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Pakistan to get 2 nuclear reactors from China

Pakistan to receive grants for 25 projects in 2010-11

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission: China to provide a loan amounting to Rs 17.476 billion for Pakistan Nuclear Energy Programme in the next fiscal year 2010-11.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

well well well.....i always feel, is pakistan falling into another ditch ?
we all know pakistan arent in favour of american policies and america altogether but still dont contain guts to refuse USA in a straightforward manner like india use to do in kashmir issue and china in taiwan issue. the reason being loaded to death by millions and billions of AID and GRANT for past 60 years. (no offence, just putting a point forward).

now pakistan again going for billions of loan and grant from another country, which i dont think is helping its cause in a long term scenario. this showz its still interested in serving masters when being under a master has shown its adverse effects in recent years.(just an example). even india took aid from USSR, thanks to its collapse as it wasnt in a condition to dictate or india wud have been dancing to its tunes as of now. its a bitter truth that a country provides loans and grant to increase its influence and when matters the most can use it on its own tunes and terms.

power is a bad habit. it can lead u do bitter things for self profit. thats what we have seen in our lifetime so no denying it.

i personally feel , whether its indomania or indophobia, pakistan has only dug ditches for it. i know they are justified in doing so as their kashmir rhetoric has only brought them negetives from indian side covertly and overtly.

but i personally think, even china was under USSr influence and then under USA influence after its distances from soviet but thats where the point i want to make...CHINESE never played as to give any chance to any of these powerhouses to dictate terms. thats where diplomacy comes and pakistan has always been a loser in longterm issues in this case

sorry if the thread is not a proper one for discussion but i felt starting another one mite hinder forum bandwidth.
good neas to hear and i cnt wait to see pak-china military excercise long live pakchina friendship, and why america or india is worried about when pakistan's electric problems gona be solved aint it is a electric bomb which india fears of. Goodluck PAKCHIINA friendship for ever
hope it help reduce power crisis in pakistan , and does not produce what india and US suspect
hope it help reduce power crisis in pakistan , and does not produce what india and US suspect

And what that is ??

Do you guys even read before commenting ??

We already are making fissile material from our other reactors, uranium and plutonium both, we need no more reactors to produce more of this material, whatever we have is sufficient. We are not looking for thousands of them like US or USSR have.

These new reactors would be under IAEA safeguard like the other ones which are being used for peaceful purposes. Those which are gonna produce material for nukes are not publicized when being sold or developed.

They are quietly done and only told to the world through satellite pictures when they see something new, like in the case of Khushab Nuclear Complex.
its not ur problem its pakistans problem who are dieing for nuck deal

just ask them is only 2 reactors enough for them ???
2 are more then enough to free the existing reactors and make weapons on them..Oh can't wait to see Indians crying...>You are afraid of even UAv's and here we are talking about Nuclear Weapons..:rofl::devil:
its not ur problem its pakistans problem who are dieing for nuck deal

just ask them is only 2 reactors enough for them ???

Nobody is dieing for the nuke deal. Pakistan's making hue & cry has one reason to let the world know how US is biased and when we deal with China, so that we have the justification.

As Chinese terms and conditions are much favorable compared to US or others, but highlighting the issue is an important thing.

We did that and now we are going with the Chinese, so tomorrow if Us tries to say something, we have justification that you did it out of the way with India, so here is what we are doing.

And no, 2 are not enough, we are gonna go for further ones and this process will keep going.
Good news if true.

But can China conclude such an agreement which is in violation of NSG rules which state a member nation cant sign nuclear agreements or transfer materials without the explicit approval of the NSG.?
China says it signed agreement before entering into NPT hence it will not have any problem.
Good news if true.

But can China conclude such an agreement which is in violation of NSG rules which state a member nation cant sign nuclear agreements or transfer materials without the explicit approval of the NSG.?

If you read my prior posts, the articles quoted point out that

1. NSG compliance is voluntary and not enforceable
2. China and Pakistan are arguing that the new reactors are covered under the Sino-Pak NPP agreement that was entered into before China became an NSG member.
3. The US appears to be lukewarm to the idea of raising this issue in the NSG and contesting the Chinese argument that the deal is covered under the NPP agreement entered into before China became an NSG member.

The fact that we now have budgetary allocations and grants/loans for these projects indicate that the CHASNUPP III and IV projects are almost a certainty now.
Good news if true.

But can China conclude such an agreement which is in violation of NSG rules which state a member nation cant sign nuclear agreements or transfer materials without the explicit approval of the NSG.?

Yes in general it was not possible but after USA's exclusive waiver program for India has paved the way for China to take a stand for Pakistan in a similar deal. Like somebody said If USA can do for India then why can't do china for Pakistan?

Secondly the visit of Prime Minister to USA and Nuclear deal becoming the major part of that discussion and the reaction (positive response) from the USA all indicating it wouldn't be difficuilt for Pakistan to get at least these Nuclear reactors from China (if not from USA). If 1 country can be exempted from this waiver program then why not 2 nations?

I see more diplomacy invovled where the major players are USA, China, Pakistan, Iran, WoT etc and if USA wants Pakistan to "do more" she will have to fullfull our other demands too and that includes Nuclear deal upto some extents. Its all give and take invovle in this business.

Don't worry Karthic if NSG or USA were supposed to become a hurdle they would have already raised their voices/concerns in past 2 months when this deal news started circuling in Media. We are yet to hear anything from them can mean Silent approval in disguise?
China to build two nuclear reactors in Pakistan
Thursday, April 29, 2010 19:39 IST Email

Beijing: China today tacitly acknowledged that it will build two new nuclear reactors in Pakistan in a deal that could re-ignite persistent concerns about proliferation and safety of atomic materials in the restive South Asian nation.

After comments made by China National Nuclear Cooperation (CNNC) that it would build at least two new 650 MW reactors at Chashma in Pakistan, a foreign ministry spokesman said the two countries had been cooperating in the field of nuclear energy, without referring to the report.

Jiang Yu, affirmed that Beijing's cooperation with Islamabad in the field of nuclear energy was in consistence with international obligations under IAEAs supervision.

Jiang said that this cooperation respects international obligation for peaceful use of nuclear energy and accepts IAEAs regulations and supervision.

The Chinese spokesperson did not directly refer to financing of the two new reactors.

Under the new agreement China is proposing to build two more reactors in Chashma, located on the outskirts of Rawalpindi.

Beijing already has built a nuclear reactor at the spot in 1991 and is nearing completion of the second reactor, work on which began in 2005, Financial Times reported.

The paper said the decision to supply reactors to Pakistan, which has a nuclear arsenal and a record of dealing with rogue states like North Korea, Libya and Iran, reflects Beijing's growing diplomatic confidence.

"It also reflects Beijing's ambition to become a global supplier of nuclear energy and underscores its views of Pakistan as a prized South Asian strategic partner.

The paper quoted a Pakistani government official as saying, "Our Chinese brothers have once again lived up to our expectations. They have agreed to continue to cooperate with us in nuclear energy field."

The CNNC said on its website that the two governments had signed an agreement to finance the construction of the two reactors in February.

Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute said it had been hired to design the two reactors.

The Financial Times quoting Western diplomats in Islamabad said that US was likely to accept China's growing role as a supplier of nuclear power to Pakistan.

The confirmation of Chinese assistance in building to more reactors in Pakistan comes even as the country's president Hu Jintao recently told a nuclear summit in Washington convened by US president that Beijing formally opposes nuclear weapon's proliferation, while backing its civilian uses.

The Washington summit was held in the backdrop of US concerns over security of fissile material in Pakistan where al-Qaeda and Taliban militants are trying to clandestinely acquire these weapons.

Mark Hibbs, senior associate at the United States Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Nuclear Policy Programme said that China had decided to go ahead with the deal because "for political reasons it felt Pakistan should be compensated in some way for the US-India nuclear deal."

"After the dust settled on the US-India nuclear deal, China gravitated towards a position that it will support nuclear commerce if it benefits Chinese industry," he said in his analysis posted on the Carnegie website.

He said the Obama administration could well not oppose China's new nuclear deal with Pakistan because it wanted to keep Pakistan engaged in Afghanistan and gain Chinese support over Iran's nuclear programme.

He also said the US would find it difficult to oppose China's support for Pakistan after signing the US-India civil nuclear agreement.

Western diplomats in Islamabad said the US was likely to accept China's growing role as a supplier of nuclear power to Pakistan, Financial Times reported.

"As long as China is not arming Pakistan with nuclear bombs, this kind of co-operation helps to deal with Pakistan's frustration over not securing a civil nuclear agreement with the US," said one western official.

"It's not a perfect outcome," it said.

If you read my prior posts, the articles quoted point out that

1. NSG compliance is voluntary and not enforceable

If it is so they y did India go thru the gruelling NSG voting wen the US,Russia,France,UK were all supporting our stand.We could ve just went ahead and signed the deal with as many countries as we wanted.In NSG the assent of each and every country is necessary to do nuclear trade.
So no my friend they r not voluntary nor non-enforceable.the NSG rules are binding on it s members.

2. China and Pakistan are arguing that the new reactors are covered under the Sino-Pak NPP agreement that was entered into before China became an NSG member.

Agreed.If they had signed a deal ,not just agreed verbally then the Chinese have the full rights to honour this contract outside the NSG ambit.

3. The US appears to be lukewarm to the idea of raising this issue in the NSG and contesting the Chinese argument that the deal is covered under the NPP agreement entered into before China became an NSG member.

That depends.But u can surely expect probs and protest from the non-proliferation hawks (just as we encountered) and remember inside the NSG there is one and only country that has the influence to bring all the members in line - US.
the Chinese are buyers in NSG not sellers.So get hold of US and ur problems willl be solved.

The fact that we now have budgetary allocations and grants/loans for these projects indicate that the CHASNUPP III and IV projects are almost a certainty now.

I heard in Indian TV that China is gonna fund 80% of the project cost..True..?
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