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Pakistan signs 1B$ trilateral trade deal with Uzbekistan and Afghanistan as trading route with Road connectivity via Afghanistan plan in the pipeline

Hahaha-- Someone is bitter I see
Stop being cringe

You should've been banned long ago, alongside your alts, after those cringe threads talking about the aryan racial superiority rubbish and how you're going to "tactically" invade India and conquer it within a few months...

We could do a lot less with magical geniuses like you here, not an iota of realism. Living in another dimension.
Stop being cringe

You should've been banned long ago, alongside your alts, after those cringe *** threads talking about the aryan racial superiority rubbish and how you're going to "tactically" invade India and conquer it within a few months...

We could do a lot less with magical geniuses like you here

As I told you.. The Indians are zombies and the Afghans humans.. Catch my drift..

As for India upon their slight mistake history will write itself... As they say the pen is dry...

Let a zombie charge against our civilization it's mouth will be broken into pieces and it will be completely re-occupied as consequence..
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As I told you.. The Indians are zombies and the Afghans humans.. Catch my drift..

As for India upon their slight mistake history will write itself... As they say the pen is dry
Come back to Earth some time and be realistic

Everyone is human. Afghans are extremely tribal barbaric people stuck in a historic era lifestyle.

Secondly they hate Pakistan's existence and every Pakistanis existence. They will never fight for you in a million years, but they would love to fight against you.

In their own words, they hate punjapi dalkhor kaliyas, and love India. 99% of them follow this mindset. It's not going to ever change. Has existed for centuries.

You are not even Pakistani, you're an Afghan or an Arab behind that account with the purpose of spreading mental degeneracy.
Come back to Earth some time and be realistic

Everyone is human. Afghans are extremely tribal barbaric people stuck in a historic era lifestyle.

Secondly they hate Pakistan's existence and every Pakistanis existence. They will never fight for you in a million years, but they would love to fight against you.

In their own words, they hate punjapi dalkhor kaliyas, and love India. 99% of them follow this mindset. It's not going to ever change. Has existed for centuries.

You are not even Pakistani, you're an Afghan or an Arab behind that account with the purpose of spreading mental degeneracy.

I am Pakistani..

I know India and I know Afghan and i know who I would chose between the two.. Without second thinking..

BJP infestion is a redline for me and Pakistan.. I am allergic against RSS and BJP this is Nazism re-rising that is how I see it really... as for the Afghans we yield them and thats about it...

Ask them if they would border the Indians? You will get your answer which is ''NO''

Politically Afghans don't want to see Pakistan de-exist but India wants because if Pakistan was not there then the Afghans would border the Indians this they really dislike.. Hence why disrupt the gate-keeper who keeps out all that filth locked in the sub-continent
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If it was this easy, the roadblock in TAPI pipeline wouldn't be Afghanistan!
I am Pakistani..

I know India and I know Afghan and i know who I would chose between the two.. Without second thinking..

BJP infestion is a redline for me and Pakistan.. I am allergic against RSS and BJP this is Nazism re-rising that is how I see it really... as for the Afghans we yield them and thats about it
No you're not. You're Saudi or Qatari 🤣.

And are you the only one who knows Afghans and Indians? You think others don't? 🤦🏻‍♂️

BJP and India is a problem but that doesn't make Afghans or Afghanistan trust worthy. Their goals are only their dream of Loy Afghanistan.

And they hate Pakistanis/Pakistan more than even Indians do. Their hatred is at the same level or even worse than BJP RSS goons. That's about 95% of them.

No you're not. You're Saudi or Qatari 🤣.

And are you the only one who knows Afghans and Indians? You think others don't? 🤦🏻‍♂️

BJP and India is a problem but that doesn't make Afghans or Afghanistan trust worthy. Their goals are only their dream of Loy Afghanistan.

And they hate Pakistanis/Pakistan more than even Indians do. Their hatred is at the same level or even worse than BJP RSS goons. That's about 95% of them.

One needs me the other wants me to vanish... one is human and the other is not..

you should be banned even raising any muslims to the RSS goons level....

Where have you seen anyone lynch anyone in the 21th century?
One needs me the other wants me to vanish... one is human and the other is not..

you should be banned even raising any muslims to the RSS goons level....

Where have you seen anyone lynch anyone in the 21th century?
No matter how hurt your feelings are or how in denial you are, the truth remains the truth.

BJP RSS' hatred towards Muslims is equivalent more or less to Afghans' hatred towards Pakistanis and Pakistan. This is why they suck each other off.

Why don't you travel to Kandahar, Jalalabad, Nangahar and then tell them you're Pakistani, and tell them Pakistan Zindabad and Loy Afghanistan will never happen because it includes Pakistan's territories.

They will lynch your Arab azz more about the same speed as the Hindus would.

Politically Afghans don't want to see Pakistan de-exist but India wants because if Pakistan was not there then the Afghans would border the Indians this they really dislike.. Hence why disrupt the gate-keeper who keeps out all that filth locked in the sub-continent
More of your retarded fantasy stories on display 👌🏼

The Afghans don't even believe in the existence of Pakistan 🤡

They themselves say that half is Afghan land and half is Indian land. They don't give a single **** who they border as long as they have the territory they want, historically they literally bordered them already during the Durrani empire 🤡
No matter how hurt your feelings are or how in denial you are, the truth remains the truth.

BJP RSS' hatred towards Muslims is equivalent more or less to Afghans' hatred towards Pakistanis and Pakistan. This is why they suck each other off.

Why don't you travel to Kandahar, Jalalabad, Nangahar and then tell them you're Pakistani, and tell them Pakistan Zindabad and Loy Afghanistan will never happen because it includes Pakistan's territories.

They will lynch your Arab azz more about the same speed as the Hindus would.

Hallucinations is all I see here.. Pakistanis move freely daily in Afghanistan.. If someone shouts pakistan or even a guy who had islamic flag on his motorcycle was killed in confusion with Pakistan flag in India.. Killed is actully putting it mild he was lynched..

Don't bring this garbage to me.. The Afghans are our muslim brethens despite our differences
Hallucinations is all I see here.. Pakistanis move freely daily in Afghanistan.. If someone shouts pakistan or even a guy who had islamic flag on his motorcycle was killed in confusion with Pakistan flag in India.. Killed is actully putting it mild he was lynched..

Don't bring this garbage to me.. The Afghans are our muslim brethens despite our differences
You're delusional. Afghans consider you murtads so the conversation of Islam ends right there.

In Islam, if someone does takfir on another person, one of them is said to be 100% kaffir.

Now choose which group is the kaffir.
You're delusional. Afghans consider you murtads so the conversation of Islam ends right there.

In Islam, if someone does takfir on another person, one of them is said to be 100% kaffir.

Now choose which group is the kaffir.

Gibberish as usual..

From their official gov't state pakistan is viewed as their muslim brethen
Gibberish as usual..

From their official gov't state pakistan is viewed as their muslim brethen
Yeah cause they're not retarded like you to publicly call an entire nation murtads which their entire country currently relies upon, despite their personal feelings

Ruining their Islamic image and essentially committing national suicide in the process
Yeah cause they're not retarded like you to publicly call an entire nation murtads which their country currently relies upon, despite their personal feelings

All you rely on is then gibberish and conspiracy theories.. In my honest opinion you are a trash gangu disquising himself as Pakistani
All you rely on is then gibberish and conspiracy theories.. In my honest opinion you are a trash gangu
Arab troll when he has no response left lmao

My entire post history is very clear about my position on Pajeets, but the IEA's personal Arab toy boy cannot accept that
Arab troll when he has no response left lmao

My entire post history is very clear about my position on Pajeets, but the IEA's personal Arab toy boy cannot accept that

I am not Arab you are confusing me with someone else who claim to be sayid.. You however are without a doubt a gangu..

Everything you posted never gave any meaning but yet you went ahead trying to throw something at the wall to see what will stick..

But I gotta disappoint in this and say... How about yeah No..
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