And get US boeing air refulers instead for our fleet ...

But that is just me

I would prefer , we get the ILYushin platform 4 planes and instead of using it as tankers for refueling - put a AWAC radar on these planes

And get US boeing air refulers instead for our fleet ...

But that is just me

Sometimes bigger is not better, requirements are to be seen.

If the ZDK-03 can do then job, then why need a much bigger platform to do the same job.

And 4 IL-78s are not gonna do the job, we need more platforms. Atleast 10-15 platforms would be needed to have a non stop AEW&C capability in case of an emergency.

Do you know how much it costs to acquire the Boeing platforms ??

Azad Bhai, its good to think with imagination with no boundaries, but in reality, a lot of factors decide about weapon systems and their procurement, like minimum requirement and specifications of the weapon system, operational and logistical issues, budget and then the maintenance issues in the long run.
Sometimes bigger is not better, requirements are to be seen.

If the ZDK-03 can do then job, then why need a much bigger platform to do the same job.

And 4 IL-78s are not gonna do the job, we need more platforms. Atleast 10-15 platforms would be needed to have a non stop AEW&C capability in case of an emergency.

Do you know how much it costs to acquire the Boeing platforms ??

Azad Bhai, its good to think with imagination with no boundaries, but in reality, a lot of factors decide about weapon systems and their procurement, like minimum requirement and specifications of the weapon system, operational and logistical issues, budget and then the maintenance issues in the long run.

Sir sorry for going off topic, but I just wanted to know that, are we getting all the remaining air refuellers this year ?
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