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'Pakistan still considers India as its principal enemy'

Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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'Pakistan still considers India as its principal enemy'

Aziz Haniffa in Washington, DC

April 02, 2009

Although Pakistan faces an 'existential' threat from terrorists within its borders, many of its leaders are still hung up on India as that country's principal enemy, the chief of United States Central Command has informed the US Congress.

This observation was made by Army General David Petraeus, who was addressing the Senate Armed Services Committee to sell President Barack Obama's comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, which he unveiled last week. Petraeus feels that not only do Pakistan's leaders consider India as the principal threat, but believe these terrorist groups can be used against India as a potential strategic asset.

"The Pakistan state faces a rising -- indeed, an existential -- threat from extremists such as al Qaeda and other transnational terrorist organisation, which have developed in safe havens and support bases in ungoverned spaces in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border regions," the United States Central Command head said.

Petraeus bemoaned, "Many Pakistani leaders remain focused on India as Pakistan's principal threat, and some may even continue to regard Islamist extremist groups as a potential strategic asset against India."

Even though he did not name Pakistan or Iran, he cautioned that, "Some countries in the AOR (area of operation) play a dangerous game of allowing or accepting extremist networks and terrorist facilitators to operate from or through their territory, believing that their own people and governments will be immune from the threat."

Petraeus also defended the Obama administration's strategy in considering Afghanistan and Pakistan jointly in its fight against terrorism, although Washington clearly recognises the clear differences between the two nations, and the funds and troops levels requested by the administration will be applied in different ways.

"Although the additional resources will be applied in different ways on either side of the border, Afghanistan and Pakistan comprise a single theater that requires comprehensive 'whole-of-governments' approaches that are closely coordinated," he said.

Petraeus said that Pakistan requires particular and specialised handling, which is quite different from that of Afghanistan, and pointed out that democratic institutions in that country 'are fragile'. He added that Pakistan has suffered significant losses in civilian and military lives in its operations against the extremists.

Al Qaeda and the Taliban had established safe areas in the Federally Administered Tribal Area and North West Frontier Province areas, said Petraeus, adding that they "not only contribute to the deterioration of security in eastern and southern Afghanistan, they also pose an ever more serious threat to Pakistan's very existence."

"It is in Pakistan that al Qaeda senior leadership and other transnational extremist elements are located. Operations there are imperative, and we need to provide the support and assistance to the Pakistani military that can enable them to confront the extremists who pose a truly existential threat to their country," he said.

Navy Admiral Eric T Olson, the commander of the US Special Operations Command, also appearing before the Committee with Petraeus, warned of the 'increasingly dire' situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He said that President's Obama's comprehensive strategy was the right one because it "includes a clear focus on al Qaeda as the enemy, and that a whole-of-government approach is directed."

"Our units have been conducting both counterterrorism and counterinsurgency for several years," he said, and added, "We will continue to provide our broad capabilities to our fullest capacity in order to meet the needs of our elected and appointed civilian leaders and our military operational commanders."

Olson said that even though al Qaeda has suffered significant losses in Afghanistan and Pakistan, its "surviving leaders have proven adept at hiding, communicating, and inspiring."

Operating from remote bases in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, al Qaeda remained "a draw for local and foreign fighters who subscribe to its extremist ideology and criminality," he said.

Meanwhile, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, who was one of the architects of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy that she co-chaired with Bruce Riedel, acknowledged that for the strategy to be successful it is imperative that Pakistan "must move to dismantle the safe havens on its territory and defeat the terror and insurgent networks within its borders."

Flournoy told the lawmakers that doing this is "absolutely critical to the security and stability of that nuclear armed state."

Indicating that the US will conduct its own operations when actionable evidence is found, Flournoy asserted, "We have learned in the past, at too high a price, the danger of allowing al Qaeda and its extremist supporters to have safe havens and access to resources to plan their attacks."

"This is why we have troops in Afghanistan and why we are going to heavily engage and intensify our efforts in Pakistan," she said.

Making it clear that the US will persuade Pakistan to rid itself of its paranoia of India as the principal threat, Flournoy said, Washington would "encourage and enable it to shift its focus from conventional war preparations to counterinsurgency and counterterrorism preparations."
Why shouldn't we consider India as principal enemy? We fought many wars, you try to weaken Pakistan thorugh Afghanistan and Balochistan, you whine whenever a deal goes through for Pakistan, Mumbai Attacks showed your character, so why shouldn't we consider India as enemy No.1?
Until Indian terror cells from across the border aren't dismantled we have all the reason in the world to consider India as our no. 1 enemy. Dismantle the terror cells across the border, stop interfering in Baluchistan, stop aiding anti-Pakistan elements such as Baitullah, resolve the Kashmir issue and we can talk about being friendly neighbours. No rocket science involved. Otherwise expect the s h i t to hit the fan even more so.
Making it clear that the US will persuade Pakistan to rid itself of its paranoia of India as the principal threat, Flournoy said, Washington would "encourage and enable it to shift its focus from conventional war preparations to counterinsurgency and counterterrorism preparations."

Total drivel.
You can not separate the Pakistan/Indian love hate relation by only working on one side of the equation.
This will take both to tango properly and at present neither wants to dance to the tune.

Pakistan does not want to loose the Indian bogey man because the people in their misinformed minds and weak politicians and find it at least real. Face it India is on the maps so you know where it is.

India can not loose its best "they did it" excuse because then India may have to deal with their own local home grown idiots, read terrorists.

How will India and Pakistan get on they would not be able to use the "foreign hand" excuse for their own incompetence.

India and Pakistan have enough internal enemies, that is terrorists, that each would need at least a division to deal with the problem.
When India and Pakistan finally wake up that they each have a huge internal problem it will be some where down the track. That also assumes things have not started to split on the edges.

One day both countries will wake up, one day, may be..

OK let it rip with – "they did" and "we did" and all the other crap.
Even people here keep this rhetoric running ..
Grow up.
Why shouldn't we consider India as principal enemy? We fought many wars, you try to weaken Pakistan thorugh Afghanistan and Balochistan, you whine whenever a deal goes through for Pakistan, Mumbai Attacks showed your character, so why shouldn't we consider India as enemy No.1?

Until Indian terror cells from across the border aren't dismantled we have all the reason in the world to consider India as our no. 1 enemy. Dismantle the terror cells across the border, stop interfering in Baluchistan, stop aiding anti-Pakistan elements such as Baitullah, resolve the Kashmir issue and we can talk about being friendly neighbours. No rocket science involved. Otherwise expect the s h i t to hit the fan even more so.

I suggest you guys visit this thread for more expert opinions of Mods and Think Tanks.

ISI DG - 'Terror Is Our Enemy, Not India'
^^ India is no. 1 enemy because they support and indulge in terror activities against Pakistan from Afghanistan. There are no ifs and buts. Unless India doesn't halt these anti-Pakistan activities we will consider you to be our no. 1 enemy. Again, no rocket science involved.
joke of the 21st century,
India can consider China as his no.1 enemy, but dont allow
Pakistan consider him as his no.1 enemy.
^^ India is no. 1 enemy because they support and indulge in terror activities against Pakistan from Afghanistan. There are no ifs and buts. Unless India doesn't halt these anti-Pakistan activities we will consider you to be our no. 1 enemy. Again, no rocket science involved.

It is ok to propagandise your population with these National myths but the army of Pakistan should be more educated than the general population. If fact it mostly is. Loyalty to your nation is, indeed, a noble thing.

But not loyalty to blatant lies which will only lead to the US having to rescue Pakistan AGAIN from ANOTHER war it started with India but couldn't finish - now that kind of loyalty is not so noble. Indeed I would seriously question whether promoting such 'loyalty' knowing that it would bring more trouble on my nation is, in the final analysis, disloyal, even traitorous.

I would recommend a reading of Tariq Ali's account of the history of some of these events you are disputing.

A frank account by an educated Pakistani, which can be found in his book, "A Clash of Fundamentalisms"
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It is ok to propagandise your population with these National myths but the army of Pakistan should be more educated than the general population. If fact it mostly is. Loyalty to your nation is, indeed, a noble thing.

But not loyalty to blatant lies which will only lead to the US having to rescue Pakistan AGAIN from ANOTHER war it started with India but couldn't finish - now that kind of loyalty is not so noble. Indeed I would seriously question whether such promoting such 'loyalty' knowing that it would bring more trouble on my nation is, in the final analysis, disloyal, even traitorous.

I would recommend a reading of Tariq Ali's account of the history of some of these events you are disputing.

A frank account by an educated Pakistani, which can be found in his book, "A Clash of Fundamentalisms"

You done with your past colonial rhetoric? You're obviously covering up Indian terror activities aimed against Pakistan for the biased reasons we are all aware of. That I'm afraid isn't a surprise to us any more. You always play the devils advocate by choosing the Indian side. There is no doubt that India is involved in anti-Pakistan activities from their illegal terror camps in Afghanistan. Indian RAW terror agency hasn't wasted a single opportunity in destabilizing Pakistan ever since the war in Afghanistan began. We aren't crazy. We know the facts and we don't need outsiders to dictate to us what these facts are. No matter what anyone says, we won't rest until we dismantle these Indian sponsored terror camps which are the main source of instability in Pakistan today.
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Quite a hilarious thread tbh - there is insurgency and terror in Kashmir since 1989 , Pak has played with Fire wrt to Taliban. Surely you have got to expect something to come back at you , I don't condone sponsoring terror but a wise man once laid down a law of physics , something like "equal and opposite reaction"

Insurgency and terror sponsoring has not started today , it started in 1989 - maybe and I say maybe India is using Afghan soil today for terror activities within Pak. but the state should have expected India to snap back at the first opportunity it got.

Perhaps these are Indian "non-state actors" , govt. does not sponsor them , maybe they are freedom fighters or revenge seekers , eh.

Sooner or later one gets back what it has been doling out , hit the ball against a wall and it will come back.

If this continues on both sides for another couple of decades , the world would happily leave us to be enemy no.1 of each other and point and laugh while we arm ourselves for the nth occasion.

India and Pak to be the new Zimbabwe and Somalia of the world. Not so far from reality I tell you.
What is the author trying to imply here? Pakistan still considers India as its principal enemy, isn't the feeling mutual on both sides, question is why shouldn't Pakistan consider India its principal enemy. India from its existence have done each and every thing in its power to destroy or destabilize Pakistan, 71 is right there in front of us. Those who think Pakistan hasn't learned from its mistakes are serious mistaken themselves, we let our guard down once and payed a heavy price, we won't let our guard down ever again when it comes down to India.
joke of the 21st century,
India can consider China as his no.1 enemy, but dont allow
Pakistan consider him as his no.1 enemy.

One guy said that India's No. 1 enemy in China a few years back. Is it enough to assume that it is India's formal and official stand?

That guy was outspoken, and even can be called loose tounge.

China is our biggest and most powerful adversary as there still are lot of unsloved issues between the two countries. They are not our enemy.
What a joke of a thread.
Face a bit of reality.

India is Pakistan’s #1 enemy and Pakistan is India’s #1 enemy. Why, because you have not really grown up.

RAW is playing with terror groups to stuff up Pakistan
ISI are playing with a different set of terrorists to stuff up India.

Both countries are playing with fire that in the end will burn both and at present both nations are starting to get their fingers burnt.

India and Pakistan have a BIG #1 enemy and that is TERRORISTS.

BUT both nations are so blind that neither can see this.

YOU, the people here on this board, are the new generation, one day part of the main stream of thought in your nations and yet you proliferate this constant Anti India/ Anti Pakistan mentality as if it is going out of stock.

You are the generation who should be telling your governments enough is enough and sort out the stupidity.
BUT no you just add fuel to the smouldering fire.

You do not help regional stability you help instability.
now yanks are telling us even who is our enemy and friends.we all know that india is our biggest enemy and it will always try to destabilize pakistan.
What a joke of a thread.
Face a bit of reality.

India is Pakistan’s #1 enemy and Pakistan is India’s #1 enemy. Why, because you have not really grown up.

RAW is playing with terror groups to stuff up Pakistan
ISI are playing with a different set of terrorists to stuff up India.

Both countries are playing with fire that in the end will burn both and at present both nations are starting to get their fingers burnt.

India and Pakistan have a BIG #1 enemy and that is TERRORISTS.

BUT both nations are so blind that neither can see this.

YOU, the people here on this board, are the new generation, one day part of the main stream of thought in your nations and yet you proliferate this constant Anti India/ Anti Pakistan mentality as if it is going out of stock.

You are the generation who should be telling your governments enough is enough and sort out the stupidity.
BUT no you just add fuel to the smouldering fire.

You do not help regional stability you help instability.

You hit the nail on its head. I think the attitude of both the countries is to point fingers, and bleed the other.

I am surprised the response of citizens individually is in complete contrast to this. Pakistani kids come to India for surgery, their artists come here to perform etc., and they are treated as blood relatives.
Indivisual Pakistanis go one step ahead in extending hospitality, do not charge even "rich and affluent" Indians for food, medical treatment etc.

But in a group, they only have critisism and hostility towards the other country. Couple politics to this, and there is only venom to spit.

I think we should grow up and understand that we have to live besides one another. The next best option could lead to a subcontinent that is inhabitable due to radiation.
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