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Pakistan suffered $67.93bn losses due to operation against militants

No, you are wrong.
Pakistan did not 'create' the Talibans anymore than Pakistan invited the Martians to Earth.
I suggested you read Ahmad Rashid's 'Talibans' to better understand how the Talibans came to power.
The fact is that these Mujahideen killed each others and many thousands of innocent Afghans after 1989. Various countries--including INDIA--had their preferred factions. Pakistan chose the Pashtuns.
As Rashid's book says, the Talibans came into power from an incident where a young girl was raped and Mullah Omar--who was then just a common villager--and a few others went after the rapists and tacked them. The transportation industry of Afghanistan--by now tired of giving 'taxes' to various warring factions--decided to support the growing Talibans for business purposes.
It made perfect sense for the Pakistani govt. to back a faction like the Talibans who could be backward etc but were not going to be hostile to Pakistan. Why would Pakistan support factions supported by India? Just because the global narrative is written by Americans does not make it valid for all nations.

Also, yes, the US has recognized their mistakes but SO HAVE Pakistanis! Why do you think Pakistanis are being killed right and left by these fanatics? It is not because Pakistani forces are throwing rose petals on them.

Again, this is not some dumb forum where you can make big statements without being challenged. Better do your home work.

Also, to expand on creating Taliban, Pakistan didn't create Taliban. Taliban was created between some warlords and initially were popular in Afghanistan.
You need to read economics 101. Lot of countries provide infrastructure, tax breaks, free power for special economic zone. This is to earn foreign exchange. We can't expect, 80 pakistan rupees spent, will get 1dollars.

Sorry no offence but very poor writing skills, got no clue what you trying to say.
Why are Indian trolls soo annoying.

Can't you read properly, Pakistan has lost $68Billions in this war, whereas US has provided less than $7Billion since 2001. Pakistan could've earn alot if imposed heavy tax on the supply convoys passing through Pakistan, usage of Pakistani highways & ports.

Exactly right. :tup:

America did not start the WoT in order to be "charitable" to other countries.

They are trying to use Pakistan as their front-line in the WoT, letting Pakistan suffer the damage instead of them.
Why are Indian trolls soo annoying.

Can't you read properly, Pakistan has lost $68Billions in this war, whereas US has provided less than $7Billion since 2001. Pakistan could've earn alot if imposed heavy tax on the supply convoys passing through Pakistan, usage of Pakistani highways & ports.

Wrong figure. Since 2002 Pakistan has received 21 Billion Dollars from America, and not to forget Billions that Pakistan has received from America in the past decades.



From 1947-2002 Pakistan has received about 30 Billion USD in economical assitance and 7 Billion USD as military aid.

Exactly right. :tup:

America did not start the WoT in order to be "charitable" to other countries.

They are trying to use Pakistan as their front-line in the WoT, letting Pakistan suffer the damage instead of them.

It was really simple. Pakistan just had to give up supporting the elements that export terrorism to other countries (although it is their stated policy w.r.t to India). They didn't. So they are facing the consequences. Just hope China doesn't have to face a similar fate like rest of world for its close association with Pakistan.
In my opinion pakistan should end this war...this war has no end...it started in 2001 and on still...10 years is a great hit to economy....on the other hand china, india and other south asian countries are doing great...if this war continues for another 10 years pakistan have to really struggle like crazy to catch up to other countries....
It was really simple. Pakistan just had to give up supporting the elements that export terrorism to other countries (although it is their stated policy w.r.t to India). They didn't. So they are facing the consequences. Just hope China doesn't have to face a similar fate like rest of world for its close association with Pakistan.
US, after ten years, cannot get rid of the Taliban. How do you expect Pakistan to do that? They didn't have any choice but to negotiate with them, just like US is doing now.
I dont see USA crying about loss to their economy due to WOT, which is 100 times more than the loss to yours. If USA and Pakistan were partners in creating the Taliban, you guys should be partners in bearing the consequences too. Loss of life aside, I think its quite fine the loss Pakistan is having to face as a result of its policies in 1980's

You enjoyed the benefits of this in that decade... Now's the time to pay the EMI ....

Oh really?

The Obama economy is a disaster | StarTribune.com

Economy Still Recovering One Year After Obama's 'Recovery Summer' - Political Punch

America is a developed nation which is able to take the hit of the WOT better than Pakistan which is a poor developing country. So for you to compare the economy of the U.S to the economy of Pakistan is seriously the most retarded thing ever.

Try again :disagree:
This WoT has taken a very ugly shape and we are loosing innocent, precious lives as well as much much needed finances. I hope this ends soon.
Pakistan should stop crying about the losses. You were part of the team that willingly and knowingly created Taliban. Your country was safe heaven for terrorist, which was threat to world peace. Since you did not stop these terrorist to have safe heaven, you are responsible for the mess. Hence you are paying for it.

does india have problem with Pakistan complaining? its our economy, we care about it, if u dont like it then dont read it.
Well the mistakes of the past will continue to haunt us in the future.

Those geniuses in the GHQ wanted strategic depth in Afghanistan. They created this monster and now the whole of Pakistan is suffering from it.

Bufoons like Hameed Gul boasted to capture the entire Central Asia with these militants; in the end we lost large parts of our country.
A state that thinks that gaining strategic depth is more important than socio-economic development of its citizens will eventually whither away just like our country.

The sad part is that none of us can do anything about it. The dustbin of history is awaiting for us and we are still stubborn and deluded even after the $hit has hit the fan.
I'll stick with what your current Ambassador to the U.S., Hassan Haqqani, has written on the subject: if the Taliban was not originally an invention of the ISI, the ISI did its utmost to empower it so that the Taliban could conquer all of Afghanistan: "Whether ISI officials helped create the Taliban or simply enlisted them as allies after the movement had already become influential, Pakistani support for the Taliban was crucial." [Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military, p.240.]

No, it's Pakistani lawyers who do that...

Stretching truth.
Taliban took power in mid-90s in Kabul--several years after the Soviets left. In between those intervening years these Mujahideen factions--some supported by INDIA--fought and killed each other. But when the rape of a girl galvanized a small band led by Mullah Umar--and transportation authorities supported them--then, yes, ISI stepped in. Why would the ISI support factions supported by INDIA?!

Also, your remark about the lawyers and rose petals is very cheap and, frankly, unbecoming of you. YOU should know that most of the Pakistani blogspace--even me and many others here--were ashamed by Taseer's murder and by the reaction of those partisan fanatic lawyers. But you are trying to saw that the fanatics are supporting the army (quite a lie) because some lawyers showered Taseer's killer with rose petals? I can't believe you would stoop so low Solomon.

Let it be clearly said: There is blame to spread in Afghanistan by all--including India, the US, the Saudis, the Pakistanis, the Russians, and the Iranians. We Pakistanis are not shy to admit that. Somehow others are not so truthful.

Let it be clearly said: There is blame to spread in Afghanistan by all--including India, the US, the Saudis, the Pakistanis, the Russians, and the Iranians. We Pakistanis are not shy to admit that. Somehow others are not so truthful.
True but no country other than Pakistan brain washed its own citizens to be used as proxies in Afghanistan.

Throughout history, powerful nations/states have used proxies in other states but have rarely used its own citizens for this purpose. Our establishment was foolish enough to allow these proxies to operate within our own lands.

I have no problem with supporting a faction in another country but allowing the to seep through our own society was a blunder for which we are paying heavily.
Pakistan could've earn alot if imposed heavy tax on the supply convoys passing through Pakistan, usage of Pakistani highways & ports.

Unfortunately it would also end in the pockets of the generals and the politicians.

If Pakistani generals and politicians have a little bit of respect left for their country they should claim the amount Pakistan lost in the war, just like US wants to claim the cost from Iraq. But again that amount will also end up in the bank accounts of the generals and politicians.
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