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Pakistan still global jihad hub

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sir rochdale is not in pakistan, also search for 'rape' in the google news, you will find half of the news related to india

you just posted few sories, i can fill an encyclopedia on indian rape cases

It's not just about Richdale. Pakistanis are doing this all over the country? This is just to show you a mirror that Pakistanis mainly involved in grooming of White girls.

Did you even read any of the links I provided? They raped 11-12 year old girls, Printed their Name on their ***** with piping hot hair pin to show that they owned them, Sold them for a night charging between £400-£600, Made them have sex with up to 20 guyss in a night, and when they got pregnant they made them have back-door abortions, beat them up. Some of these people are married men in their 60s.

This is despicable/monstrous/barbaric and inhumane. And ask any of your countrymen living in UK about how Pakistani community is percieved in the country.

Just the other day this happened.
Adil Rashid: Paedophile claimed his Muslim upbringing meant 'he didn't know it was illegal to have sex with a girl of 13' | Mail Online
Now let's have a look at this idiot! He's a rapist and pedophile. But he says 'He didn't know having sex with 13 year old is illegal and because he went to an Islamic school he was taught that "women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground." He walked out of the court without any sentence because of his upbringing and religion.

Now I'm sure that Islam doesn't condone this kind of behaviour but this idiot hiding behind the religion is giving a bad name to the religion.

By the way in India's case there was a massive outrage and anger in the public it just goes to show Indians don't condone this kind of behaviour.

Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Going by statistics India has one of the lowest rapes per capita reported. But it's much talked about because of the media coverage it gets.

So get off that moral high ground. When Pakistanis are are caught doing something 'There is good and bad in every community' but when its' Indians 'Ohh! All Indians are the same.'

By the way it's enough now let's let this go and discuss the topic at hand which is 'Pakistan still global jihad hub'.
I think Pakistan went wrong when instead of dismantling the Mujaheddin after the soviet withdrawal they continued nurturing them to first gain control of Afghanistan and secondly to use them against India, ideally they should have dismantled them for e.g. how the Mukthi Bahani or the LTTE were.

They should have left Afghanistani's to sort themselves out but the success of the Mujaheddin operation made them think that they can repeat the success in Indian Kashmir too. Unfortunately the Americans and the Saudi's were long gone after they fulfilled their objective.
@darkinsky. you see it doesnt matter if india has 1.8 rapes per 100000 and pakistan 2.2.

the thing is,both the places are unsafe for women,and we have to work for their rights and improving their way of life.

and also karan,pankaj,let us not derail the thread.

though this just my view.
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Joining US against USSR was the biggest mistake of Zia

Try convincing that to common Pakistanis........they think it is the biggest achievement of Pakistan maybe next only to atom bomb. They are steeped in gun culture and settling scores.
One message says it all.

One message says it all.


Mate, what do you think about this Adil Rashi guy? He's a rapist and pedophile. But he says 'He didn't know having sex with 13 year old is illegal and because he went to an Islamic school he was taught that "women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground." He walked out of the court without any sentence because of his upbringing and religion.

And recent Oxford gang rapes and groomings? and Branding of girls and showing no regards to them and past Rochdale and Derby Grooming?
Mate, what do you think about this Adil Rashi guy? He's a rapist and pedophile. But he says 'He didn't know having sex with 13 year old is illegal and because he went to an Islamic school he was taught that "women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground." He walked out of the court without any sentence because of his upbringing and religion.

And recent Oxford gang rapes and groomings? and Branding of girls and showing no regards to them and past Rochdale and Derby Grooming?
Mate, we are both immigrants in the UK, you keep dragging issues related to this country, would you like me to post all the links on Indian taxi drivers been convicted of rapes in UK, Australia, USA, Canada...etc. etc.
Another conspiracy is there to get Osama from Pakistan ... While he was already in there custody ..

did you also know that no Jews died in 9/11 attack on twin towers.... it was all done by Israeli intelligence Mossad and CIA and blame it on Osama and middle east terrorists.:devil:
did you also know that no Jews died in 9/11 attack on twin towers.... it was all done by Israeli intelligence Mossad and CIA and blame it on Osama and middle east terrorists.:devil:

MD Alam, a Democratic Party caucus chairman vying to become Missouri's next secretary of state "has speculated about Jewish involvement in the September 11th terrorist attacks and participated in an event with a Muslim cleric who has accused Israel of terrorism and alleged that the U.S. invented the HIV disease.

"Why was 9/11 was a official holiday for all Jewish people worked in the WTC?" Alam asked in an Internet discussion titled, "Was 9/11 a conspiracy??" He continued, "My question was, 'What's the reason not a single Jew was killed on that day,'" Alam said, maintaining that his inquiries are based on facts, rather than a bias against Jewish people. "Was there a single Jew killed on that day?"


However, after being emailed and seeing evidence that, in fact, Jews were killed in this national tragedy, Mr. Alam offered his apologies and explained that he had been convinced by the material he had read on the internet regarding the issue.

Alam was then put in touch with other people who personally knew other Jewish 9-11 victims.

Alam then expressed some outrage that such misinformation could appear and promised that he would confront those sources. He requested that VINNEWS convey his sincere apologies to those who have been hurt by his initial claims.

Youtube : Missouri Politician Apologizes For Claims No Jews Died on 9/11
Mate, we are both immigrants in the UK, you keep dragging issues related to this country, would you like me to post all the links on Indian taxi drivers been convicted of rapes in UK, Australia, USA, Canada...etc. etc.

Erm.. Maybe because I live in this country? The Melbourne incident that you're referring to, I'm aware of it and it does make me ashamed just like this makes you ashamed. So, no one is on moral high ground. And there are not many cases whereas this you would know was something that we had to bury our heads in the sand.

I know it's only minority that does this, but it does happen. And by the way the thread was going perfectly fine with informative discussion but Darkinsky guy came and started going off topic and calling India Rape hub and stuff. Khoon toh sadda vi garm eh.
PESHAWAR: Pakistan is still a major destination for radicalised Muslims bent on a life of jihad, despite hundreds of US drone strikes, the death of Osama bin Laden and the fracturing of Al-Qaeda.

New battlegrounds have sprung up in Africa and the Middle East, but the number of foreign recruits smuggled into the northwestern tribal belt is increasing and they come from more diverse countries.

Since the 1980s “jihad” to expel Soviet troops from Afghanistan, Muslim fighters from all over the world have lived and trained on the Afghan-Pakistan border, moulded into Al-Qaeda and a host of spin-off militant networks.

After US-led forces in late 2001 evicted the Taliban in Kabul for sheltering Al-Qaeda, Afghan Taliban fled across the border into Pakistan.

But Washington and Nato will end their combat mission in Afghanistan next year and these days the Taliban say their foreign allies are drawn to other conflicts, despite their support networks in a region outside direct government control.

“Al-Qaeda is shifting its focus to Syria, Libya, Iraq or Mali,” one member of the Afghan Taliban told AFP on condition of anonymity in northwest Pakistan.

Local officials estimate the number of Arab fighters has fallen by more than a half or two thirds in the last 10 years, to below 1,000.

In the last two years, some Al-Qaeda Arabs, particularly Libyans and Syrians, left to take part in the civil war in Syria and the violent uprising that overthrew Libya’s dictator Muammar Qadhafi in 2011.

Others migrated to Iraq in 2003, and others to Somalia and Yemen.

But Saifullah Khan Mehsud, executive director of the Fata Research Center, a think-tank focused on the tribal belt, says uprisings in the Middle East have had a minimal effect on the Arab presence in Pakistan.

“Arab fighters are not leaving in big numbers,” he told AFP. “They have been there for 30 years and it continues,” he added.

The number of fighters from other countries is also rising, say witnesses in Miramshah, the main town of North Waziristan — the district with the largest concentration of Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters.

“The overall number of foreign jihadis has increased in the last two years. Every week we see new faces,” says one regular visitor.

There could be around 2,000 to 3,500 foreign fighters in the border areas from around 30 different countries. During the 1980s, the number was also estimated to have been several thousand.

More nationalities, same problems

Most of the current crop are Turkmens and Uzbeks, numbering between 1,000 and 3,000 fighters according to local officials, who have fled authoritarian secular regimes in their home countries to set up their own groups.

The Islamic Jihad Union, which splintered from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, is based in Pakistan’s border areas. It is committed to toppling the government in Uzbekistan, and fights alongside insurgents in Afghanistan.

It has also plotted an attack in Germany, which was foiled.

US officials say covert drone strikes have played a huge role in destroying training camps and disrupting Al-Qaeda in Pakistan.

According to the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 362 US drone strikes have been reported in Pakistan since 2004 — 310 of them since US President Barack Obama took office in 2009.

Although North Waziristan locals say the strikes kill more Taliban than Al-Qaeda operatives, they have condemned foreign fighters to a life underground.

“They are low profile, they dress like locals, they avoid big meetings and above all they move all the time,” a local journalist told AFP.

Mehsud says that foreigners are coming from a more diverse number of countries than in years past.

“A few months ago, we even welcomed some (two or three) people from Fiji for the first time!” says the Taliban member who spoke with AFP.

“There are more nationalities because they face the same problems. They tell us that they feel left aside by capitalism and discriminated by unfair laws, like the Swiss one on minarets or the French one on hijabs,” he adds.

Local and Western officials say the number of Western militants have fallen to dozens compared to the several hundreds of a few years ago.

A Canadian, who uses the name Mohammad Ibrahim, told AFP that he had been in Pakistan for three years but was now preparing to leave to wage jihad at home.

“Foreigners are now afraid to come to Pakistan because of the drone strikes,” he says, putting the number of his compatriots at 14, compared to “60 to 85 three years ago”.

A mechanical engineer by training, he says he works in “technical and logistic affairs” but does not elaborate further.

“I often met British, Spanish, Italians, Algerians and Germans. But now…our movements have been limited because of the drone strikes,” he says.

Pakistan still global jihad hub | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

Reported your post.

Also please note that other nationalities can NO LONGER create threads on Pakistan that deem it in negative light (bomb blast, poorty, social issues, etc). We Pakistanis will create and discuss them if and when needed, thank you for your concern.
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