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Pakistan to face consequences in case of another attack on US, India: UK scholar

Grab the article and start a thread highlighting Malik's comments in the thread title.


You'll have 500 replies by tomorrow.:lol:

Seriously, it looks good. Quotes are attributed to actual people who've real bearing on the matter. I'd look to see if any other papers have picked up on the story. If Malik's comments were at a press conference, somebody else ought to be running this story.
Music to the ears.... insallahhhhhhhhhhhh


You forgot to mention the other part you cynical being. We do have the luxury of levelling you to ground zero. Now choke on it Hindu macaca. Something we will do very gladly by the way. Regardless of what happens, you will always be our prime target. That compensates all the worries and miseries of this world.
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You forgot to mention the other part you cynical being. We do have the luxury of levelling you to ground zero. Now choke on it Hindu macaca. Something we will do very gladly by the way. Regardless of what happens, you will always be our prime target. That compensates all the worries and miseries of this world.

...And the mentality of a typical Pakistani in a nutshell.

And you wonder why Pakistan has no peace.
My friends i have a feeling that ground is being set for a false attack to pressurize us. But let the enemies of Pakistan know that if we are pushed against the wall, we will nuke the sh** out of our enemies.
............The wise thing to do is to announce truce in our Tribal areas and tell the US to fend for itself. If they still need us, they will have to pay the right price at the least; no more free bees and rantings of "Do More" free of charge.

I am very doubtful if wise thngs will ever emerge from Pakistan establishment. It has not happened in 60 years and I see no hopes in near future. Anyone can use Pakistan by showing the India mirror.. USA and China both have been doing it ... Brain of Pakistan goes in frozen mode once they hear word India. Frozen brains can't be wise my friend..

friends you are failing to see the big picture,
the US wants a permanent military base in afganistan from where they can control central asia and south asia its playing the sametrick that USSR tried in the 80s.
it wants major bases around the world to control the various resourses. natural resources will be the main reason for war in the future so it wants to aleninate its major threats ,china,russia,middle east by encircling them with major bases while they enjoy the resources of the world all by themselves.

friends you are failing to see the big picture,
the US wants a permanent military base in afganistan from where they can control central asia and south asia its playing the sametrick that USSR tried in the 80s.
it wants major bases around the world to control the various resourses. natural resources will be the main reason for war in the future so it wants to aleninate its major threats ,china,russia,middle east by encircling them with major bases while they enjoy the resources of the world all by themselves.


i agree,we are totally missing the big picture thx moscow to remind us :pakistan::china:
cheetah while you are right abt Bush thing the problem is that Obama is no less and neither is Hilary Clinton, both having descirbed Pakistan as epicenter for terror echoing Manmohans words.

there is a perception even in IA circles that political decision to strike was not made under US pressure as US wants to see how much can GoP and PA deliver and what is the equation. With obama clearly stating that the afghan theater and pakistan are the places to win the war against terror in, the situation is turbulent especially with induction of more US troops and infrastructure development as also now I am corroborating for first time that IA is moving, now their peacetime units have finally begun to move ...... so far the impending war was only in media .... and empty threats but now troops are moving .....

hilary clinton clearly rebuked obama on attacking pakistan. any land invasion of pakistan by either india or the u.s. is really off the map cause the least it would do is unite all muslims liberal, secular, jihadis, etc. or anyone opposed to zionists and neo-con terrorist thugs hegemonic plans over the region...

lets suppose if the u.s. goes to war with pak (which the indians would love to see), which has a possibility of i think less than 1%, then you can say goodbye to the U.S. hegemony in south asia and middle east as all of their military bases in the region come under pak's missiles ranges...another interesting thing is that paks tribal areas are not deserts or plains, its all hills and mountains in the tribal areas, so for the u.s. to go into those areas even with all sorts of high-tech weaponry would quadruple their casualties...

secondly, u.s. simply cannot afford another military conflict....iraq war would cost them close to a trillion dollars by the time they pull out, and iraq's population and military might is a fraction of pakistan's, so try guessing how many trillion dollars would it cost the u.s. to go to war with pak? the most the u.s. would do is keep installing corrupt regimes in pak to accomplish their objectives...

thirdly, no matter how much GOI or indians cry and wine about destroying or attacking pakistan, or making futile attempt to label it as a failed or terrorist state, the fact remains that if the U.S. cant afford another war, how the hell is it possible that india could afford one with half of its population living far below the poverty line and in slums?

last but not least, the u.s. is in a great recession now, and the worst one since the great depression. bush senior didnt opt for a full scale invasion of iraq in early 90s because the u.s. was still recovering from economic crisis...so anyone who thinks obama will go for one has got to be a mad man...

therefore this article is just another attempt by zionists/neo con terrorist thugs to scare and subdue pak's completely ...which im sure they'll never accomplish
we gotta make ICBMs ; give Iran Nuclear Weapons with a deal of couple Bln ; cut NATO supplies ; support Taliban in Afganistan to overthrow Karzi Government ; get J-10s from China ; prepare the army for a short n brutal war ;stop us for restocking from India capture India first than go for an attack on Israel when US n India is completely lost launch a assault on Europe with the help of Turkey and make Turkey land bigger and make Turkey leave NATO after it get 110 F-35s ; with the help of china assault Japan n other US territories such as near of hawiia if we are losing war ; simply Launch ICBMs on US states n the whole India/Israel :cheers:..wait for US,Israel n India to come vs Pakistan n Iran and remmember death before disgrace my grandfathers brother was in Pakistan army in 1965 he lay downd when India tanks came and blow himself up.

Hello SherdiL i didnt know you are so much talented on designing a war. I heard Brzezinski is waiting for your consultation. Yeah pak can do all these....we wish pak will get involved in the war against terror and US and Isreal for another 10 years. That should be long enough for india to get ready :)....
Pakistan is not Iraq or afghan its a sovereign country. USA don't have either the resource or guts to fight against Pakistan. On the other hand i doubt why would Pakistan attack USA. they had been defense alliance and are still working together on western border. This person who wrote the article is just unaware about the ground fact. India would not like to attack Pakistan because that means Taliban + Pakistan = bad consequences for Indian , Pakistan and rest of the world. If we cant be friends lets not be stupid and mindless enemy.
Pakistan is not Iraq or afghan its a sovereign country. USA don't have either the resource or guts to fight against Pakistan. On the other hand i doubt why would Pakistan attack USA. they had been defense alliance and are still working together on western border. This person who wrote the article is just unaware about the ground fact. India would not like to attack Pakistan because that means Taliban + Pakistan = bad consequences for Indian , Pakistan and rest of the world. If we cant be friends lets not be stupid and mindless enemy.

Thanks man. You are really talking sensible.

I agree with you every but the 'bold' statement. Do not take such things for granted. All USA cares about is USA. Nothing less, nothing more. Pakistan is in this position only because USA is getting something from it. If the need ends, relations will also change.

You are also correct about that Taliban + Pakistan thing. But, amongst all, the consequences will be worst for Pakistan. Talibanis are not a match even if half the world decides to stand in opposition. But as this war will be fought on Pakistani soil, Pakistan may get paralyzed for ages to come.
usa cares for itself everyone knows that. thats why they would not like to get into another war.
and as for consequence pakistan will suffer but indians or may be americans( i doubt it cause of geogrophy) will face a heavy toll as well.
rajk, Pakistani brain does not go in frozen mode, Case in point is war of 1948 and 1965. 1970 war was an intnerferance by India in Pakistani internal affairs as India trained Mukti buhini years before Pak Elections and also it is just that we cannot keep up with lies, cheating and assumptions as we are God fearing Life loving people, if pushed against the wall, will fight back and we have nukes, we will use em to protect ourselves you have them too, but after it is finish the scenario will be that Indian subcontinent will not be worth living.

I know Indians will survive cause they are more in numbers, but remember subcontinent will not be worth living.

And yes you made mockery of a gentleman who's father was a Pakistani Hero when he laid down his life in sialkot is not acceptable, remember you are on forum called PAKDEFENCE, and the person you mocked was a Pakistani Army soldier.

an apology is in order.

Hay JU80 Another Indian making fun of the person who said we will use nukes is that Indians and other stab you in the back, they think the same as we do, but are sneaky to not to say it, A quality of a Hyena.
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usa cares for itself everyone knows that. thats why they would not like to get into another war.
and as for consequence pakistan will suffer but indians or may be americans( i doubt it cause of geogrophy) will face a heavy toll as well.

No, no....USA can get into another war.

Or most certainly, it will. They need wars all over the world to keep their weapon exports running.

Yes, it is unlikely USA will do it ALONE, but it may try to involve India and other friendly nations and eventually increase their exports. So, war against Pakistan may fuel US economy instead of harming it. Also, US govt needs a strong issue to divert people's attention from Iraq blunder. For Pakistan, they have 'Fight against Terror' card. And it is highly unlikely for this card to turn fruitless.
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