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Pakistan to follow Saudi de-radicalisation policy: Malik


You'r a sweet guy - but you must read posts throughly -- What arabization means to you is not what this is about. And you are exactly right that society will react against this straight jacket.

The thread is about a Saudi solution to De-radicalization -- Do you know anything about this solution?? It involves De-programming, now in the Saudi context, it makes sense to their problem -- how does that solution make sense in our context?? Are the poor and destitute (if there are such there) of arabia the radicals? or is it the well to do educated?? and is that the same in Pakistan??

Please do think about stuff

This isn't about 64 years ago - radicalization has occurred primarily because in Pakistan, we equate Islam with arab, and after the Afghan experiecne Jihad has become social currency in Pakistan -- and now our solution is to go the same people from whom we imported this vile understanding and seek their "solution" -- If you have even a days experience in arms, you will know that the enemy is best dead, not rehabilitated so that he or she can be a problem down the line.

See, Aeronaut, this stuff, it's not just DATA, it's religious conviction -- Let God sort them out, our job should be to dispatch them to whatever god they accept.

fake "liberalists"? Secular fascists, -- call us any name you want, but just realize that people are not stupid, they know what they are experiencing.

When you have a sickness , symptoms come along. All what you describe are mare symptoms , the sickness is bigger than what everyone seems to thinks. Look at the % of youth in Pakistan and then look at the % of unemployment in Pakistan , you shall find a link between our manpower and salafi , takfeeri mullah's suicide bomber manufacturing machine !

Researches show that a country sees a rise in criminal activity in time of economic despair , people look towards loopholes and fake revolutionaries. Read about post WWI and pre WWII Germany and you shall know what i am talking about.

Include the circumstances i have described in above post and you have a toxic mix of panic , disappointed youth , existential fear , poverty , no sense of direction and what not - all ingredients needed for takfeeri suicide factory.

In my opinion our politicians and corruption are the reason for this terror phenomenon. Make Pakistan a prosperous and economically strong country where everyone has a job and lots to lose and then find me a suicide bomber or even a takfeeri mullah and his factory.

* I dont give a crap about one being a fascist , secularist , Nazi , Zionist etc as long as they talk sense and don't put their head in the sand.
There you have it, the solution to the problem of Islam and arabization , is to be more Islam and more arabization - from the frying pan in to the fire

You are loosing all my respect buddy.
Taking Rehman Malik seriously, who gives a sh!t about what Malik says...
You are loosing all my respect buddy.
Taking Rehman Malik seriously, who gives a sh!t about what Malik says...

Really? And I'm your buddy? Your religion is the same as that of terrorists who have put Pakistan to the sword - and so if you are offended "buddy" - you and your terrorists can take a hike
And if we could recite the surah e Ikhlass, would it become more palatable for Pakistan to employ Saudi De-radicalization know how?

Is there any proposition that Pakistanis do not see through the lens of religion??

Not even then muse, bcaz the system which he is talking about is not that bad, but since it contains the word 'saudi' which is itsel enough to annoy majority of pakistanis as whatever extremism we currently see is result of saudi funded ideology that was being imposed through madressas.
nclude the circumstances i have described in above post and you have a toxic mix of panic , disappointed youth , existential fear , poverty , no sense of direction and what not - all ingredients needed for takfeeri suicide factory.

The point you refuse to concede is that with the Molotov cocktail you describe, needs someone to light a fire, someone to show how it's done, why it should be done, how it is justified -- right? And you know that those showing them to do it are "Qari" and "Mullah" and you know the justification is that we are "murtad" and you know that it is a "farz" to do Jihad -- Arabian ideology and we want their solution??

In my opinion our politicians and corruption are the reason for this terror phenomenon. Make Pakistan a prosperous and economically strong country where everyone has a job and lots to lose and then find me a suicide bomber or even a takfeeri mullah and his factory.

It's like saying in your opinion the sky is blue - no one is going to disagree that politicians are awful -- but if you want a pakistan that is prosperous, that requires a change in the value system, one which greater priority on living and succeeding in this life and in that way succeeding in Akhira, not a ideology and value system that glorifies jihad and death
You see the point as long as the petro $$$$ are coming in we will be slaves to whatever is in store for us.

May Allah tallah give strength to pak to overcome these hideous designs by those hypocrite countries …….

@ Muse

Bro its a brilliant move...you might have interpreted it as arabization but its not. To follow the Saudi policy of deradicalization..means two things (One in short term and second in long term).

Short term:
Setting up derasicalization schools, which have successfully been implemented in Swat and now there is a need for more such schools so that the former radicals could become part of the mainstream society.

Long term:
Do what the Saudi govt has done, i.e Institutionalize the Mullahs...evident from the recent Fatwa by Saudi cleric that rising against the Saudi royal family is forbidden. By institutionalizing the Mullahs, u can effectively tame the extremists and make them part of the mainstream society.

I was always telling this to all my friends that these Saudi policies are so effective, that u can see the results on ground, there are so many extremist groups who have so many Saudi nationals, but have u ever heard of a major terror incident on Saudi soil..Never..this means they have effectively controlled and tamed their extremists...and thus Pakistan should follow suite and implement these new policies.
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