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Pakistan should stop helping terror groups in Bangladesh says envoy

Pakistan dont have anything to do with Bangladesh after 1971, in my opinion Pakistan and Bangladesh shouldnt have embassy, air routes or any contact at all. Neither do we need to comment incident in each others country.

Pakistan should avoid commenting , give a dam i whom Bdeshi hang, not our business.

So, you want to isolate yourself and make Indian govt. job easy.
In a free and Fair Election BKZ would be able to defeat SHW quite easily.. Not because Hasina is bad leader, But Because People want change and They think their democratic rights are taken away. If Bangladesh was a real democracy, BKZ would have ruled for 2 years by now.

You see 30% BD are pro Hasina like Bongbang and 30% are Pro Zia like Idune. They won't change their stance at all. The rest 40 of us are swinginng voters. We will vote based on the situation. This vote bank has a tendency to vote for a change. So BKZ is ahead but SHW controls everything literally everything in the country. So she is safe until her natural death. I hope you got my point.
Dont you have an independent election commission?
Dont you have an independent election commission?

We are not even sure about the Judicial system. Election Commission is a farce. During his days Ershad used to get 90% vote.

Caretaker Govt was a good option but Prime Minister Hasina removed it from constitution.
Very Soon Khalid Zia will come back to power. :enjoy:
Despite public opinion the BD establishment not easily give a chance to khalida Zia plus RAW and Indian establishment spending billions to protect Haseena and group to govern.

Hmmm some random angry internet guy or a large survey of thousands of people by a neutral organisation....whom to trust? :P

You are comparing young and youth people to people contact of both of our Muslim countries through in internet or in real, with a survey of those, which don't know people to people contact and just assume without checking the facts that how much we have good relations, and they hate you. And, Neutral points to all this. Means, impartial.
You are comparing young and youth people to people contact of both of our Muslim countries through in internet or in real, with a survey of those, which don't know people to people contact and just assume without checking the facts that how much we have good relations, and they hate you. And, Neutral points to all this. Means, impartial.

This survey is quoted by Nilgiri frequently and I feel the interpretation is wrong.

The survey took place when Pakistan was in deep trouble. Students were being shot at school by terrorists, malala was getting attention on the damaging reputation of Pakistan. That is why every other people rated Pakistan so low. And yet Bangladesh and Indonesia are the nations who rated Pakistan most.

In my every day to day reaction with my country men, I feel India is disliked more than Pakistan But Sympathy to Pakistan is not shown publicly for obvious historic socio cultural reasons
Thats the problem, BD people very much like this govt....and 70% of BD people like India.

Ever wondered why there are no more mass protests after BNP tried the desperate ones earlier before it tore itself apart?

Where did you get your data from? Hasina is an illegal PM of Bangladesh. She was elected (if you call it an election) which the major opposition party boycotted. 50% of the parliamentarians were elected uncontested.

Majority of the Bangladeshi people hate Hasina and her party. She has the support of 30% of the population at the most .

Bangladeshi people are suffering in her hand. She is an Indian Puppet.
How do you even maintain a medieval attitude, a religion bound worldview in which you judge people solely by their religion, while living in and enjoying the advantages of a liberal country?

The hypocrisy is staggering.

this is the dumbest logic i ever read
This survey is quoted by Nilgiri frequently and I feel the interpretation is wrong.

The survey took place when Pakistan was in deep trouble. Students were being shot at school by terrorists, malala was getting attention on the damaging reputation of Pakistan. That is why every other people rated Pakistan so low. And yet Bangladesh and Indonesia are the nations who rated Pakistan most.

In my every day to day reaction with my country men, I feel India is disliked more than Pakistan But Sympathy to Pakistan is not shown publicly for obvious historic socio cultural reasons
Where did you get your data from? Hasina is an illegal PM of Bangladesh. She was elected (if you call it an election) which the major opposition party boycotted. 50% of the parliamentarians were elected uncontested.

Majority of the Bangladeshi people hate Hasina and her party. She has the support of 30% of the population at the most .

Bangladeshi people are suffering in her hand. She is an Indian Puppet.

Excellent to know just how weak and controlled your country is then. Good let it continue for a good long time. More such BAL rawami agents need to be implanted across the full spectrum of BD society to ensure India's objectives are achieved long term.

BD people can either get behind us (to survive) or get in front of us (to perish). It makes no difference to us. Either one works for India well.
Where did you get your data from? Hasina is an illegal PM of Bangladesh. She was elected (if you call it an election) which the major opposition party boycotted. 50% of the parliamentarians were elected uncontested.

Majority of the Bangladeshi people hate Hasina and her party. She has the support of 30% of the population at the most .

Bangladeshi people are suffering in her hand. She is an Indian Puppet.

However People do not feel the urge to turn their peaceful life into mess. Do not forget that Hasina doubled the salary of Government employees. He who used to get 50k now gets 100k. Thanks to Hasina. Bangladeshis want financial development more than democratic rights. If she delivers she won't face trouble.

Also Why would we fight on the streets when The Next BNP leader enjoy his cozy Bed in UK.
You can do a poll in BD section on what people think of her. I have met many in RL and here that think shes one of their best leaders ever :) like the one that just posted above me.

Obviously you haven't met a good mix of people, may be 2 who are AL supporters. Let me assure you that majority of the BD people hate her authoritarian rule. her money laundering and corrupted party is a nightmare for BD. People are counting days when she will be gone.

Excellent to know just how weak and controlled your country is then. Good let it continue for a good long time. More such BAL rawami agents need to be implanted across the full spectrum of BD society to ensure India's objectives are achieved long term.

BD people can either get behind us (to survive) or get in front of us (to perish). It makes no difference to us. Either one works for India well.

that's the Indian attitude we dislike. India can never be a good neighbor. they are the most selfish and self centered nation on earth, beside Israel of course.
reply to post # 67:-):toast_sign::toast_sign::toast_sign::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::bounce::bounce::bounce::-):-)
that's the Indian attitude we dislike. India can never be a good neighbor. they are the most selfish and self centered nation on earth, beside Israel of course.

Attitude is earned, not given away for free.

When you stop being a bunch of crying ingrates, the attitude from us may improve.

Right now we are better off taking what we need to and exploiting BD to the max under Hasina.

Then depopulate the whole area as required when she and successors are past their use by date.

It is the humane thing to do really given the bay of bengal is really BD's worst enemy in the long run.
this is the dumbest logic i ever read

Of course, it's different from the religion coloured lens you're wearing.
Hahahaha i met many BDS but all hate that clone lol

This is what India want to create in south Asia !Pak has just one core benefit to counter them diplomatically
Take whatever u can !it will benefit u some how!!
Our foreign policy should be focused on this as for now u see India using Bengalis diplomatically against us

This is exactly the point. Since india is using her puppets in BD against Pakistan what do you think should be the logical step for Pakistan when there are millions of Bangladeshi people who hate india? Times of india recently conducted a survey which produced an alarming result; the survey found out that over 80% Bangladeshis are vehemently anti-Indian. If Pakistan does not exploit this fact it will be sheer stupidity on the part of Pakistan and that's exactly what many of the Pakistanis are suggesting.

Young bangladeshi guy on pakistan defence page.
I took the screen shot to share on here and it really amazed me what he said on pakistan defence page.

Many Pakistanis are suspiciously oblivious to this fact about the people of BD!

Of course, it's different from the religion coloured lens you're wearing.

It's very funny and highly hypocritical when it is coming from people who are ready to lynch people just for eating beef!
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