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Pakistan supplying Artillery shells to Ukraine

is that what you call questions you cant understand?😁
Is that what you call stupidity? Did Pakistan give stingers to the Mujahideen during the Afghan war against the Soviets?

Learn about what ISI and the Army did ON THE GROUND against the Soviets, let alone op cyclone
The russians were also directly supplying the indians with weapons in 1965 and 1971. The americans/nato are NOT our friends, allies or well-wishers but neither are the russians. F**K all of them.

You see the difference is this: The Russians supplied Arabs and Indian's while in conflict, while our so called friends US & Co., stopped all supplies in any conflict we engaged in. That my friend in the difference, that should have told you right then and their how you should have tilted your foreign policy but no we have stupid patwari jama generals FA pass.

As for those comparing Turkey and Pakistan --- how the f*ck did that thought ever come across Pakistanis? That's like painting a donkey with tiger stripes and telling us that's a tiger. Please I urge other Pakistani's never to compare us and Turks again they don't sell their months for less than a dollar (after inflation).

Good luck procuring RD-93 replacements and spares

It would be interesting see a ban
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Pakistani awaam like some here on the thread are dmb fcks. Not everything needs to be propagated.

I have answered it .the level of intellect of our youtubers and political entities has not reached the level where they can absorb the rational of global defence dealings.therfore .. ignorance is a bliss. Does it mater to public if this was sold directly or though a 3rd party like UK.no it doesn't.. when we sold jf 17 to Myanmar via China.. this was declared act of pakistan killing fellow Muslims there. You can't change mind of a village idiot. So it's just better to let such news stay low.and yes pakistan is in talks with Russia on oil wheat and future defence links.

Your argument illustrates the height of moral bankruptcy.

It can be compared to a certain part of the Quran that I recommend you reading:

Imam Zayn al-‘abidin has stated that there was a tribe that lived near the seashore. Allah and his apostle told them not to catch fish on Saturday but they disobeyed their commands and prepared holes and tanks and rivulets near the sea so that they can catch fish easily. The fish entered the rivulets and tanks through holes and were caught. And in the evening could not return to the sea and the next day (Sunday) they caught them and said we have not caught you or touched you on Saturday. They were lying. In this way by catching and selling fish, they became very rich and led a luxurious life. They all were about eight thousand in all. About one thousand were doing the work that Allah disliked. Allah says,

“O Muhammad ask them (Jews) about the town which stood by the sea; when they exceeded the limits of the Sabbath, when their fish came to them on the day of their Sabbath on the surface of the sea, and on the day on which they do not keep the Sabbath, they did not came to them We try them because they transgressed.” (7:163)

“And when a party of them said, why do you admonish a people whom Allah would destroy and whom Allah would chastise with a severe chastisement? They said, to be free from blame before your Lord and that happily they may guard (against evil)” (7:164)

Imam said they were three groups among them, one was disobeying Allah and catching fish, a group prevented them from it and the third group remained silent.

Allah, the Exalted also said,

“So when they neglected what they had been reminded of, we delivered those who forbade evil and we overtook those who were unjust with an evil chastisement.” “Therefore when they revoltingly persisted in what they had been forbidden, we said to them; Be (as) apes, despised and hated.


Pakistan did sell the JF-17 to the tyrannical government of Myanmar that engaged in the oppression and killings of Muslims.

There is no need to sugarcoat it. Let’s not be hypocrites. The first step to solving a problem is in admitting that you have one.
Greece didn’t provide enough 122 mm ammo for D-30 and 2S1.

it's here and not in Weapons section as it shows a significant policy change.
was this discussed in Parliament or NSC?

The 122mm for MLRS would have been better.
Glad to see that Pakistani leaders are taking my advice. :yahoo::yahoo:

Glad to see that Pakistani leaders are taking my advice. :yahoo::yahoo:

Tanks ?

Send back the UDs 😂
Hmmm.... Seems like Pakistan's software has been updated.
Hmmm.... Seems like Pakistan's software has been updated.

It's still Beta testing last 75+ years.
Well Turkey supplies to Ukraine and have good relations with Russia. We can always balance relations, though it was a good opportunity for Pakistan to win trust of Russia and drive a wedge between Russia and India.
The Pak Army was anyway wasting them at the LOC. Now is time to make some bucks....
Interesting. Might be the reason of the coup. Imran Khan refused to deliver weapons to Russia so he was ousted and replaced by a pro Yank president.

Pakistani private hackers have provided services to Russian spies in the past. So they have no need for Imran Khan or any government agencies.
British C-17 transport planes already drained North Macedonia's arms depots dry a few months ago and now they are going to drain Pakistan's arms depots dry.

Ammo is too expensive in Western countries so British C-17 transport planes fly to Pakistan to get ammo for Boris Johnson's Ukraine war.
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You have to remember that Ukraine has been a steady defence partner of Pakistan, this is a natural part of the relationship.
I heard Ukraine wanted the 300 T-80UD they sold to Pakistan back. What happened to that?
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