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Pakistan to free Mullah Baradar this month

Terrorist for one party doesn't mean terrorist for every party
Pakistan enjoyed their company before and her border were very safe during the period of their rule

You don't want to address the issue I raised, so you made that irrelevant flame-line. You are unable to do anything about your govt releasing foreign terrorists into your society, so instead of addressing that, you choose to bring India into the discussion.

If you want an answer for that silly line, here it is: No, Indians don't care how many terrorists Pakistan releases into Pakistan. Enjoy their company. The only thing burning is the lands that terrorists set on fire, and that ain't India.
Terrorist for one party doesn't mean terrorist for every party
Pakistan enjoyed their company before and her border were very safe during the period of their rule

Ah yes, the good terrorist v/s bad terrorist, the good Taliban v/s bad Taliban dilemma. Anyway, as I said, it is irrelevant for Indians. Pakistan can enjoy their company, and sort out whether they are the good ones or the bad ones. Call them terrorists or freedom fighters or gods, it doesn't matter to Indians.

Yes, your border may have been safe, but do you know what sort of a society they created with Pakistani help One in which you would never ever wish to live.

And by the way, do you know why Pakistan is not safe anymore? Because the whole quetta shura is based in Pakistan now, and they have spread their poisonous ideology to Pakistan. Now the Taliban problem is Pakistan's problem as well, not just an afghan one.

So yes, continue welcoming primitive ideologies like theirs into your country. I'm sure they will help Pakistan achieve greatness.:wave:
if it's irrelevant then why r u wasting ur time on so long posts ? :cheesy:
let us live with our peaceful neighbors :)

and we know what is going on in Quetta, it's our city ;) we never asked any help from SUPER POWER in our east :omghaha:

Ah yes, the good terrorist v/s bad terrorist, the good Taliban v/s bad Taliban dilemma. Anyway, as I said, it is irrelevant for Indians. Pakistan can enjoy their company, and sort out whether they are the good ones or the bad ones. Call them terrorists or freedom fighters or gods, it doesn't matter to Indians.

Yes, your border may have been safe, but do you know what sort of a society they created with Pakistani help One in which you would never ever wish to live.

And by the way, do you know why Pakistan is not safe anymore? Because the whole quetta shura is based in Pakistan now, and they have spread their poisonous ideology to Pakistan. Now the Taliban problem is Pakistan's problem as well, not just an afghan one.

So yes, continue welcoming primitive ideologies like theirs into your country. I'm sure they will help Pakistan achieve greatness.:wave:
Ah yes, the good terrorist v/s bad terrorist, the good Taliban v/s bad Taliban dilemma. Anyway, as I said, it is irrelevant for Indians. Pakistan can enjoy their company, and sort out whether they are the good ones or the bad ones. Call them terrorists or freedom fighters or gods, it doesn't matter to Indians.

This is a very relative term. For USA good talibans are the one who are creating problems in Pakistan and for which they support them whole heartedly. Bad taliban are those who are attacking ISAF forces.

For Pakistan those taliban who are attacking ISAF are not an issue because they are not doing anything against Pakistan. Issue is TTP which has been created by uncle sam. So the definition reverses.

Afghan Talibans are those who took control of Afghanistan without firing a single bullet. USA was the one which pulled them into picking arms. Just because as per Afghan traditions they refused to hand over OBL to USA as long as he was their guest. Afghan Taliban govt was accepted by USA and had their full support until they were fighting against USSR under the name of Mujaheden.

Yes, your border may have been safe, but do you know what sort of a society they created with Pakistani help One in which you would never ever wish to live.

This is a fact. Pakistan did not have to worry about western boarders until USA intervened in Afghanistan. Tribes of FATA were taking good care of the situation.
And by the way, do you know why Pakistan is not safe anymore? Because the whole quetta shura is based in Pakistan now, and they have spread their poisonous ideology to Pakistan. Now the Taliban problem is Pakistan's problem as well, not just an afghan one.

For this we are very thankful to USA and other international powers including few of the ME countries.
if it's irrelevant then why r u wasting ur time on so long posts ? :cheesy:
let us live with our peaceful neighbors :)

and we know what is going on in Quetta, it's our city ;) we never asked any help from SUPER POWER in our east :omghaha:

Because it is an international forum, and people from all nationalities contribute. If you don't like that, take it up with the management. You will see Pakistanis commenting in Indian threads, and vice versa. You will see Indians commenting in arab threads, and vice versa. That is the nature of this forum. Get used to it.

I did not drag India into this in my posts, until your comment about something burning in India.

For this we are very thankful to USA and other international powers including few of the ME countries.

Don't you think Pakistanis should accept some blame as well? Do you think the entire Taliban leadership can operate from one city in Pakistan,, without the connivance of the army and ISI? Are foreigners alone to blame?
Don't you think Pakistanis should accept some blame as well? Do you think the entire Taliban leadership can operate from one city in Pakistan,, without the connivance of the army and ISI? Are foreigners alone to blame?
Original Talibans were never a threat to Pakistan and they did not do anything for which they were pounced. Had USA not intervened, there would have been peace in both the countries. If they were implementing Islamic Laws in their country and their people were happy, USA had no right to intervene. If someone refers to 9/11, it is pure BS and an eye wash for general public.

Pakistan Army and ISI will do what is in the interest of Pakistan. Just like CIA works for interest of USA, RAW for India, MOSSAD for Israel, KGB for Russia, MI6 of UK and KHAD for Afghanistan. If it was in the interest of Pakistan to support original taliban to have a friendly boarder on west be it. Pakistan gets priority as far as PA and ISI is concerned and no one has a right to point finger.

To conclude ISI and PA is not involved in nurturing any terrorist activities.
By Fakhar ur-Rehman, Producer, NBC News
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan is set to release the Afghan Taliban’s former second-in-command to help facilitate the peace process in neighboring Afghanistan, a Pakistani official told NBC News on Tuesday.
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was close to the Taliban’s reclusive leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, who gave him his nom de guerre "Baradar" or "brother." He was captured in Pakistan in 2010.
"We have decided in principle to release Mullah Baradar and he will be released at an appropriate time," Pakistan foreign office spokesman Azaz Chaudry said. "He will be released soon, but will not be handed over to the Afghan government.”
He would not elaborate on when exactly the release would come. Seven members of the Afghan Taliban have been let go by the Pakistanis in the last week.
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Baradar's release is key to Afghanistan's efforts to kick-start the stalled peace process as NATO prepares to pull out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 and anxiety grows over what will happen to the country once international troops leave.
Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai has spent years calling for Baradar’s release because he believes the former number-two is more open to dialogue than many of his comrades.
"Obviously, President Karzai wanted us to do this. This was one of Karzai’s requests,” Sartaj Aziz, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s adviser on foreign affairs, told NBC News. “It’s a confidence building measure from our part towards the Afghan government."
Aziz added that the release was part of Pakistan's "strategy for reconciliation in Afghanistan.We are trying to persuade the Taliban to speak to the Afghan High Peace Council, though there is no progress yet."
American officials in Kabul declined to comment on the imminent release.
Michael Keating, consulting professor at Chatham House, said the timing of the release of a major Taliban leader on the eve of the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks is “very odd, but I would be very surprised if it has anything to do with Pakistan’s relationship with the U.S.
Slideshow: Afghanistan: Nation at a crossroads

Shah Marai / AFP - Getty Images
More than ten years after the beginning of the war, Afghanistan faces external pressure to reform as well as ongoing internal conflicts.

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“My understanding is that his release is symbolic, and important, because it is a signal that Pakistan does not want to get in the way of efforts to get a reconciliation started [between Afghanistan and the Taliban].”
Senior partner with the security firm Flashpoint Intelligence and an NBC consultant on terrorism Evan Kohlmann agreed the timing of Baradar’s release was not significant.
“I do not think it’s deliberate,” he said. “It is largely to do with politics between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The timing is just a coincidence, but it is difficult to say whether it will have lasting repercussions with the U.S.”
Kohlmann added that the Taliban identified Baradar as "one of the leaders of our movement" in a breathless profile of him calling readers to “Get to Know Sheikh Mullah Baradar” in the group's official Al-Somod magazine in November 2007.
Aziz, Pakistan's top diplomat, said the release was very significant. "Of course, his release is important. He was the Taliban number two. He was one of the most important men in that movement and government."
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Sharif will arrive in Turkey on Sept. 16 for an official visit that is expected to include discussions about Afghanistan with his Turkish counterpart.
NBC News' Jamieson Lesko, Alexander Smith, Wajahat S. Khan and Reuters contributed to this report.
Pakistan set to release Taliban's former second-in-command - World News
Man if they will not hand him over to Afghanistan what else they would do
Original Talibans were never a threat to Pakistan and they did not do anything for which they were pounced. Had USA not intervened, there would have been peace in both the countries. If they were implementing Islamic Laws in their country and their people were happy, USA had no right to intervene. If someone refers to 9/11, it is pure BS and an eye wash for general public.

Pakistan Army and ISI will do what is in the interest of Pakistan. Just like CIA works for interest of USA, RAW for India, MOSSAD for Israel, KGB for Russia, MI6 of UK and KHAD for Afghanistan. If it was in the interest of Pakistan to support original taliban to have a friendly boarder on west be it. Pakistan gets priority as far as PA and ISI is concerned and no one has a right to point finger.

To conclude ISI and PA is not involved in nurturing any terrorist activities.

Oh! there is oil in Afghanistan. USA killed Osama in Pakistan. USA gave a message to world "if you pinch me, I will bite you" and you still beleieve that 9/11 was internal job..
don't mention. I know its international
you said it's irrelevant and yet so long posts for an irrelevant stuff ?

Because it is an international forum, and people from all nationalities contribute. If you don't like that, take it up with the management. You will see Pakistanis commenting in Indian threads, and vice versa. You will see Indians commenting in arab threads, and vice versa. That is the nature of this forum. Get used to it.
don't mention. I know its international
you said it's irrelevant and yet so long posts for an irrelevant stuff ?

It is irrelevant to India. But not irrelevant to Pakistan, or to the topic of this thread.

And as you can see, all my posts have been strictly on topic, and I did not mention India until you unnecessarily did.
Why would pakistan release an afghan national "straight into pakisatan", or is he a pakistani national

he was the second in command of Mullah Omar the Afghan Taliban leader.

Pakistan will and is freeing key Afghan Taliban leaders because Karzai was crying that unless they are not released his govt will find itself in hot boiling soup and wont be able to negotiate with Taliban for future govt and peace in Afghanistan.

When Pakistan refused to release him, Karzai was running around pointing fingers at Pakistan that since Pakistan is not releasing him hence peace process cant be taken forward.

SO end of the story is we releasing him and others on demand of Kabul for peace talks.

AND FYI he was Governor of Herat during Taliban rule.
Why would pakistan release an afghan national "straight into pakisatan", or is he a pakistani national

They will not just free in anywhere in Pakistan! First they will take him to Afghanistan and their he will be free for peace talks only.
1. Pakistan should release all the Taliban people held in jails and allow them to return to Afghanistan or allow them to settle.

2. The only next logical step should be that to maintain peace and harmony; there should be peaceful negotiations with them and FATA should be handed over to them for implementation of Shariah, just like they want. After all they are good Taliban, what wrong could those holy souls do?
ooooooooo India is so much sympathetic to Pakistan :omghaha:

even if u don't admit we know India has very much concerns about it :azn:
other wise Indian members wouldn't been posting essays like comments here. NO one has so much free time

It is irrelevant to India. But not irrelevant to Pakistan, or to the topic of this thread.

And as you can see, all my posts have been strictly on topic, and I did not mention India until you unnecessarily did.
Oh! there is oil in Afghanistan. USA killed Osama in Pakistan. USA gave a message to world "if you pinch me, I will bite you" and you still beleieve that 9/11 was internal job..

My opinion about 9/11 is based on professional experience.
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