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Pakistan surpasses India's GDP growth rate

Trade deficit with China is worry and anti dumping laws will take care of that, mean while India will concentrate on manufacturing sector.
Indian Manufacturing is picking up pace, we have a big coast line, setting up plants on coastal regions will only need minimum infrastructure.

Too much infrastructure with out any returns is bad for economy.

India's industrial output is shrinking with the odd rebound :lol:

You don't have manufacturing with the bureaucracy that India has. That's why India has never been a manufacturing powerhouse despite having one of the lowest wages.

Manufacturing is never coming to India.

Indian economy is a fundamentally flawed economy just like Jim Rogers says.
India has the lowest GDP growth rate in the region...

congrats pakistan has a growth rate even greater than U.S :coffee:.let me remind growth rate of afganistan is 10.2% for 2012 .104.5% for libiya!
Data from the World Bank:

World Bank - Countries by Annual GDP growth %

India's GDP growth in 2012 = 3.2%

Pakistan's GDP growth in 2012 = 4.2%

Just type "India GDP growth rate" into Google search, and it will fetch a chart from the World Bank:

Go ahead. Check it yourself.



If you look at the growth rate over the decades, India and Pakistan actually had very similar levels of GDP growth.

It seems the era from 2004 to 2007 was an anomaly that gave India high GDP growth, since the entire world was growing at lightning speeds during that period (China for example grew at 14.2% during 2007).

Is this the beginning of a shift in a new direction for South Asia? Comments welcome.


Actually a good idea would be to examine the graphs since 1992 when India made a drastic shift in its economic policy and liberalized. Post that in 20 years, there have been only 2 years (1992 and 2000) when Pakistan's GDP growth touched or crossed India's GDP growth. Also during this period, India's GDP grew to 6.3 times at a CAGR of 9.6% where as Pakistan managed to increase it GDP by 4.7 times at a CAGR of 8%

GDP growth etc are long term indicator. Use short term data pertaining to 1 or 2 years to deduce a trend with long term indicators at your own peril :)
Actually a good idea would be to examine the graphs since 1992 when India made a drastic shift in its economic policy and liberalized. Post that in 20 years, there have been only 2 years (1992 and 2000) when Pakistan's GDP growth touched or crossed India's GDP growth. Also during this period, India's GDP grew to 6.3 times at a CAGR of 9.6% where as Pakistan managed to increase it GDP by 4.7 times at a CAGR of 8%

GDP growth etc are long term indicator. Use short term data pertaining to 1 or 2 years to deduce a trend with long term indicators at your own peril :)

You forget that over half of the annual increase in nominal GDP is due to inflation.

What is the average "real growth rate" over this period?

Real growth rate = Nominal growth rate - Inflation
For a country like Pakistan anything below 8% is just a joke & i don't even consider this as growth rate. Pakistan have very brotherly ties with China but failed to follow Chinese success story & apply it on Pakistan.
For a country like Pakistan anything below 8% is just a joke & i don't even consider this as growth rate. Pakistan have very brotherly ties with China but failed to follow Chinese success story & apply it on Pakistan.

If you want double-digit growth rates, the only solution is economic and administrative reform.

You need a great leader, who is not afraid to lose political support over things like tax reform.

A leader who will do the right thing for the long-term economic health of the country. Regardless of the political cost to themselves.
If you want double-digit growth rates, the only solution is economic and administrative reform.

You need a great leader, who is not afraid to lose political support over things like tax reform.

A leader who will do the right thing for the long-term economic health of the country. Regardless of the political cost to themselves.

Bro, we'd still have had a decent grown rate & much less problems if the d*ck of a last government that we've endured these past 5 years had actually done something !

Can you imagine they took more Loans in the last 5 years than the previous 60 combined & yet they were worse off in almost every social & economic indicator when compared with the Government previous to their Government !

What is worse they precipitated the Energy Crisis so much that we're seriously screwed & its going to take everything out of this present Government to make things right !

I suppose the only consolation is that the previous Government's performance insured that their presence has been virtually whipped away from my Province. I think they won perhaps 6 seats out of nearly 300 in my Province & anyone who wins in my Province wins Pakistan - We're nearly 50-60% of the Country in terms of the Population ! :)
Can you please post the actual GDP by country in South Asia ?

Look it up yourself. This thread is about growth rate.

While you look it up. Compare the actual GDP growth of US vs India and see where the India superpower ambition is going. 
If you want double-digit growth rates, the only solution is economic and administrative reform.

You need a great leader, who is not afraid to lose political support over things like tax reform.

A leader who will do the right thing for the long-term economic health of the country. Regardless of the political cost to themselves.

Pakistan, and India for that matter, need their version of Deng Xiaoping. Than their economy will really take off. Now, watch out for the Indians to troll this post.
You forget that over half of the annual increase in nominal GDP is due to inflation.

What is the average "real growth rate" over this period?

Real growth rate = Nominal growth rate - Inflation
The growth rate numbers that I refer to are from the world bank link only which are inflation adjusted.

The GDP growth comparison between India and Pakistan in last 20 years, while is not inflation adjusted, given that Pakistan has had a higher inflation rate during this period, the inflation adjustment would make India's numbers look even further better than Paistan

The growth rate numbers that I refer to are from the world bank link only which are inflation adjusted.

The GDP growth comparison between India and Pakistan in last 20 years, while is not inflation adjusted, given that Pakistan has had a higher inflation rate during this period, the inflation adjustment would make India's numbers look even further better than Paistan


compare from 1962 to upto now.

Pakistan had much better growth rate than india till 1992.Ofcourse the growth rate of Pakistan was comparable almost to india even around 2003-04-05 and you know what started after that

If the last govt would had been even slightly patriotic and had paid slightly attention into the economy.atleast we would had not needed the 2nd bailout.I am 100% sure this PMLN wont force us for another bailout.

But a considerable damage is done.Until we have not paid the IMF loan until 2015.Our growth rate at max will remain less or closer to 5%.And only than beyond 2016 we can expect growth rate in excess of 5% and even more

Though i still think the worst time of Pak economy is almost over
Pakistan, and India for that matter, need their version of Deng Xiaoping. Than their economy will really take off. Now, watch out for the Indians to troll this post.

Yep, that's exactly what I meant.

A Great leader is one who does the right thing for the long-term success of their country, regardless of the political or personal costs to themselves. Deng Xiaoping for example was purged twice, and even had his son thrown out of a window.

The growth rate numbers that I refer to are from the world bank link only which are inflation adjusted.

I'm pretty sure they are not. Why don't you tell me specifically, what you think India's average real growth rate was from the period 1992 to 2012.
I'm pretty sure they are not. Why don't you tell me specifically, what you think India's average real growth rate was from the period 1992 to 2012.

There are 2 sets of numbers that I mentioned in my post.

1. GDP Growth rate (along with the graph). These numbers are from the World bank data and is inflation adjusted and hence is the Real GDP growth rate (irrespective of you being sure or not :) )
2. GDP growth between 1992 and 2013. These are absolute numbers i.e. nominal GDP numbers. The Inflation adjusted GDP value numbers are not published on World Bank site (or I could not find them atleast). But since the same applies to Pakistan's GDP numbers (that they are also not inflation adjusted) and since Inflation in Pakistan has been worse off in last 20 years than India, using the inflation adjusted numbers would make the comparison even worse for Pakistan

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