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Pakistan Taliban vow to attack Indian targets to avenge Ajmal Kasab's execu

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wtf, from when taliban became sympthazirs of Pak. Fact is that india hanged him so that they can do another false flag terrorists attack like 26/11 to defame Pak. Cheap baniyas.
Information Minister in that video never stated Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani, never. What he said was a "part" of the Mumbai operation was planned in Pakistan, so lets believe he is right. Now where do you think the other part was planned? It's really a no brainer, in India. This is why the nationality of the other personnel involved in the Mumbai op comes under suspect as potentially Indian nationals involved.

So far we know that the attackers came from karachi..All of them got killed in attack except kasab,who was captured alive..Pakistan officially acknowledged the pakistani identity of kasab..According to kasab,the lone surviving terrorist,all the attackers were pakistani,and the plot was hatched in pakistan..Statement from other let operatives like David gilani/Hedley also supports kasabs statement.Both the kasab or hedley didn't confess of any part of plot made in india.The terrorists' communications were traced to pakistan,Statements from the officials of Yamaha motors confirms that the outboard engines used by attackers were shipped to pakistan earlier,Pakistanis were arrested in europe who paid for the voip communication used by terrorists..All these undeniably confirm pakistani role in mumbai attacks..Barking about indian involvement wont change any facts..
wtf, from when taliban became sympthazirs of Pak. Fact is that india hanged him so that they can do another false flag terrorists attack like 26/11 to defame Pak. Cheap baniyas.

Oxymoron don't You Support Good Taliban AKA Afghan Taliban who is Waging a Jihad against Evil Aaamreekaaaans ??

And As Soon as they Cross Durand Line They become Bad Taliban . LOL
Islamabad: Pakistan's Taliban movement threatened on Thursday to attack Indian targets to avenge the country's execution of Mohammad Ajmal Kasab, the lone survivor of the militant squad responsible for a rampage through Mumbai that killed 166 people in 2008.

"We have decided to target Indians to avenge the killing of Ajmal Kasab," said Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan by telephone from an undisclosed location.
© Thomson Reuters 2012

Pakistan Taliban vow to attack Indian targets to avenge Ajmal Kasab's execution | NDTV.com

So tell me again, the TTP are a RAW sponsored conspiracy to malign Pakistan's pure, saintly image, right?

And this should also prick the delusions of some people who believe that their people who fight India are freedom fighters while the TTP are terrorists and so on. Yet another reminder of yet another tautology that the world knows, but Pakistan doesn't - that all their terrorists breed from the same ideological cesspool.

how dare you to talk about innocent pakistani members..
This is all part of Regional Games........Why Suddenly TTP came out in favor of Kasab, they even never accepted that he was belong to them before, they even never tried to freed him if he was one of them......Basically.....TTP is on payroll of RAW, they get all their fundings, Weapons from RAW and CIA...

Everybody talk about the Ajmal Kasab what Indian Media and Govt. Show them.....Nobody use his/her brain to dig the reality...
I wrote many times some questions in this Forum but nobody answer them wisely....and my India friends just divert this issue to some other direction.....I just want answers of the following Questions......too the point.
Note: Keep in mind i don't deny that he was not a Pakistan. But was living in India from Long Time for his training.

Q1 - If you see the video where Ajmal is giving Interview to Policeman.....He is saying i did bad and "BAGWAN" mujey maaf Nahi karey gaa.....Now no body speaks BAGWAN specially the muslims in Pakistan they use word Allah....BAGWAN word is spoken only in India or in Hindi Language.

Q2 - He is also saying that he studied in a "PATSHALA" (School) when policeman asked him.....now again PATSHALA word is from Hindi it is neither in Urdu nor Pakistani speak this word....they just simply say "School" as in English.

Q3- Why the Officer Hamed Karkery was killed who was doing Investigation for all this matter and he was very near to get his hands on the necks of right peoples inside India....and then he was killed in organized manner.

Q4 - I don't understand this....when those terrorists was attacking in India...they were calling each other with code names not with their original names and even they had inside maps of Taj Hotel and they were doing all this with very organized manner, But they were stupid enough that they were getting Instructions from Karachi-Pakistan during the operation as it clamined by Indian authorities but they never give those to Pakistani authorities (Proofs) and here they were calling real names of their handlers....that dosen't make sense to me.

Q5 - When those attacks were began, right within 30 Mins mostly Indian channels got Information and they were showing that those are Pakistanis.......

Can anybody give answers of those questions with Logic......without any BS comments.:blah:
wtf, from when taliban became sympthazirs of Pak. Fact is that india hanged him so that they can do another false flag terrorists attack like 26/11 to defame Pak. Cheap baniyas.

Even just after mumbai attacks,TTP chief Hakeemullah mehsud publicly offered support to pak army if ever a war broke out as 26/11 aftermath,and your ex ISI Chied hamid gul were praising him as "true mujahid"..You conspiracy nuts indeed have selective amnesia.
And as for the false flag accusations,pakistani involvement in mumbai attack is proven beyond any doubt and accepted even by pak govt..Along with amnesia,conspiracy lunatics like you need to deny even accepted facts..Defame pakistan by false flag?..lol..Your muslim pakistani brothers are doing it by killing each other daily over whose islam is right or what actually muhammed said 1400 years ago..25+ died today alone in sectarian attacks right..?And you think we need to defame you people..?
Even just after mumbai attacks,TTP chief Hakeemullah mehsud publicly offered support to pak army if ever a war broke out as 26/11 aftermath,and your ex ISI Chied hamid gul were praising him as "true mujahid"..You conspiracy nuts indeed have selective amnesia.
And as for the false flag accusations,pakistani involvement in mumbai attack is proven beyond any doubt and accepted even by pak govt..Along with amnesia,conspiracy lunatics like you need to deny even accepted facts..Defame pakistan by false flag?..lol..Your muslim pakistani brothers are doing it by killing each other daily over whose islam is right or what actually muhammed said 1400 years ago..25+ died today alone in sectarian attacks right..?And you think we need to defame you people..?

That's the biggest delusion that Pakistanis have - that India actually needs to do anything to defame them.
Even just after mumbai attacks,TTP chief Hakeemullah mehsud publicly offered support to pak army if ever a war broke out as 26/11 aftermath,and your ex ISI Chied hamid gul were praising him as "true mujahid"..You conspiracy nuts indeed have selective amnesia.
And as for the false flag accusations,pakistani involvement in mumbai attack is proven beyond any doubt and accepted even by pak govt..Along with amnesia,conspiracy lunatics like you need to deny even accepted facts..Defame pakistan by false flag?..lol..Your muslim pakistani brothers are doing it by killing each other daily over whose islam is right or what actually muhammed said 1400 years ago..25+ died today alone in sectarian attacks right..?And you think we need to defame you people..?

So what do you think propaganda is called, TTP comes in media and talk BS on the orders of its masters.

Oxymoron don't You Support Good Taliban AKA Afghan Taliban who is Waging a Jihad against Evil Aaamreekaaaans ??

And As Soon as they Cross Durand Line They become Bad Taliban . LOL

Read some truth then talk.
I feel for the saner pakistani members on the forum; It must be getting more and more difficult to defend logical positions

the following are few of the popular conspiracy theory based idiotic rhetoric in recent times

26/11 mumbai was a false flag attack
26/11 perpetrators were not pakistanis
26/11 was not planned in pakistan and had no affiliation with their LET backed by ISI
OBL raid was a conspiracy
OBL was long killed, and the entire operation was a conspiracy
Pakistani intelligentsia was oblivious of OBL's presence
TTP is funded by RAW CIA Mossad
Karachi riots are backed by RAW
PNS Mehran attack were carried out by RAW/CIA/Mossad (pick any one)
PAC Minhas attacks were carried out by RAW/CIA/Mossad (pick any one)
GHQ attacks were carried out by RAW
Balochistan insurgency is backed by RAW/CIA/Mossad (pick any one)
Pakistan/ISI provides no support to any taliban or Al Qaueda groups
Afghan taliban was nothing but the resurgent mujahideens, Pakistan had nothing to do with their action, they only recognized their government.
Some how India/Raw is associated with every bombing in pakistan, including all assasianations of top leaders of pakistan.

and last but not the least
2011 semi finals were FIXED :azn:
So what do you think propaganda is called, TTP comes in media and talk BS on the orders of its masters.

Read some truth then talk.

Pray Share your pearls of wisdom with us .
Pray Share your pearls of wisdom with us .

Oh man, be careful about what you ask for.

Are you sure you want to hear whatever comes out of the brains of ostriches with their heads in the sand?
Oh man, be careful about what you ask for.

Are you sure you want to hear whatever comes out of the brains of head-in-the-sand ostriches?

Been Doing it For years on Different Orkut communities , Facebook Groups and pages and Now here . :D
What proper evidence has the Indian government presented or has to prove that claim that the others have Pakistani nationality?

There can be no ' proper ' evidence for someone who does not want to see it.

Even now Pak does not accept that OBL was in Abbotabad.
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