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Pakistan: The Next US Target

Just watch 9/11 Fahrenheit... You will see that Karzai is just a consultant hired by US firms related ti Dick Cheney. The Afghans were added in WOT after the blocking of the oil route from southern Russian republiks hrough Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now they hate Pakistani cause Gwadar is made by and lots for China... Not strange to make this more instable, try to remove Ahmedinejad and India building port in southern Iran...

It is pretty much oil and nothing related to real WOT (if that exists cause lot of people start explaining that it was a setup by GWB)... Unfortunately hatred against islam and killing of innocent people...

Watching Michel's 9/11 showed that arabs are part of the WOT idea... Strange that they are never portrayed as the real terrorists...
well i dnt think so US will attack pakistan, i am sure he's gona try his best, but he wont be accomplished as US noes pakistan is very strong nation and pakistan would do anytink to protect his people.
however all teh opposition parties in US are against this and i heard tht in news, they were protesting against this.
Is a US attack on Pakistan Imminent?

By Usman Khalid, Director London Institute of South Asia

Pakistan is nervous; it cannot believe that the USA can turn on its ally so fast and easy. The escalation of the ‘terror war’ to include Pakistan was announced by President Bush himself. He proclaimed a new war theatre in Pakistan alongside Iraq and Afghanistan. He said, “ They are all theatres in the same overall struggle. In all three places, extremists are using violence and terror in an attempt to impose their ideology on whole populations." But President Bush is dead wrong; the nature of the war in the three countries in quite different.

In Iraq, the resistance to US occupation is organised by sectarian militias who are not excluded from participation in politics; they even have representation in government. In Afghanistan, the resistance is carried out primarily by the Pashtun majority, which is represented in government only by traitors and turncoats. Pakistan is not occupied; there is no resistance as such. In Pakistan, the main terrorist organisation - Tehrik i Taliban Pakistan (TTP) – has political aims and it seeks to capture and control territory. The TTP is sponsored by the CIA, which provides it money, weapons and equipment. However, all the three countries are similar as the American aim is the same – to fragment the country and impose unpopular/ weak government who will bend to their will.

Although the story came out several weeks ago, the people Pakistan are still stunned by the revelation of the TTP being CIA sponsored. The public first came to know of this in the newspapers that during the visit of Prime Minister Gilani to the USA, his staff showed evidence of CIA support to TTP. Tt took some courage to tell the USA that the ‘foreign support’ to Baitullah Mehsud came from the USA. One thought it would put the USA on the defensive that those being accused and targeted by America for cross-border raids have been trained and supported by the US. Instead, the USA ratcheted up its propaganda against Pakistan. Baitullah Mehsud moves freely throughout the region promoting terrorism that will justify American actions. His men possess the most-advanced communication and possibly even satellite intelligence. Pakistan army took a long time to read the signs because it just could not believe that the USA could resort to such diabolical stratagem against its ‘ally’.

The Army Chief, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani announced on September 10, that the coalition forces would not be allowed to operate inside Pakistan. His statement came within hours of the testimony by US Chief of Joint Staff, Admiral Mullen, that the strategy for the war in Afghanistan had been revised and that targets in Pakistan would be struck without prior notice or warning to Pakistan. General Kayani expressed outrage at the US helicopter raid near Angor Adda on the Pakistan Afghan border that lasted 30-minute; three houses owned by the Wazir tribesmen were the target of the raid that killed 15 people, including women and children. What added insult to injury was the report that Prime Minister Gilani's National Security Adviser Major General (retd) Mehmud Durrani formally wrote to his US counterpart Steve Hadley, on September 5, warning that Pakistan would not allow any foreign forces to operate on its territory. In his letter, Durrani made it clear that the rules of engagements of the coalition forces were well defined and there was no provision that allowed the US/NATO forces in Afghanistan to operate inside Pakistan.

On Thursday, September 11, the Pakistan Army was given permission to retaliate against any action by foreign troops inside the country. The same day, the Pakistan ambassador to the US also met some national security advisers of the Bush administration and got the assurance that the US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan would not operate inside Pakistan or launch any strike. As if to rub salt in the wound, the same night the coalition forces launched another missile attack on Miranshah, killing more than 12 people. What is happening? What is the USA up to? More important, what can Pakistan do?

Clearly, the USA is stung by Pakistan discovering who is the real enemy. Pakistan has decided to liquidate the TTP and is succeeding with popular support. The USA should have been satisfied that the Pakistan Army is pursuing the TTP, but it is not. Clearly, the TTP is the excuse not the target. The American objective is to destabilise Pakistan. I refer to the article titled ‘The Destabilisation of Pakistan’ by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research, Canada, in which it was revealed, l before 18 February elections, that the USA sees an opportunity in the elections to advance its agenda and is supporting the terrorists inside Pakistan towards that end. He wrote:

“Washington will push for a compliant political leadership, with no commitment to the national interest, a leadership which will serve US imperial interests, while concurrently contributing under the disguise of "decentralization", to the weakening of the central government and the fracture of Pakistan's fragile federal structure.”…. "U.S. Special Forces are expected to vastly expand their presence. The official justification and pretext… to extend the "war on terrorism". Concurrently, to justify its counter-terrorism program, Washington is also beefing up its covert support to the "terrorists."

It has become apparent that the insurgency in the FATA and elsewhere in NWFP is aided and abetted by the US. It wants to weaken the control of the federal government over the provinces and regions of Pakistan and it does not care whether it is achieved by Islamists or by ethnic nationalists. It supports the BLA as well as Baitullah Mehsud. It maintains its contacts with the MQM, the ANP, Baloch Nationalists as well as the JUI. It came to court the PPP as it concluded it was not overly concerned with ‘national interests’. The economic conditions have been deteriorating so fast that the economy is being described as close to ‘melt-down’. The only remaining condition yet to be met for ‘destabilisation’ to become unstoppable is the ‘demonisation’ of the Pakistan Army.

That explains why General Kayani’s defiant statement was quickly followed by another Predator attack. Now the ball is in General Kayani’s court; will he be the one to blink first? Will he be forced by his civilian masters – Zardari and Gilani – not to follow up on his promise and become subject of ridicule. But Pakistan has options. First and foremost, the objectives of the so-called ‘war on terror’ would have to be revised; it must henceforth deal exclusively with clearing FATA and Swat of TTP, and pacifying the area. The approach of the people of Pakistan towards the US has been transformed by the raid on Pakistan’s soil. Until now, they thought that the US presence in Afghanistan was no threat to Pakistan. They had a benign view of the war despite the horrendous civilian casualties. They thought the war brought funds for development and democracy in its wake. Now the support for US presence in the region is zero. The people see the USA as the main enemy; the so-called extremists are the proxies and surrogates of the USA.

Second, the firm forthrightness of the Army Chief has made him popular and brought admiration for the armed forces, instead of being demonised. The PPP, who felt secure in power after the elevation of its co-chairman to the office of the President, is likely to feel threatened. The Prime Minster has already said that his Government would deal with the situation through diplomacy. But if the bombs continue to rain in FATA and more helicopter raids occur, the people would be outraged and demand retaliation. What would the Government do? It is time to be cool and act; diplomacy rarely works when it is mere talk. Since most of the raids are by air, Pakistan needs to deploy anti-aircraft weapons to protect outposts and villages. The USA and NATO would need to be informed that violation of air space would be considered ‘hostile’ and dealt with as such.

US and NATO forces in Afghanistan depend on supply from or transit through Pakistan for a number of things. None need to stop but accidents do happen. After all, the USA did not solicit the assassination of Benazir Bhutto; they just let Baitullah Mehsud go through with what he was planning any way. After deployment of anti-aircraft weapons on the border and ‘go slow’ strike on the tail from Karachi to Kheybar, the ball would be in the US court. It could take another step on the escalation ladder or sense might prevail. However, Pakistan cannot afford to blink first. There will be rows between the civil and military leadership and it is hard to tell if the military advice would be accepted. But the Zardari Administration is already on the wrong side of the public opinion on the issue of restoration of the judges made dysfunctional by General Musharraf. He will be on the wrong side of the public opinion once again if he did nothing in the face of mounting casualties of soldiers and civilians a the hands of the USA.

On this forum, it is clear that a majority is persuaded that the TTP and insurrgency in Balouchistan, Waziristan and Swat are the work of foreign agencies -- The problem is how to persuade a majority of Pakistanis that these so-called super muslims are in fact, agents of hostile powers.
Why Pakistan Matters and why the world is paying so much attention to Pakistan:

1. Because Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with Nuclear weapons.

2. Pakistan is the 2nd largest Muslim country in the world, and our population is growing rapidly. Some countries (ie. Republican party of USA) dont want to see Islam being the largest religion in the world.

3. Strategic importance - Pakistan is a gateway to oil-rich Middle East, resource-rich Central Asia, super-power of Asia CHINA, and how can we forget we have India next door.

4. Pakistan is undergoing 2 pipeline projects... IPI, TAPI.... again strategic importance.

5. GWADAR port - Pakistani-Chinese partnership thats geographically very close to oil-rich Middle Eastern countries and can carry that oil from Pakistan to our friends in China. This port also has other economic and strategic importance for Pakistan that our enemies are so hating on right now.

No wonder everyone wants a part of Pakistan. I'm so proud of being Pakistani! We have everything but good leaders.

I have faith in our army but not in our newly elected government.
May Allah please save Pakistan from our enemies. Ameen.
This ****** zardari cant do anything as all his assets are n US/UK, his priority is saving his own assets not Pakistan. Once congrats to 60% G(j)ahil pakistanis for electing this suwer.
Pakistan and the US are a step, one small incident away from armed conflict - a conflict that will awaken the slumbering, apathetic Pakistan.

But the U.S lives on it's own planet, their policy is to simply ignore anything other than their own agenda :

Boucher sees no rift in Pakistan, US relations
Updated at: 0955 PST, Monday, September 15, 2008

WASHINGTON: US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, Richard A. Boucher Monday said there was no rift in relations between Paksitan and US, adding contacts and cooperation would continue between two countries.

Talking to Jang in an exclusive interview in Washington, he said US values its ties with Pakistan as Islamabad has been a praise worthy ally in war against terrorism.

Answering a question, he said there was no apparent reason to think about any crack between Washington and Islamabad and added two sides were cooperating each other in various sectors.

He further said US leadership would hold positive talks with Pakistani delegation set to visit US to attend the General Assembly of United Nations.

When asked about US drones attacks in tribal areas of Paksitan, US Assistant Secretary didn’t give any clear answer
Is a US attack on Pakistan Imminent?

By Usman Khalid, Director London Institute of South Asia

Clearly, the USA is stung by Pakistan discovering who is the real enemy. Pakistan has decided to liquidate the TTP and is succeeding with popular support. The USA should have been satisfied that the Pakistan Army is pursuing the TTP, but it is not. Clearly, the TTP is the excuse not the target. The American objective is to destabilise Pakistan. [/B]

PONDER over this statement

I always said that these missile strike are a sign of Frustration.That their plan is not going all right.There is some thing wrong.We should be happy.We have discovered their plan and our enemy.Its just a matter of time before we liquidate their plan and its main character TTP.So definitely US is showing its teeth on failing of plan and in URDU"Sat pata raha hay amreeka sat pata raha hay"

Clearly the frustration is from the fact that Pakistan has recognized its friend and foes.Now its just a matter of time when Army and Tribals Liquidate TTP and its Head of Fitnah council Baitullah mehsud.

why US targeted Nwaziristan and S waziristan and specifically the areas controlled by the new taliban block lead by Gul bahadur having peace with Pakistan.

1)In reality US wanted to target these areas and disrupt peace b/w Gul bahadur's Pro Pakistan taliban and army.
2)create resentment against Army in Pashtuns leading to increase in support for TTp.

BUT :pakistan:God bless Kiyani.

1)We saw through the conspiracy.Army vowed to protect N waziristan and S waziristan Thus creating a wave of Sympathy for army in tribals.
TTP losing popularity in areas.
TTP being routed in Bajaur and local tribes standing against them.
Mean while N waziristan and S waziristan LOCAL TRIBES,LOCAL TALIBAN(Gul bahadur's) and ARMY standing shoulder to shoulder

Has just made US:cry::cry::cry: and as Allah says

"They plotted and planned and Allah has planned verily Allah is the best of planners"

This latest move by army would turn the tables on TTP by making Tribes realize who the hell the real enemy is.
They are also realizing their has been no attack in TTP areas.AMAZING.How come TTP become a HOLY COW FOR AMERicANS:angel::angel:
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Pak forces fired warning shots in the air when US Helicopters came 100-150m inside pakistan. Why fire in the air? Should have fired on them. They are the one that illegally cross our border without Pak Gov Approval. Its fully legal to fire up on them according to any international law's and standards. They have killed our soldiers in past havn't they?, and later just said sorry. Shoot em all down, and just say "Sorry, we thought it was the terrorists". If we do this 5-6 times, they will Stop (if they don't stop, then you already know that the war has begun). Grow some F...... BALLS... Mark my Words "Next time they wont come with only choppers", so we need to be 101% ready to face the growing threat.

1. Cut their food and oil supply and everything else that comes from PK + electricity that is sent to US and NATO bases on expense of the Pak people....
2. Shoot em down 5-6 times, and use the excuse tactics "sorry, we thought it was the terrorists"..
3. Spend some billions of dollars on Media worldwide.
4. Contact all Pak community leaders worldwide to gather economical and media support.
5. Join forces with IRAN, And all tribes that are against Us.
6. Stop the f... war on terror, and start fighting the KAFIR's.
7. Get Russia and china signedup on our side.
8. Use Nuke deterrent and get some long range missiles.
9. Join Iran to blow the hell out of ISRAELian M.F!
10. Give Nuke's to all Muslim countries for $$$ and use it to buy best goods from all over.
11. India may try to take advantage of this, so line up 100k forces along the boarder and
50-60 short and long range missiles with WARHEADs targeting every military, airbase,
major city in India, and give them no excuse. If they try as much cross 1m over our
boarder, Fire em all. That should keep them from taking any sort of advantage of
this situation. They will not dare to think of taking advantage. Desperate times demand
desperate measures..
12. Point Some short/long range missiles with warheads on NATO and US bases in
Afghanistan + Karzai's residens, iraq + all their naval vessels in Pak, indian and gulf
region + Israel (Agar marre ge to Sabb ko le karr marre ge)...
13. Grow some balls.. War has started what ever way you look at it. Some will say doing
all this is declaration of war, and a war we cant win. But if we do all i have mentioned
in this list, do you think any country in the world would want to start a war with
14. We need a Strong Leader. Eliminate all old, and get new Strong leaders.
15. Love and support your country no matter what.

With such measures, i am sure no FORCE on earth would Seriously Attack Pakistan.

*und maro Pain *odo ki...

That plan sounds to be unrealistic.I do agree that we have to retaliate against them.

But we should try our best to try to avoid confrontation with US until we dont do the following.

1)Train and arm tribals and civilians in Punjab and other areas so that we dont lack troops if we are sandwitched by Indians and US simultaneous in addition to BLA and TTP.

2)Develop Drought resistant seeds,line water canals,water conservation strategy to make Pakistan fully self sufficient even when Indians close Chenab as they are DOING NOW.

3)Liquidate TTP as soon as possible and Do Dialogue with BLA to persuade them otherwise go after them as well.

4)immediately devise an Economic plan,Hurry mining projects gold in Chaghai,Coal in Thar,Call Chinese companies for off shore oil (we have a lot of it).

5)Test ICBMs and effective cruise missiles and air defense system.

6)Move Nukes to safer and unknown places( I hope theyve done it) specially in winter cuz in winter bcz of fog satellite reconnaissance is diffficult

Unless we dont do this we should try our best to avoid full scale confrontation.
KIyani my man, launch a coup.......atleast get rid of Zardari, his lack of testicluar fortitude has made me ponder on whether to ever roort for the PPP again.
That plan sounds to be unrealistic.I do agree that we have to retaliate against them.

But we should try our best to try to avoid confrontation with US until we dont do the following.

1)Train and arm tribals and civilians in Punjab and other areas so that we dont lack troops if we are sandwitched by Indians and US simultaneous in addition to BLA and TTP.

2)Develop Drought resistant seeds,line water canals,water conservation strategy to make Pakistan fully self sufficient even when Indians close Chenab as they are DOING NOW.

3)Liquidate TTP as soon as possible and Do Dialogue with BLA to persuade them otherwise go after them as well.

4)immediately devise an Economic plan,Hurry mining projects gold in Chaghai,Coal in Thar,Call Chinese companies for off shore oil (we have a lot of it).

5)Test ICBMs and effective cruise missiles and air defense system.

6)Move Nukes to safer and unknown places( I hope theyve done it) specially in winter cuz in winter bcz of fog satellite reconnaissance is diffficult

Unless we dont do this we should try our best to avoid full scale confrontation.

If Pakistan has to win any war than it has to get rid of traitors first.
Today, traitors are ruling Pakistan so no one can save Pakistan. If we want to give fighting a fair chance than we should not allow any politician to travel abroad and their children and wealth should be brought back to Pakistan.
This way at least they will have some thing at stake.
We don't need to train any civilians for any fighting and whom you think should organize this training? We definitely need to train civilians for civil defence i.e. how to use tools, how to extinguish fire etc.
Pressure mounts on India to send troops to Afghanistan
14 Sep 2008, 0407 hrs IST,TNN

NEW DELHI: India is resisting renewed pressure from the West to send its troops into Afghanistan to boost the coalition troops there. This is increasing as coalition forces are coming under severe fire in southern Afghanistan from a resurgent Taliban most of whom are getting trained and armed in Pakistan.

India is not about to enter this particular cauldron because its troops would fan the flames in a way that no others would do. They would draw fire from Pakistanis and India would be sucked into a battle, which would have huge implications for its internal security.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will meet Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, in New York at the UN General Assembly. India is ready to resume dealings with Pakistan, but believes Pakistan's internal instability would be preventing it from doing so.:argh:

Indian sources also debunked any movement on the peace process front — there is no sign of any progress on either Siachen, Sir Creek or J&K — though Zardari has held out a tantalizing prospect of a peace deal with India before the UPA government goes in for elections. "There will be good news on Kashmir soon," Zardari had told journalists in Islamabad on the day he took over.

In another development, the new Nepal prime minister, Prachanda, will be in Delhi on Monday, a visit that has been clouded by the fact that he chose to go to Beijing first. Prachanda wants to review all treaties with India, but India will tell him that it doesn't want Nepal to become a staging ground for Pakistan's ISI against India. That would be at the core of India's concerns that would be expressed with the visiting leader. :coffee:


and what about raw,s ground against pakistan in afhganistan :taz:

somebody have to kick zardari out of president office :sick:
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khanz, why did you have to open an old thread with your lies. i have noticed that these days there are loads of registered members around.
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