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Pakistan Tells U.S. To Leave 'Drone' Attack Base

I would celebrate if you try to clear Shamshi by force. Trust OBAMA has guts, wait and watch. Respect for OBAMA has gone up. He is not ordinary for sure.

respect for Obama from whom? Are you talking about in the U.S. or in the world?

if he had guts he wouldnt have reneged on 90% of the pledges he made during campaign (propaganda/lying) season

you should heed your own advice.....wait & watch
They give a middle finger to your 'demands' and out rightly reject them and you say they are somehow dependent on you.That's classic man, Pure genius. Saying I am taking a bath after accidentally tripping and falling into the river !

well it works both ways...i can point to you scores of times where the yanks dictated indian foreign policy and even commercial dealing with other countries

(e.g. the pipeline deal with Iran)

in this case, it aint over till its over. Will be interesting to see Pak "govt" reaction to this, since they are the ones answerable to all of this
what a joke US has become LOL..............

cut off their electricity..., no electricity no drones
Huh?? Drones work on Pakistan's electric supply?? Jeeez! I didn't knew that! :cheesy:

Ok, jokes aside, Pakistan Air Chief Rao Qamar Suleman has disclosed that Pakistan’s Shamsi Air Base is under the control of United Arab Emirates, not in the control of Pakistan Air Force while briefing a joint in-camera session of Pakistan parliament on 13th May 2011.

The airfield was constructed at an unknown date and used for years by Arab sheiks from Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries for falconry trips. The advantage of Shamsi is that it provides a discreet launch pad within minutes of Quetta — a known Taliban staging post — as well as Taliban infiltration routes into Afghanistan and potential militant targets farther afield.


Predator drone aircraft at Shamsi Airbase.

Though Pakistan has publicly ordered the US to remove all of its personnel from the airfield, it is not as easy as that. It is a tricky issue as this base legally belongs to the UAE which was leased out to them years ago by Pakistan. The UAE had paid for its construction and maintenance. Pakistan would probably need to first cancel the lease agreement with the UAE and even compensate the UAE for the infrastructure before its cancellation.
Take a scenario, 50 guys from all sectors go on fast in Islamabad till death. What will be the reaction of PA and GOP? What will be the public reaction?

For 1st couple of days everyone will take them with light note but later on it could be the massive movement against every evil thing.

After all its proven theory by our forefathers.

i dont think what your 'forefathers' did is really relevant here or that people really care.....no offence.
well it works both ways...i can point to you scores of times where the yanks dictated indian foreign policy and even commercial dealing with other countries

(e.g. the pipeline deal with Iran)

in this case, it aint over till its over. Will be interesting to see Pak "govt" reaction to this, since they are the ones answerable to all of this

Outrightly rejecting the (not-so) sovereign's govt's demand to vacate their own land, that too an airbase and an imagined pressure on India are the same ? You are better than him.

As for the bolded part, assuming that to be true,they compensated with a much more lucrative nuclear deal going against the wishes of half the NSG members and literally bulldozing any opposition. Now they have formally introduced a draft in NSG to make India the 46 th member state and next in line is the MTCR membership (Missile technology control regime). Good deal for rejecting a pipeline that was a non starter anyway,I would say !
This was a request that was submitted. There was no need for an answer from the American side. The base security and privileges that were extended will be removed. Certain things will plan out in time, they are not required to pack up and leave day after tomorrow.
This will not be a good move, because the US needs Pakistan's cooperation for the "end-game" in Afghanistan, & for peace negotiations with the Taliban. This is not a good way of handling the situation, they will only find themselves in more trouble without Pakistan's cooperation. The fact that the US rejected the demand to vacate Shamsi base only goes to show that the US is extremely dependent on Pakistan for logistical support in this WOT.

Looks like they just want your territory.. Not support.. And are refusing to vacate the occupied base... These guys have real brass ones :)
if you use your little brain then u can realize that drones cant work without command and control centre, and cutting off the power means they cant operate the drones, the command centre needs electricyt to run them, hence drones cant fly, if they operate drones from shamsi base

You think military bases run on commercial power ?? Now please tell me you are joking ...
It's a matter of who blinks first now. This is not a situation which can be dealt with by force. It is a diplomatic row and must be diffused accordingly. Pakistan was posing, and America bluffed. Now it's up to us, either we back down or call their bluff. I can't say for certain but judging from the atmosphere at my workplace, I think we are going to call their bluff.
It's a matter of who blinks first now. This is not a situation which can be dealt with by force. It is a diplomatic row and must be diffused accordingly. Pakistan was posing, and America bluffed. Now it's up to us, either we back down or call their bluff. I can't say for certain but judging from the atmosphere at my workplace, I think we are going to call their bluff.

By ? Forcible evicting them ?
By ? Forcible evicting them ?

No, putting diplomatic pressure on them. Which generally involves acting like an annoying child, disrupting their supplies, causing visa troubles, stuff like that.............
Just a thought.

Shamsi is a piece of land on Pakistani soil.. and the US (if they are there or not) dont want to leave it..and have in no uncertain terms said so.
That is a straightforward , pardon the pun.. shat on the drum of sovereignty being beaten by the Army's high brass.
Wasnt the East India company asked to leave as well??
Just a thought.

Shamsi is a piece of land on Pakistani soil.. and the US (if they are there or not) dont want to leave it..and have in no uncertain terms said so.
That is a straightforward , pardon the pun.. shat on the drum of sovereignty being beaten by the Army's high brass.
Wasnt the East India company asked to leave as well??

For the record the East India Company was not asked to leave.

Post the mutiny in 1857, the Crown took over control of India from the EIC. They remained till 1947.
Just a thought.

Shamsi is a piece of land on Pakistani soil.. and the US (if they are there or not) dont want to leave it..and have in no uncertain terms said so.
That is a straightforward , pardon the pun.. shat on the drum of sovereignty being beaten by the Army's high brass.
Wasnt the East India company asked to leave as well??

The problem is that the piece of land has been has been rented out, on a contract. You can't chuck your paying guest out of the house at any given moment can you ? Guantanamo is a good example, the Cubans hate the Americans but still have to tolerate an American base on their soil. However, Pakistan is not Cuba, and I believe that the base will be vacated soon.
P.S: The land is actually paid for by the UAE, they allowed the Americans to set up camp there with permission from Pakistan.

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