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Pakistan suffers $100bn losses in ‘war on terror’

But Sir, do you really expect the Taliban to stand for elections and get votes? Nay Sir, they will start by killing off, one by one, those who stand in their path, until mainstream politicians and bureaucrats will learn to follow their leads as the faithful crowd being led by the righteous.

Talib already have political stand in, be the JUI or the JI, both did rather poorly - JUI even issued a fatwa to not vote for PTI -- And Yes, exactly talib will kill anyone in their path, it's the ideology brother man, if they do not kill, they do not get traction, and the more they kill the more difficult it is to accommodate them.
Please do not overplay Talib@stards

There threat is for real, but they are not gods .

they tried to threaten us away from elections.

Guess what,

We had more votes than ever compared to our recent elections.

2 tribal agencies and few bombs and killings here and there. This is what Talib@stards can do for sure.

But do not expect them to descend from FATA and occupy Pakistan.


There will be no hordes descending from FATA to the rest of Pakistan, but rather a more gradual process, with slow and deliberate targeting of minorities followed by more brazen attacks, increasing uncertainty generally.

Isn't that already happening?

Talib already have political stand in, be the JUI or the JI, both did rather poorly - JUI even issued a fatwa to not vote for PTI -- And Yes, exactly talib will kill anyone in their path, it's the ideology brother man, if they do not kill, they do not get traction, and the more they kill the more difficult it is to accommodate them.

We may not want to accommodate them, but how are you sure we cannot be forced into that position?
Not $100 billion, we have lost more than half a trillion dollars in revenue.

We need to get out of this war and create an environment to attract investors.

America's interests can go to hell, get your troops out of the region and never come back.
We may not want to accommodate them, but how are you sure we cannot be forced into that position?

The Politicians are determining that we do accommodate them, but that has not jelled as yet - one PTI lawmaker has been killed, lets see if others will follow suit - Nawaz similarly, may find it politically advantageous to make favorable noises toward the Talib, primarily because of his deal with the LeJ, but moving towards talks will require the approval of other players

Country having forex reserves of 11 Billion $ is saying they lost 100B $, it's just propaganda before Nawaz embarks on foreign tour with begging bowl in his hand.

Of course it is rubbish - what the figure is about is "opportunity cost" not real money, of course our Pakistani Talib supporters don't know opportunity cost from anything else
Country having forex reserves of 11 Billion $ is saying they lost 100B $, it's just propaganda before Nawaz embarks on foreign tour with begging bowl in his hand.

Valid point.

thank you.

p.s. the OP is talking about $100 billion over 12 years. That means a bit over $8billion a year. Now that is more plausible. But it all depends on your POV.

Just give another shot to harboring terrorists who blasts airliners in their landmark buildings.

All terrorists who hijacked planes on 9/11 were "harbored" in USA. And none went from Pakistan.

Just a correction.

You write good. Please maintain your standards.

Thank you
There will be no hordes descending from FATA to the rest of Pakistan, but rather a more gradual process, with slow and deliberate targeting of minorities followed by more brazen attacks, increasing uncertainty generally.

Isn't that already happening?


Valid points. Who can argue against them.

Lawlessness is plentiful in Karachi and only a small percentage can be attributed to Talib@stards.

You know who the real terrorist in Karachi is Don't you? Hint!

he is mota, he is chor, and he is bhatta khor. and he lives in a European country as a European citizen where he doesn't call himself Mohajir. Nor Sir Jee. No Mohajir there.
The Politicians are determining that we do accommodate them, but that has not jelled as yet - one PTI lawmaker has been killed, lets see if others will follow suit - Nawaz similarly, may find it politically advantageous to make favorable noises toward the Talib, primarily because of his deal with the LeJ, but moving towards talks will require the approval of other players

What I see very likely happening is that the power players will gradually come to certain understandings that will protect their own selfish interests in the short term at steep but deferred national costs. And then slowly they will learn that getting into bed with the devil is not as cozy as it once was, but that realization will come too late. That is when things will start to go downhill more rapidly.

A big anchor that would prevent this scenario from tugging under the ship of State without hindrance is the Army. But I see a real danger of this vitally important institution slowly unraveling as well over the next decade or so.

Valid points. Who can argue against them.

Lawlessness is plentiful in Karachi and only a small percentage can be attributed to Talib@stards.

You know who the real terrorist in Karachi is Don't you? Hint!

he is mota, he is chor, and he is bhatta khor. and he lives in a European country as a European citizen where he doesn't call himself Mohajir. Nor Sir Jee. No Mohajir there.

Similar to what you allude to, just as Karachi was taken over by a criminal mafia, vast swathes of upcountry will fall under the new religious mafia, with regional fiefdoms answering to a broad coalition united by aims, if not beliefs.

However, despite my generally depressing assessments above, one thing I will agree with clearly, that not is concrete yet. What our politicians and Army do over the the remainder of this year will be very important.
This is nothing compared to the trauma the people of Pakistan have suffered.

They are becoming more and more aggressive and intolerant. The entire nature of Pakistan has been changed due to this.

Pakistanis were far more tolerant and happy before this.

Hope it does not end badly for the country because the last time the country faced war, it lost half of itself.

Shame on all of the decision makers of this country.
No personal attacks plz. Tribals are same, they follow same islam and pakhtunwali they used to follow in British times.
There are two institutions in Pakhtun society,
1- Mosque led by Mullah
2- Hujra led by Malak
Pakistan in order to suppress pashtuniyat, encouraged exclusively the mullah while underming malak during soviet-afghan war and aftermaths. This disturbed the balance in pakhtun society, thats why taliban and religous forces are dominant in tribal areas, while khan and malaks have secondary roles.

Please no personal attacks.

Taliban and their allies might kidnap for ransom or do suicide bombings or behead soldiers but they dont rape. FATA is not India.

Not exactly. Every man in FATA is armed. Except few tribes e.g mullagories, most of them are not cooperating with foriegn boots aka pak army , they are just indifferent. They are sick of military operations, displacements, curfews, air force bombardments, drones etc and do not have any love for pak army even if are not sympathetic to taliban.

Kindly refrain from false propaganda.

What are you talking about? those tribals were cursed and bad-mouthed by "attock key uss paar" muslims whose sons in british indian army were getting slaughtered by 'savage' tribals. Have you heard about mad mullahs of tribal areas who led resistances against british and their desi sepoys (predessors of pak army)?

Are you drunk? Tribals never cried for pak army's help. Even swatis deny that they welcomed pak army operation after a video leak....

Crying for help from pak army , which shoots you in the head for merely carrying your zewar? Help from army which has destroyed any kind of existing infrastructure in FATA through military operations and air force strikes?....help from army whose ISI responsible for disappearances of thousands of tribals?

Pak army is not rebuilding any thing in FATA, war is going on there.

You should stop calling yourself historian and quality of your posts are too much low for a think tank.

@Zarvan, @Hyperion

Sir we need to get out of that area at once and talk to our Tribal people accept those demands which are according to Islam because this is exactly what our constitution also demands by this you will win most tribal support and also bring in Ulema this will help break support for TTP and than if still some of them make trouble take on them by helping Tribals not sending our Armed Force Quaid e Azam even pulled out of that area he was far more smarter than leaders of today
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Pakistan has also lost 40,000 citizens in the war on terror. 2009 was by far the worst year as far as terrorism is concerned. We need to take action against the terrorists and destroy them utterly. I fail to understand why we seek to defend the barbaric animals known as the Taliban and instead blame the world for our problems. The Taliban are an imminent threat that must be stopped at all costs.

We Pakistanis need to develop a strong policy against the terrorists.
USA don't have gutts we have nukes we need to talk to our own people and take a stand other wise we are doomed

You are talking about USA's guts...Do PAKISTAN have guts to say USA no. :no: , Mark my word USA is not worried about your nuke till that time it is reachable to USA.
You are talking about USA's guts...Do PAKISTAN have guts to say USA no. :no: , Mark my word USA is not worried about your nuke till that time it is reachable to USA.

Sir they are worried Sir they can't accept any Muslim country having nukes Sir specially their favorite partner Israel
Sir they are worried Sir they can't accept any Muslim country having nukes Sir specially their favorite partner Israel

With deu regards but stop lookin at the false enemies or made up enemies

The point is USA is least worried about Pakistani neukes wonder why ?????

1. Pakistan by no means not even any so called UMMAH countries have Guts or Means to attacks USA Mainland by neukes

2. USA Knows the inside owt of the security appratus of Pakistan & all the ummah countiers(all there weakness & streanths)

3.Not Even Turkey forget pakistan have the guts or means to neuke Isreal even before the missile leaves it silo/launcher it will be detected & destroyed so will be the source and the country that launches it will receve to most harsh retaliation which is expected from isreal

and last but not the least USA can take owt all pakistani neukes and all your army /Navy & air force dont have the guts and means to stop USA in doing so and your generals and much of the feudal class/pliticians would help USA for there own personal interests hope u got the point ..Thanks
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