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Pakistan successfully test fires Babur cruise missile

i know dear brother, i meant to say first time its been made public. that is why i said that let us hope, next time they get it better and that is also made public.
anyways thanks for mentioning that!

My bad, didn't get the sarcasm I guess... :laugh:
After looking at the babur missile launch and hitting videos. Kindly note the following points:
1- The missile was loaded with dummy load and minimum amount of explosive material so no massive blast at the time of hitting.
2- Babur is a sub sonic cruise missile with speed around 0.8 to 0.9 Mach, so it will take around 50 minutes to reach its target 700km way. (so enough time is available to take counter measure).

3- Missile has very thinner size with stealth capabilities so difficult to detect with radar but The video taken from mirage aircraft from the top clearly shows a dense smoke cloud of burnt fuel along its trajectory.

4- Missile has stealth capabilities but due to sub sonic speed and smoke of burnt fuel it is clearly visible with naked eye. So once you know babur has been launched and you see it with your own eyes its very easy to shoot it down with any aircraft capable of flying around 1.5 mach.
After looking at the babur missile launch and hitting videos. Kindly note the following points:
1- The missile was loaded with dummy load and minimum amount of explosive material so no massive blast at the time of hitting.
2- Babur is a sub sonic cruise missile with speed around 0.8 to 0.9 Mach, so it will take around 50 minutes to reach its target 700km way. (so enough time is available to take counter measure).

3- Missile has very thinner size with stealth capabilities so difficult to detect with radar but The video taken from mirage aircraft from the top clearly shows a dense smoke cloud of burnt fuel along its trajectory.

4- Missile has stealth capabilities but due to sub sonic speed and smoke of burnt fuel it is clearly visible with naked eye. So once you know babur has been launched and you see it with your own eyes its very easy to shoot it down with any aircraft capable of flying around 1.5 mach.

2- Small sized, terrain hugging, Low Altitude flying cruse missile is just impossible to be picked by emery radar from the launch pad. It can only be detected inside enemy territory flying quite close within radar range. Other wise Boom ....

4- Those dense smoke trials are of Rocket booster that boost up Babur till a few miles and then they drop off letting Babur cruse at its own main engine which is smock less.
Ending of the video is totally crap? where was the explosion when missile hit it's target? No clarity, crappy editing of video.
It wasn't a live warhead, or ppl'd have been radiated by now :) All they need is gadgets to measure impact parameters, NOT some firework to create sensationalism.

These test videos r edited to poor quality deliberately coz certain things have to be kept confidential.

There must have been cameras closer to target but those shots were NOT shown, only clip from a distant camera was shown that too tinted yellowish & blurred on purpose.
Terrain Hugging :)
4- Missile has stealth capabilities but due to sub sonic speed and smoke of burnt fuel it is clearly visible with naked eye. So once you know babur has been launched and you see it with your own eyes its very easy to shoot it down with any aircraft capable of flying around 1.5 mach.

You cannot know that Babur has been launched unless you are within the 10 km radius around the launch point, and that too, along the line of fire.
Enemy aircrafts would need the help of AWACS to pin-point the missile's location.
You cannot know that Babur has been launched unless you are within the 10 km radius around the launch point, and that too, along the line of fire.
Enemy aircrafts would need the help of AWACS to pin-point the missile's location.
Terrain hugging + Multitude + Nuclear capable + tubular fuselage + maneuverability + Terrain Contour Matching + DSMAC + terrain masking :D

TERCOM generates position fixes by sampling terrain height using a radar altimeter, and then correlating the elevation profile against a digital elevation map in the missile guidance system's memory. DSMAC performs a correlation between a stored image and snapshot of the terrain beneath the missile to generate a position fix (By: General Dynamics).


Cruise Missiles Parts I, II
Strangely the friends of uncle sam are not singing their usual song "waste of money", they don't wait to sing the song whenever there is talk of ICBM test.
Strangely the friends of uncle sam are not singing their usual song "waste of money", they don't wait to sing the song whenever there is talk of ICBM test.

Cruise Missiles are relatively cheap :P :D
Plus they are focused on our only OFFICIAL enemy i.e. India.
No, these are not the first ones...
Since the 4th test the pilots in the backseats of twin-seat Mirages have been filming FULL test flights, with every possible detail and angle. Similarly, video of missile hitting the ground is always made too.
Its just that ISPR shows what it wants to show.

Too much talking...:blink:

Babur's production has already started afaik. Its Ra'ad whose production will start this year.

Okay the article now talks of stealth paint. We must thank USA for gifting us that.
After looking at the babur missile launch and hitting videos. Kindly note the following points:
1- The missile was loaded with dummy load and minimum amount of explosive material so no massive blast at the time of hitting.
2- Babur is a sub sonic cruise missile with speed around 0.8 to 0.9 Mach, so it will take around 50 minutes to reach its target 700km way. (so enough time is available to take counter measure).

3- Missile has very thinner size with stealth capabilities so difficult to detect with radar but The video taken from mirage aircraft from the top clearly shows a dense smoke cloud of burnt fuel along its trajectory.

4- Missile has stealth capabilities but due to sub sonic speed and smoke of burnt fuel it is clearly visible with naked eye. So once you know babur has been launched and you see it with your own eyes its very easy to shoot it down with any aircraft capable of flying around 1.5 mach.

If you were old enough to watch the first gulf war on TV---you would have known the the cruise missiles were launched at night time-----after they had taken out most of the sites---in later stages---they were launched during the day time.

The ones launched against Osama during Clinton's tenure---were also launched at night time---when american general Zinny was having dinner with the pakistani generals.
If you were old enough to watch the first gulf war on TV---you would have known the the cruise missiles were launched at night time-----after they had taken out most of the sites---in later stages---they were launched during the day time.

The ones launched against Osama during Clinton's tenure---were also launched at night time.
So Do you mean that to overcome this problem of crystal clear visibility of Babur CM with naked eye through out its trajectory it should be used after sun set only?
Cruise Missiles are relatively cheap :P :D
Plus they are focused on our only OFFICIAL enemy i.e. India.
How these are cheap?? Even you know its engine is usable for one hit only unlike the engine of F16/jf which have life for many years. and its costly coating of Babur and many other aspects. :meeting:
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