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Pakistan Tells U.S. To Leave 'Drone' Attack Base

The reason why Pakistan was made in the first place was so Muslims could feel safe in their homeland, and the kuffar wont be able to harm any innocent Muslim in their homeland. Its a shame some Pakistani "muslims" are helping the kuffar kill innocent Muslim men, women, and children in Pak Sarzameen.

Well, some 'Muslims', Pakistani, Chechen, Uzbek and Arab, are helping other 'Muslims' massacre and butcher other 'innocent Muslim men, women and children' as well.

These people may or may not be on the payroll of foreign entities - some perhaps are, but certainly there are many who are killing 'innocent Muslims' and wreaking chaos and violence because they believe in a twisted and barbaric interpretation of Islam.

There is a strong need for reforming our society, our laws and our clergy as well. We cannot continue to discriminate and denigrate people of different belief systems - whether Hindu, Ahmadi or Jewish.
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan told the U.S. to leave a remote desert air base reportedly used as a hub for covert CIA drone attacks, Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar was quoted by state media as saying June 29.

His remarks are the latest indication of Pakistan attempting to limit U.S. activities since a clandestine American military raid killed Osama bin Laden on May 2 and plunged ties between the anti-terror allies into chaos.

''We have told (U.S. officials) to leave the air base," national news agency APP quoted Mukhtar as telling a group of journalists in his office.

Images said to be of U.S. Predator drones at Shamsi have been published by Google Earth in the past. The air strip is 560 miles southwest of Islamabad in Baluchistan province.

A U.S. Embassy spokeswoman told AFP there were no U.S. military personnel at the Shamsi base.

American drone attacks on Taliban and al-Qaida operatives in Pakistan's northwestern semiautonomous tribal belt are hugely unpopular among a general public opposed to the government's alliance with Washington.

CNN reported in April that U.S. military personnel had left the base, said to be a key hub for American drone operations, in the fallout over public killings by a CIA contractor in Lahore and his subsequent detention.

Reports said operations at the base, which Washington has not publicly acknowledged, were conducted with tacit Pakistani military consent.

The U.S. does not officially confirm Predator drone attacks, but its military and the CIA operating in Afghanistan are the only forces that deploy the armed, unmanned aircraft in the region.

The bin Laden raid humiliated the Pakistani military and invited allegations of incompetence and complicity, as well as severely damaging trust between Islamabad and Washington.

"This trust deficit could be reduced by sitting together and taking joint actions," the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan quoted Mukhtar as saying.

According to U.S. Vice Adm. William McRaven, who oversaw the bin Laden raid, the U.S. military believes Taliban supreme leader Mullah Omar is in Pakistan and had asked the Pakistani army to find him.

Asked about Omar, Mukhtar said: "If he was in Pakistan, even then, he would have left the country after the Abbottabad incident."

Mukhtar, who belongs to the ruling Pakistan People's Party, said he supported negotiations with the Taliban to resolve the conflict in Afghanistan

Pakistan Tells U.S. To Leave 'Drone' Attack Base - Defense News

Good riddance I say better late than never. Lessons learned never trust american government.
You imply a population in NW Pakistan which is "hugely pro terroirst to be vehimently anti US and anti drone use.

Are you aware that Pakistan now has for some months now it's own drones which they are in fact using inside Pakistan?
Technically, the military/GoP denied the existence of any Pakistani base used to conduct 'drone strikes'.

The use of a Pakistani base for logistical/surveillance purposes was not denied, IIRC.

However, this goes to the heart of the matter, in terms of why Pakistanis distrust the government and are now starting to distrust the military leadership (though support for the military remains at the same high levels) - they have not been getting straight answers from their leadership, and their leadership has lied to them and ignored their concerns over foreign military operations on Pakistani soil, and ignored their demands to end those foreign military operations.
Even bigger question is how many things they have been lying.
You imply a population in NW Pakistan which is "hugely pro terroirst to be vehimently anti US and anti drone use.
False choice - most of them are anti-US, anti-US led Military Operations and anti-Terrorist.

I fail to understand why so many Americans just can't get it through their heads that a nation would despise another nation carrying out military operations on its soil, instead of providing the Pakistani Military the ability to conduct them.
Are you aware that Pakistan now has for some months now it's own drones which they are in fact using inside Pakistan?
I am not aware of any armed drones operated by Pakistan - unarmed surveillance drones have been operated by Pakistan for a few years now.
Does usa need permission for drone attacks? i dont think they care about what zardaris government have to say.
Does usa need permission for drone attacks? i dont think they care about what zardaris government have to say.

If they didn't need permission then there would have been many drone shoot downs. And no drone attacks at all.
You imply a population in NW Pakistan which is "hugely pro terroirst to be vehimently anti US and anti drone use.

Are you aware that Pakistan now has for some months now it's own drones which they are in fact using inside Pakistan?
I support drone attacks, it they hit terrorists not civilian.
Some places are too dangerous for Pakistani forces to go, hence A2G and Drone strikes are used.

If PAF is doing it, I would much appreciate than USAF operating, as accuracy would be less than 15%, mean 85 out of 100 killed were innocent.
I am sensing Pakistan will end up in sanctions.
Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Pakistan's defense minister called Wednesday for the United States to leave the airbase used to launch drone attacks against Taliban and al Qaeda targets on the border with Afghanistan, the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan reported.

"We have told them (the U.S. officials) to leave the airbase," Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar told reporters about Shamsi Airbase in Balochistan, APP reported.

Asked about the remarks, a U.S. official said the comments "are news to us" and that U.S. counterterrorism operations in Pakistan were continuing.

Separately, a source familiar with U.S. drone operations in Pakistan said the airbase in southwest Pakistan was "still open for business."

Mukhtar added that trust between the United States and Pakistan has eroded in the aftermath of the May 2 killing of Osama bin Laden by U.S. special forces acting inside the town of Abbottabad, Pakistan, without Islamabad's knowledge or permission. "This trust deficit could be reduced by sitting together and taking joint actions," he told reporters in his office.

The minister said bin Laden's widows and children were still in government custody but would be sent to the country of their choice as soon as possible.

Asked the whereabouts of Taliban leader Mullah Omar, Mukhtar said, "If he was in Pakistan, even then, he would have left the country after the Abbottabad incident."

He said he favored negotiations with Taliban leaders.

Mukhtar expressed confidence in his country's handling of its nuclear arsenal. "Our nuclear assets are safe and are being well-maintained," he said.
Pakistan calls for U.S. to leave airbase used for drone attacks - CNN.com
Pakistan ends U.S. use of base for drone attacks: report

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Pakistan has stopped the United States from using an air base in the southwest of the country to launch drone strikes against militant groups, the defense minister was quoted as saying, as ties remain strained between the two countries.

Pakistan has long publicly opposed the missile attacks as a violation of its sovereignty, but has in private given support including intelligence to help target members of al Qaeda and the Taliban in the northwest region along the Afghan border.

The Financial Times quoted Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar as saying that Pakistan had ended U.S. drone flights out of Shamsi base in the southwestern province of Baluchistan, long reported to have been used for the covert war against militants.

"No U.S. flights are taking place from Shamsi any longer. If there have to be flights from the base, it will only be Pakistani flights," Mukhtar told the newspaper.

Ties between the countries, strained since the killing of two Pakistanis by a CIA agent in January, suffered a further setback after U.S. SEALs killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a secret raid last month that Pakistani officials said further breached its sovereignty.

Pakistan's army has drastically cut down the number of U.S. troops allowed in the country and set clear limits on intelligence sharing with the United States, reflecting its anger over what it sees as continuing U.S. interference in its affairs.

Washington had been asked to remove all its infrastructure from the Shamsi air base, the Financial Times cited an unidentified Pakistan official as saying. The official, though, said, no drone flights had taken off from the base since 2009.

Since U.S. President Barack Obama took office, drone strikes have been stepped up, focused on the Waziristan region in northwest Pakistan, a hub for militants from around the world.

These attacks have further intensified since bin Laden's killing which reinforced suspicion in the United States that elements of Pakistan's security establishment may have helped hide him.
Pakistan ends U.S. use of base for drone attacks: report - Yahoo! News
We should neither help USA nor any type of Taliban,we should stay neutral in Afghan war.This is the only way to protect our selves from so called " Policy"the killer ploicy for our image,economy ,institutions and people
Our DM is big joke and attention seeker so take it easy.
Pakistan is angry with USA due to his double role in the region
do more statement make big trouble for us
we must to pressurize USA to resolve Kashmir issue if they need our help
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