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Pakistan starts building 60 km long mud wall on Pak-Afghan border

Build a wall doesnt matter what kind of just build one and seal the fucking the border. Mine the whole God Damn area. People need to understand that this is an international border they are trying to cross and not another Juma bazar that they can come and go as they please. If they don't understand than well get blown up.
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Mud wall?Won't it cost more than a simple barbed wire wall?

The border along the Ghulam khan post had a barbed wire wall on Pak-Afghan border.less costly and safe aswell.
Nah, Mud is free and barbed wire costs money :-)

Damn even the ancient Chinese were more advanced then Pakistan.
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If there will be security posts behind the walls then it is OK if not then stupid as **** lol.

Imagine there is a horde of Afghans on the other side of the border waiting to cross over to Pakistan. But fear not, the great mud wall of Pakistan will keep the Barbarians away. Few weeks later it rains heavily, the mud wall crumbles down, barbarians cross over to Pakistan to wreck havoc.
Imagine there is a horde of Afghans on the other side of the border waiting to cross over to Pakistan. But fear not, the great mud wall of Pakistan will keep the Barbarians away. Few weeks later it rains heavily, the mud wall crumbles down, barbarians cross over to Pakistan to wreck havoc.

LMAO Gog Majooj scenario :rofl:
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well about time to have something to specify a border !!!! other than some posts far off

I know we all love the mud of our precious country but why waste it here ????

a wall that every usual country has would be better may it be a normal one....with something called as "bricks" we have many brick making factories why not put them to good use :P

i wonder how high could a mud wall be :undecided:

one should also keep the vicious/clever/helping human organs called legs in mind as they could also cause one to jump over the wall !!!! :lol: :lol:
I think everyone is misunderstanding this mud wall. I have seen the thing sometime ago. Its a stop-gap arrangement by Security Forces over there. Your government is not paying money nor agree to barbed-wire the AF-PAK border. That project is also costly and no where will take more then 5 years to complete. It will include installing electric poles with powerful lights for the night, security check post at every other kilometer. A small road at our side, where border guards could move in light vehicles for petrol.

The problem is AF-PAK border is poorly demarcated. Its easier to just pull up a bulldozer and raised a 7-8 feet high ditch-cum-band there. This will serve some purposes:

1. Marked the border and hence for future upgrading to proper sealed border will lay a ground work.
2. It will stop any kind of vehicle crossing over.
3. Security personals have a higher ground where they can watch relatively further and also in case of border clash will have a cover too.

I am trying to find out the video if got it will post it for you. Then i hope you all will understand that this is not simply a mud-wall. It pretty well serve the purpose at very lesser cost.
I think everyone is misunderstanding this mud wall. I have seen the thing sometime ago. Its a stop-gap arrangement by Security Forces over there. Your government is not paying money nor agree to barbed-wire the AF-PAK border. That project is also costly and no where will take more then 5 years to complete. It will include installing electric poles with powerful lights for the night, security check post at every other kilometer. A small road at our side, where border guards could move in light vehicles for petrol.

The problem is AF-PAK border is poorly demarcated. Its easier to just pull up a bulldozer and raised a 7-8 feet high ditch-cum-band there. This will serve some purposes:

1. Marked the border and hence for future upgrading to proper sealed border will lay a ground work.
2. It will stop any kind of vehicle crossing over.
3. Security personals have a higher ground where they can watch relatively further and also in case of border clash will have a cover too.

I am trying to find out the video if got it will post it for you. Then i hope you all will understand that this is not simply a mud-wall. It pretty well serve the purpose at very lesser cost.

Great Start. The Pakistan Afghan Border has to be sealed.

It is a great cost-effective way to get the border sealed.

Ignore the TROLLS.
I think to control terrorist PA should build a separate squadron of armed UAV's and keep an eye on every activity , if they found anything fishy blow these bastards in their holes ...
mud wall is not going to help ..
LOL they're trying to keep out humans not Tanks.

A mud wall with bunkers and check posts is better than a barbed wire fence.
Are These Mud Cage Walls like American constructed around their Armed Posts in Afghanistan?
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