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Pakistan Tells U.S. To Leave 'Drone' Attack Base

interestingly enough, ''al qaeda'' needs foreign boots in Muslim lands; and invaders need ''al qaeda'' to justify their presence in other countries

ironically, and on a slightly seperate note --- the Libyan plan will backfire, considering a decent number of protestors in places like Misrata openly expressed pro-jidadi-esque sentiment.
Targeting the 'New AQ leader'? By transporting supplies to an airbase being used by the US? Is that where the 'new AQ leader is being sheltered'? :D

Well it's not that hard to believe, As the previous one was found from the outskirts of the Kakul Academy, No?:azn:
Candidly speaking, we are talking of Americans here, who are manipulative and deceptive, In a word they pursue the fascist policies to attain their objectives & lemme assure you that they will stop at nothing, unless they achieve what ever they are after. So, the question is, what can Pakistan military do to ensure the territorial integrity of the state.
the real answer to this question lies very bluntly yet eloquently stated in Xeric's signature.

i suggest a good number of you people READ IT and COMPREHEND IT sometime ;)
The US is not at war with Pakistan.

You can't cross Pakistan without Pakistan's consent, and no one is going to buy a US excuse of 'We shot down Pakistani aircraft inside Pakistan, because Pakistan did not want us to use a Pakistani airbase on Pakistani territory'.

Of course we are not at war. As I said before about the Berlin Airlift when the Soviets blockaded the capital city but there was no war. The U.S. and the Soviets didn't want a confrontation so the Soviets hope to starve the city out to submission and the U.S. would airlift supplies instead of using force that could lead to the deaths of Russians.
the real answer to this question lies very bluntly yet eloquently stated in Xeric's signature.

i suggest a good number of you people READ IT and COMPREHEND IT sometime ;)

So lemme get this straight, Are you implying that Pakistan Army is a ''Bogeyman for Americans''? And they will wet their PJ's, once Pakistan army decides to take a defiant stand against Americans.?
AP sources: Pakistan requests US close drone base​

By KIMBERLY DOZIER AP Intelligence Writer
Posted: 07/01/2011 02:38:16 PM PDT
Updated: 07/01/2011 03:20:05 PM PDT

WASHINGTON—Pakistani officials say they've again asked the U.S. to cease all drone operations at Pakistan's Shamsi Air Base in a remote part of the country.

The officials say it's part of a larger request that the U.S. cease targeting militants in Pakistan's tribal areas without notifying Islamabad in advance, first made much earlier this year, after the controversy when a CIA contractor killed two Pakistani men in Lahore in January.

London's Guardian newspaper quoted Pakistan's defense minister Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar saying Wednesday that the Americans had to leave.

The most recent request was made to outgoing CIA director Leon Panetta on Thursday. That's according to one of the two Pakistani officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the high-level talks.

Panetta assumed his new post as Pentagon chief Friday.

A U.S. official would only say the base in the province of Baluchistan in southwest Pakistan is under discussion, as the two nations continue to work to rebuild and redefine their relationship that soured after the contractor dispute, then took a nosedive after the unilateral U.S. special operations raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May.

The Pakistanis say the U.S. had already responded earlier this year, by ceasing offensive drone operations from the base. But they still employ it for drones to land if weather prevents them from returning to neighboring Afghanistan, the officials said.

Pakistan requests US to abandon the air base is indeed a true news.The truth is this request thing which Pakistan is making.
Also this requesting suggests a lot about our current position in this war on terror and it also give the common man the idea how much Pakistan(aka man in authority) can make objection to certain things.This requesting shows our weakness as well as our lack of intent.Do the man in authority knows that requests can be turned down.What if this request is turned down.Do they have plan B?I think by selecting their approach as submissive each and every time in front of their great AQAA they are only fooling themselves and the people will always remain miserable.........
Don't be confused by the "diplomatic " language (request) -- they've been asked/told that they have to look for new home -- and they don't have a problem finding a new home - with bases across the border, a stage will be set where in Afghan territory will be openly used against Pakistan and to enable the narrative that complete withdrawal is not possible and is indeed irresponsible - Karzai is not in a position to publicly oppose this, his life is now in constant danger from the US and her Afghan allies.
"...Karzai is not in a position to publicly oppose this, his life is now in constant danger from the US and her Afghan allies."

Your discourse has markedly deteriorated. I see you've resorted to stirring the pot. Child-like and irresponsible flaming.
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Karzai who? He can't even go 10 miles out of Kabul. He and his family is busy in corruption and could care less about anything. Regrding the Shamsi Base, this matter needs to be resolved sensibly. Pakistan Army is under intense pressure from all corners to shut down the base for now.
"...Karzai is not in a position to publicly oppose this, his life is now in constant danger from the US and her Afghan allies."

Your discourse has markedly deteriorated. I see you've resorted to stirring the pot. Child-like and irresponsible flaming.

Your characterization is regrettable - When the surge was first announced I had written that this was a cover for the coming evacuation, if I recall correctly your characterization of my comments was equally unfavorable -- let the events speak for themselves - on the other hand, why are playing more Catholic than the pope? After all, is there no room for reality in the manner in which you understand events?

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