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Pakistan Successfully Testfires Cruise Missiles

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You need to put question marks on questions.........

The missile you are refering to is primarily Russian with some Indian input.

The Babur I believe is a reverse engineered version of a Tomahawk which went down when the U.S. was attacking Afghanistan.

Nice to Know we finally agree on something on all counts.
Nice to Know we finally agree on something on all counts.

Really I didnt Know that there was a disagreement on these points. I think everybody in the world new these facts
from where you got this information

Brother, I have read the same thing in a famous book too. The author was Bennet, a former BBC correspondent in Islamabad. Trust me this is partially the case.;)
Pakistan’s atomic, missile technology better than India’s, says Mubarakmand

ISLAMABAD: National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) Chairman Dr Samar Mubarakmand said on Saturday that Pakistani scientists were achieving “milestones”, and the country’s atomic and missile technology was now better than India’s.

Mubarakmand was addressing a declamation contest organised by the Federal Directorate of Education to mark Pakistan Day celebrations here. He praised scientists and engineers for developing Pakistan’s nuclear and missile technology indigenously in a very short span of time.

“And the whole world looks towards us enviably, as we now have the most sophisticated and advanced missile technology,” he added. Mubarakmand said Pakistan had become the third cruise missile-capable country in the world after carrying out successful tests, and the country’s missile technology had made its defence “impregnable”.

He said Pakistan could not compete with the United States in atomic and missile technology, but “we are far ahead in the region, especially compared to India”.

He said that that six modern ‘excellence centres’ were currently working on technology-related projects. He said, “I can see a very bright and excellent future for Pakistan, as there is no shortage of talent and passion for hard work in the present lot of students.”

This is an old picture, I believe taken during the first test.
I'm still waiting for the latest pics.
The next thing after the Babur is the CUAV if Pakistan is able to develop a cruise missile guidance system then it should be able and probably in phase of acquiring the tech I read there reports that Pakistan was asked by Middle east to create such system for them.
Where do you read such reports incidentally?
Please enlighten us on these reports then, give some links, etc.
Dont ask "source" for every thing, there are always surprises, this is a living world.

I can confirm the name of next baby, its going to be "TIPU", timing depends on international political enviornment.
Yes, we have all heard the rumours thankyou. I'd rather take the source.
That's funny. I heard that Babur was made as an extension of Nishan (Nishant?) UAV .. Again, don't ask for the source, because I am lazy!
Off topic,


Indian rats..... Still far a head of cow ****.


Dont mind this do ya its not to insult any one hear I am just showing this so that you see there is a bigger task to do then to build weapons against india and Pakistan.
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Are you sure Sri,

What i heard, and i cant tell you my sources...that the chinese strictly gave them three cruise missiles, just to take photographs and press the fire button, just to show the indians...they arent that backward, since they can press the fire button,,,,
sadly they cant have more
I can't say. I just passed along one of those rumours we all keep hearing.
Let me remind you all of the topic: Pakistan Successfully Testfires Cruise Missiles
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