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Pakistan snubs US over Osama informer

There is no confusion; I agree with the above. Delaying the trial and not presenting the charges and the evidence is the issue. Let the case proceed per Pakistan law.

We should gather the information and trial the informer however long it takes. its important not to rush and mistakes. Why dont we just wait and see mr wise chen - thats what you normally say when it involves the Americans! :lol:
We should gather the information and trial the informer however long it takes. its important not to rush and mistakes. Why dont we just wait and see mr wise chen - thats what you normally say when it involves the Americans! :lol:

Of course. However, delaying Dr. Afridi's day in court beyond what is needed to at least lay down the charges would only serve to undermine Pakistan's reputation, that is all.

Also, wait and see is a good approach here too, may be he will be released as a bargaining chip, or won't he? What do you think?
did anyone get to know Dr Afridi's side of the story? is he justifying his actions?
may be he wanted to get the bounty? or he thought that the Pakistani establishment was involved in protecting the OBL- so if he informs them - that would make his life in danger?
just a wild guess.

all valid points.
this can be cleared once he is presented to the court
we have a good number of lawyers like Asma Jahangir and Judges like Chaudhary Ifitikhar who are chronically anti Army and they can ensure that the Doctor will get the chance to explain himself in the court and get the good representation.

there is a high possibility that Asma Jahangir might offer to fight for him for free because the opposing party is ISI/ PA ;)
all valid points.
this can be cleared once he is presented to the court

Ensuring a speedy and fair trial, followed by implementation of whatever verdict is rendered, can only help.
all valid points.
this can be cleared once he is presented to the court
we have a good number of lawyers like Asma Jahangir and Judges like Chaudhary Ifitikhar who are chronically anti Army and they can ensure that the Doctor will get the chance to explain himself in the court and get the good representation.

there is a high possibility that Asma Jahangir might offer to fight for him for free because the opposing party is ISI/ PA ;)
thanks for your reply.
is it that till now he never got the chance to justify (or being sorry for) his actions at all?
i've not been following this news so just wanted to know.
besides- lets say my wild guesses of the previous post - like "bounty" or "life in danger" etc - are true then what are his chances?
Of course. However, delaying Dr. Afridi's day in court beyond what is needed to at least lay down the charges would only serve to undermine Pakistan's reputation, that is all.

Also, wait and see is a good approach here too, may be he will be released as a bargaining chip, or won't he? What do you think?

I think you know what i think. The USA should not try influence an internal matter in Pakistan nor should they blackmail or exert external pressure. The judicial system must be allowed to function and Pakistan law should be followed. My personal opinion is he should be dealt with and have the book thrown at him. There is no bigger crime that treason against their own nation and that can simply never be forgiven. Selling your soul for the stars and stripes is the lowest scummiest thing anyone can do and a betrayal of the highest order - don't you think?
The correct way is to take him to court, have a fair trial and implement the verdict, whatever it is under Pakistani law.
Well you guys never seem to do it for the Guantanamo prisoners , who are held for months without trial and even basic living facilities and tortured
... Double standards much ? :azn:

On topic : I think ISI can take good care of him , The penalty for treason is still death ...
Well you guys never seem to do it for the Guantanamo prisoners , who are held for months without trial and even basic living facilities and tortured
... Double standards much ? :azn:

On topic : I think ISI can take good care of him , The penalty for treason is still death ...

If he is guilty of the offenses - no doubt if this is the penalty according to Pakistan law then this should be followed to the latter. He on the face of it looks like he is swimming against the tide. He knew the result of his actions and knew of the consequences so he now must suffer the wrath of punishment coming his way.
hang this traitor in public so next time no one sale his mother for money .
...........The judicial system must be allowed to function and Pakistan law should be followed. My personal opinion is he should be dealt with and have the book thrown at him. ...................

Agreed 100%.

Well you guys never seem to do it for the Guantanamo prisoners , who are held for months without trial and even basic living facilities and tortured
... Double standards much ? :azn:

On topic : I think ISI can take good care of him , The penalty for treason is still death ...

Guantanamo is a HUGE mistake, and a blot on USA for sure. I agree with that.

However, it is NOT ISI's role to judge Dr. Afridi. I disagree with what you say here.

If he is guilty of the offenses - no doubt if this is the penalty according to Pakistan law then this should be followed to the latter. ...................

Agreed 100%.
agree every single word you say and seems like you read my mind
they should have taken him away before conducting the operation and there is a chance that like Raymond he will get away with it. And will be a willing mouth peace to vent propaganda against Pakistan from his new home.

but here is a thing,

I am not sure if he is of any use to Americans now. they got OBL and the doctor has done his job (condemned the people of that part of the country but they be damned as far as Panetta is concerned)

if all conspiracy charges are dropped against this doctor, the one that should stand out is the betrayal to his profession. the people of that part of the country are already a hard sell when it comes to vaccinations and medical treatment. his actions have just strengthened the hands of those people who violently confront the medical staff and have killed doctors, nurses and medics in the past accusing them of spying and injecting the youth "impotency" medicines to control the population.

USA claim that they have not tell anyone in Pakistan about OBL presence or the spying that they were conducting inside Pakistan. Than the question that arises is how did this doctor appear to know that what he was doing was for finding OBL or what he was doing is according to the will of CIA.

I think the statements that are coming from Washington are mainly to give assurance or an effort to demonstrate to those who are still working in Pakistan undercover.May be this is the reason behind talking about the doctor.
How can pakistan justify:

- First it said they are fighting WoT and sacrificing for it.

- Then worlds biggest most wanted terrorists was caught in their military garrison town living in a personal palace.

- Now, when a Pakistani doctor have done its duty to the humanity and WoT they are making his life hell.

Why so many contradictions???

If you were hiding the terrorists then come out in open and accept it or if its not true then reward the doctor who have played a big part in real WoT.
Agreed 100%.

So you are agreeing any interference from the USA is unnecessary and they are wrong in publicly demanding the law in our nation to be changed to satisfy their desires? Are you accepting they are wrong?
- Now, when a Pakistani doctor have done its duty to the humanity and WoT they are making his life hell.

If you were hiding the terrorists then come out in open and accept it or if its not true then reward the doctor who have played a big part in real WoT.

Done their duty for the humanity ? :rofl: ... Do you believe in Karma ? ... I am sorry but this world runs on money ... Dr Afridi did the bidding for US because he was paid a huge amount and probably offered the nationality of US like they are discussing now ... I am dead sure that they settled the terms long before ... Nothing for humanity but lust of money ! :frown:

What the **** is this real and fake WOT ? Are you one of those telling me regularly that US spent trillions just to kill a person called OBL ? :lol: ... Are you even aware of the ground realities in Afghanistan ? ... How much area is under US control ? What is the condition of ANA at the moment ? ... Who's negotiating and who negotiates ? :azn:
So, this Dr. Afridi was able to get into the compound but could not get a single DNA sample.

Then, how was it confirmed that OBL was there? What about the DNA tests that were all in the story of OBL raid?

If it was so easy to enter the OBL compound, then, what was the need to bring the still to be seen 'Stealth' helos for the operation. Couldn't a few of the CIA/JSOC agents do that? Pakistan was teeming with these goons at that time.

Has anybody heard about silencered weapons, gas bombs, Tasers, dart guns, etc.?

I know this post may be regarded off-topic. But these are legitimate questions of the most perplexing kind:confused:
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