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'Pakistan should be isolated for supporting terror'-says Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal

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i agree about what you are saying about islamic unity in the practical sense. I dont know your religious background. I myself am what i would term moderately religious (whatever that means). However, when i do examine the words of the Prophet pbuh and the concepts he and the Quran promote, I can understand the importance of the idea of the Ummah. I encourage everyone to read and reflect on the Prophets last khutbah. Read it and really really think about it. We often get lost in the dunya and into irrelevant petty things. But as the Quran asks us to do, reflect on things.

As much as it may pain me sometimes to forgive and forget actions and words of fellow Muslims, i know that this is what is asked of us and it is for the greater good to let personal grievances pass and work for the pleasure of God. Ultimately we will all have our reckoning.

As this relates to the politics of South Asia. Although I believe there to be injustice done to East Pakistan by the West Pakistan govt way back when. And although people may minimize or deny it on one side, and not let go of things and bear grudges on the other, as a Muslim i believe the best course of action is to let the past be the past. Make amends internally, and focus on the challenges of the future.

More specifically, Bangladesh and Pakistan should bury any hatchets and work together to have some sembelance of balance in south asia.
Its personal opinion of home minister. I can't beat him up to please you guys

Did I say anywhere Pakistan has only Punjabis and Pashtuns? Punjabis and Pashtuns together make about 70% of Pakistan's population, and they are RACIST. Orangi colony massacre and Punjabis occupying shelters given to Biharis- no fooling. Racism in Pakistan is a reality. Bengali Muslims were massacred by inhumane pak army because we were kala monkey fish hindu underclass dalit converts deemed UNFIT to govern Pakistan

I think it has ALREADY BEEN DISCUSSED on this forum. They are waiting for their beloved Pakistan to take them back from Bangladesh to the "land of pure". What is your pyara Pakistan doing? Don't have ANYMORE PLACE for Biharis? Then can take in 10 million fair and lovely Afghans in their country but can't accept these Biharis who fought for them. It is because of SKIN COLOUR? They aren't FAIR AND LOVELY like Afghans and hence fail the criteria?

They should realise that Pakistan will never accept them and ACCEPT BD CITIZENSHIP. Using and exploiting people in the name of RELIGION to fight ur wars and then ABANDONING them- what a disgrace

I think u are URDU SPEAKING ELITES FROM NORTH INDIA. You don't speak for dalit Muslims who comprise MAJORITY of Bihari Muslims. They formed MQM FOR A REASON. They are not idiots. Pakistanis shouldn't talk about Biharis in BD. They know NOTHING. Biharis who accepted BD citizenship are PROSPEROUS and THRIVING. U guys worry about ur own mohajirs.

What discrimination will u face? Your mother tongue Urdu is the NATIONAL LANGUAGE of Pakistan and OFFICIAL LANGUAGE in all provinces. What disadvantage and economic difficulties are u expecting to face? Urdu is medium of instruction in most schools in Pakistan, so why SHOULD THEY BE UNEDUCATED?

For each such obscure posts you dig up I can show u THOUSANDS of racist demeaning comments from Pakistanis. I think neither of us has time for that.

Pakistan was created for PUNJABI, PUKHTOON MUSLIMS and URDU SPEAKING ELITES OF NORTH INDIA, all of whose LANGUAGE OF LITERACY and OFFICIAL LANGUAGE was URDU. Pakistanis do such dramaybaazi especially those Punjabi and Pukhtoons saying things like "We accepted URDU in place of our native tongues, why couldn't Bengalis?". You guys think we don't know that it was ADMINISTRATIVE LANGUAGE OF THE PUNJAB, NWFP, KASHMIR SINCE THE 1800s? Do u guys take us for fools? I get so IRRITATED when Pakistanis constantly WHINE AND CRY about our language movement. We wanted some level playing field in jobs and administration TILL THE TIME WE GOT ACQUAINTED WITH URDU, but RACIST PINK NOSE PAKISTANIS didn't want BLACK DALIT CONVERT MUSLIMS LIKE US ANYWHERE NEAR THE ADMINISTRATION OR ESTABLISHMENT. It hurt the PUNJABI-PUKHTOON ESTABLISHMENT so much when we GOT MAJORITY TO FORM GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN. How could they let BLACK DALIT MUSLIMS like us GOVERN PAKISTAN?

It doesn't take a genius to know what pink nose Pakistanis think about kala black monkey dalit convert Muslims like us. Pakistani Muslim "brothers".... yeah brothers like those of Hazrat Yousuf (ra)

I can't thank Allah swt enough for liberating us from racist Pakistanis. Only time will tell.

Pakistanis have no problems with Bengalis. I have plenty of bengali friends. I never judge someone by their look or skin tone. That's just not me. I care about what comes out the persons mouth.

There are same thinking Pakistanis all around the world.

There are also a lot of Bengalis in BD who also think alike.

You however have been infected with Indian bug to hate your own into oblivion. This is how India work, they break you down mentally to start hating yourself and eventually your country becomes a vassal state for them.

Pakistan is a regional power with enough muscle to break India's back. People like you decided to leave the union so deal with the consequences. Bigger and stronger is always better but you have a small mind so run along good doggy your Indian master is calling :lol:
Pakistanis have no problems with Bengalis. I have plenty of bengali friends. I never judge someone by their look or skin tone. That's just not me. I care about what comes out the persons mouth.

There are same thinking Pakistanis all around the world.

There are also a lot of Bengalis in BD who also think alike.

You however have been infected with Indian bug to hate your own into oblivion. This is how India work, they break you down mentally to start hating yourself and eventually your country becomes a vassal state for them.

Pakistan is a regional power with enough muscle to break India's back. People like you decided to leave the union so deal with the consequences. Bigger and stronger is always better but you have a small mind so run along good doggy your Indian master is calling :lol:

Your post was great up until the last paragraph.
Pakistani members over reacting. I told you many times in the past current Awami regime is illegal. They do not have people mandate to admin the country. This illegal minster will be manhandle if he takes his sorry azz to street without police protection.

They speak what ever their ideological Indian masters feed them to. They have neither dignity nor self respect.
Good Luck Isolating a country with 200 Million People ,
10 Million Citizens living Abroad . People really need to educate these people
The creation of Pakistan began when the Muslim league was established in Dhaka, when the Muslims of Bengal sought to carve out separate power structure in the Bengali presidency. It was a Bengali who proposed the creation of Pakistan and it was a bengalis action that finally forced congresses hand and accept partition.

No, the concept of Pakistan has its origins in the Aligarh Movement that was started and led by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in Aligarh (northwestern U.P.), not Bengal. He was a leader who organized the Muslims of north India and began to look at the Muslims as a community completely apart from Hindus. He warned Muslims to stay away from the Congress Party. It was he who established the All India Muhammadin Educational Conference in the 1880s which was the forerunner to the Muslim League. It was this very Conference that held the meeting you are referring to in Dhaka.

Secondly, just because the Conference that decided to form the Muslim League was held in Dhaka, does not mean that its existence was somehow due solely to Bengalis. That makes no sense. Most leaders of the Pakistan movement were not Bengali.The fact that this particular meeting happened to take place in Dhaka meant little. Previous meetings discussing the need for Muslim unity across the subcontinent were also held not long before in Lucknow and Simla. But you don't mention that, unsurprisingly.

Jinnah sacrificed enough of bengal/Assam/Bihar for a fools errand to get Kashmir. There are more Muslims in the east than in the west.

There are more Muslims in Pakistan than there are in Bangladesh. And if you are counting Indian Muslims for some reason (who consider themselves Indian---except Kashmirs) there are more Muslims in the west if you include Pakistan, U.P., Gujarat, Delhi, Rajastan, and Haryana/Punjab vs. Bangladesh, West Bengal, Assam, Bihar, and Odisha.

But what does this have to do with anything? No Pakistanis want anything beyond Kashmir.

Our support was not only necessary for the creation of Pakistan....

It was only necessary for the creation of East Pakistan.

Punajbi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Urdu-speaking, etc., support was necessary for the creation of West Pakistan.

we are the originator and the executors of the project

Good grief. What an incredible statement. You threw everything Jinnah, Iqbal, and other Muslim leaders did for Pakistan under the bus.

The provinces of present-day Pakistan decided to join Pakistan. The Sindh Assembly and the Punjab Assembly voted to join Pakistan. The NWFP held a plebiscite to join as well and princely states acceded to Pakistan, etc. Whatever can be said about these things, Bengalis don't factor into the equation.

you lot are merely the accidental beneficiary of our effort and Jinnah was the wrong man at the right time.

The exact opposite of this statement is the truth. But you can tell yourself whatever you want.

I will leave you with two quotes from two Britishers:

"There was no argument that could move him from his consuming determination to realize the impossible dream of Pakistan."

—Lord Mountbatten

"Although without Gandhi, Hindustan would still have gained independence and without Lenin and Mao, Russia and China would still have endured Communist revolution, without Jinnah there would have been no Pakistan in 1947."

— John Biggs-Davison
Start a thread in suggestions and discussions. I took some screenshots of posts by kaptaan and pakistanforever insulting us and boasting about rapes of our Bangladeshi Muslim sisters. Attach those in the thread. I'm new here so mods might not give much importance.

Screenshot of them boasting about rapes of '71

View attachment 362307
Screenshot of kaptaan making abusive posts towards us

View attachment 362308

View attachment 362309 Just tag me bro if u need some more screenshots. Tag mods to take action.

@Doyalbaba @bluesky @BDforever

@Syama Ayas Can u add some screenshots if u took. Also u can tag Indian members too in that thread in "Suggestions and discussions" with screenshots of kaptaan's posts
you need to have 100+ posts to start a thread mate. Can you guys add more screenshot's please ?
Muslim immigrants who arrived into West Pakistan occupied the evacuee property left behind by the migrating Hindus numbering in millions and filled the vacancies created by their exodus. So what EXTRA BURDEN were they dealing with? Population exchange on our side was much more protracted over time, so WE WERE THE ONES DEALING WITH BURDEN. All that immigrant thing is LAME EXCUSE for FUNDS MEANT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF EAST PAKISTAN BEING CONTINUOUSLY DIVERTED TO PUNJAB FOR THEIR OWN DEVELOPMENT. OUR JUTE EXPORT SURPLUS WAS DIVERTED FOR "DEFENCE OF WEST PAKISTAN" AND "SECURING KASHMIR". WEST PAKISTANIS SAID "DEFENCE OF EAST LIES IN THE WEST" AND USED THAT FOR EXPLOITING US.


More came than left. Secondly, there is much more to integrating migrants socially and economically than providing housing.

But I don't care what you think. Since you ended up leaving the country, it makes no difference what the situation was. I'm not sure why you're still crying about it. You have your own country now, thank God.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Lmao this is gem, Bangladesh "exploiting" Pakistan.

"Exploited", past tense.You exploited the creation of Pakistan for your benefit. Oh well.

I don't give two hoots about ur country. If anyone undermines my country I will give him piece of my mind. our home minister can say whaterver he wants. he doesn't have to explain himself to anybody, least of all Pakistanis. Remember ur country has got BLOOD OF OUR PEOPLE ON THEIR HANDS. they haven't even acknowledged, let alone apologise for their heinous crimes. just stop calling us offensive things like traitors

Not the whole country. Just a few thousand people, many of whom are dead now. But you can keep cursing them if want, it makes no difference to me.

Being called traitor is offensive. However this won't get into ur thick racist mind

I called you former traitors to Pakistan, not Bangladesh. It shouldn't bother you at all if you're Bangladeshi. If you weren't traitors to Pakistan, there would be no Bangladesh. But there is.

And clearly, you are the only racist here.

What do u mean "Most of the Muslim League's seats did not come from Bengal"?. What is this:

Goodness, it seems that you are incapable of doing simple math. Let me help:

113/425= 26.6%

74.4% of the Muslim League's seats came from somewhere other than Bengal. Thank you for helping prove my point.

And unfortunately, your English isn't much better. "U" and "ur" are not words. This is why teenagers who are incapable of basic communication and math should stay away from PDF.


Yes, continue supporting India. Just look at what they're doing to you at the border. Have fun.

Who you "support", or don't "support", has no effect on us.
Start a thread in suggestions and discussions. I took some screenshots of posts by kaptaan and pakistanforever insulting us and boasting about rapes of our Bangladeshi Muslim sisters. Attach those in the thread. I'm new here so mods might not give much importance.

Screenshot of them boasting about rapes of '71

View attachment 362307
Screenshot of kaptaan making abusive posts towards us

View attachment 362308

View attachment 362309 Just tag me bro if u need some more screenshots. Tag mods to take action.

@Doyalbaba @bluesky @BDforever

@Syama Ayas Can u add some screenshots if u took. Also u can tag Indian members too in that thread in "Suggestions and discussions" with screenshots of kaptaan's posts

sorry did not take any screenshots

Won't be long before he would be posting such vile wretched posts
Severing ties is the choice of your powerhouse. Even if they do, it won't affect us that much.

I agree it won't affect you. The two countries are too far away to affect each other. I was only speaking from Pakistan's perspective. It should cut ties after statements like this for itself.

some of your beloved leaders were the one who is the real culprit. They taught you a lot of wrong history mate, to show themselves in better color. instead of parroting their lies, just look around. :-)

Oh, the irony. Let's just agree to disagree and move on.
sorry did not take any screenshots

Won't be long before he would be posting such vile wretched posts
okay can u open thread in "suggestions and discussions" about this think tank and add these screenshots. U are elite member so mods would give more importance
i agree about what you are saying about islamic unity in the practical sense. I dont know your religious background. I myself am what i would term moderately religious (whatever that means). However, when i do examine the words of the Prophet pbuh and the concepts he and the Quran promote, I can understand the importance of the idea of the Ummah. I encourage everyone to read and reflect on the Prophets last khutbah. Read it and really really think about it. We often get lost in the dunya and into irrelevant petty things. But as the Quran asks us to do, reflect on things.

As much as it may pain me sometimes to forgive and forget actions and words of fellow Muslims, i know that this is what is asked of us and it is for the greater good to let personal grievances pass and work for the pleasure of God. Ultimately we will all have our reckoning.

As this relates to the politics of South Asia. Although I believe there to be injustice done to East Pakistan by the West Pakistan govt way back when. And although people may minimize or deny it on one side, and not let go of things and bear grudges on the other, as a Muslim i believe the best course of action is to let the past be the past. Make amends internally, and focus on the challenges of the future.

More specifically, Bangladesh and Pakistan should bury any hatchets and work together to have some sembelance of balance in south asia.

In order to have a united nation or unity, you need mutual respect,respect and integration into multi-culture, mutual trusts, aligned strategic goals,mutual self-interest, common history of unified actions ( economic, military ), common ideology .In today's world muslims are more divided then ever. There are wahabi, Shia ,Ahmadi, -etc . each have their own views on some core concept which are dissimilar from each other. religion alone cannot unify nations and people.
Unification of all the earthen will happen. But not in our our generation. Maybe 2/3 generations later. No need to rush it. Good things takes time.
Sorry to go off topic a bit. Burying the hatchet is a process that should have started in 1974. Forming SAARC and working towards making SAARC region like EU nations was Bangladesh's brainchild to unify and bury all hatchets of all member states. As far as i have spoken to and seen ,the common people of Pakistan is very good,friendly, fun. Do not judge all Pakistani's by some posts in PDF . They want the same thing that we do mostly. BTW then again ,remaining quiet on those trolls BS about BD is a crime :P

Pakistani members over reacting. I told you many times in the past current Awami regime is illegal. They do not have people mandate to admin the country. This illegal minster will be manhandle if he takes his sorry azz to street without police protection.

They speak what ever their ideological Indian masters feed them to. They have neither dignity nor self respect.

And you speak for all the people of Bangladesh ? Ministers comes and goes like your beloved nizami (jamati ) whose masters were ISI...so your comments are understandable.
No, the concept of Pakistan has its origins in the Aligarh Movement that was started and led by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in Aligarh (northwestern U.P.), not Bengal. He was a leader who organized the Muslims of north India and began to look at the Muslims as a community completely apart from Hindus. He warned Muslims to stay away from the Congress Party. It was he who established the All India Muhammadin Educational Conference in the 1880s which was the forerunner to the Muslim League. It was this very Conference that held the meeting you are referring to in Dhaka.

Secondly, just because the Conference that decided to form the Muslim League was held in Dhaka, does not mean that its existence was somehow due solely to Bengalis. That makes no sense. Most leaders of the Pakistan movement were not Bengali.The fact that this particular meeting happened to take place in Dhaka meant little. Previous meetings discussing the need for Muslim unity across the subcontinent were also held not long before in Lucknow and Simla. But you don't mention that, unsurprisingly.

There are more Muslims in Pakistan than there are in Bangladesh. And if you are counting Indian Muslims for some reason (who consider themselves Indian---except Kashmirs) there are more Muslims in the west if you include Pakistan, U.P., Gujarat, Delhi, Rajastan, and Haryana/Punjab vs. Bangladesh, West Bengal, Assam, Bihar, and Odisha.

But what does this have to do with anything? No Pakistanis want anything beyond Kashmir.

It was only necessary for the creation of East Pakistan.

Punajbi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Urdu-speaking, etc., support was necessary for the creation of West Pakistan.

Good grief. What an incredible statement. You threw everything Jinnah, Iqbal, and other Muslim leaders did for Pakistan under the bus.

The provinces of present-day Pakistan decided to join Pakistan. The Sindh Assembly and the Punjab Assembly voted to join Pakistan. The NWFP held a plebiscite to join as well and princely states acceded to Pakistan, etc. Whatever can be said about these things, Bengalis don't factor into the equation.

The exact opposite of this statement is the truth. But you can tell yourself whatever you want.

I will leave you with two quotes from two Britishers:

"There was no argument that could move him from his consuming determination to realize the impossible dream of Pakistan."

—Lord Mountbatten

"Although without Gandhi, Hindustan would still have gained independence and without Lenin and Mao, Russia and China would still have endured Communist revolution, without Jinnah there would have been no Pakistan in 1947."

— John Biggs-Davison

You have no idea what you are talking about... Read some books, not Wikipedia...

Aligarh Movement and All India Muhammadan Educational Conference were completely apolitical. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan didn't have any political aspirations; his prime objective was a social enlightenment among the Muslims who were, educationally and economically, quite backward.

The idea that Muslims are separate from Hindus first emerged during the partition of Bengal in 1905. The British wanted to create a separate province out of the Muslim-dominated East Bengal to ensure socio-economic progress of this region but was met with severe criticism from Bengali Hindus. Thus, the need for a separate political party for Muslims was felt and Muslim League was eventually formed in Dhaka in 1906.

Taking nothing away from them, but Jinnah and other leaders from West Pakistan actually started their political career through Congress despite the existence of Muslim League, which means they were largely unionists. They only joined ML only after having some personal disputes with other Congress leaders...
You have no idea what you are talking about... Read some books, not Wikipedia...

Aligarh Movement and All India Muhammadan Educational Conference were completely apolitical. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan didn't have any political aspirations; his prime objective was a social enlightenment among the Muslims who were, educationally and economically, quite backward.

The idea that Muslims are separate from Hindus first emerged during the partition of Bengal in 1905. The British wanted to create a separate province out of the Muslim-dominated East Bengal to ensure socio-economic progress of this region but was met with severe criticism from Bengali Hindus. Thus, the need for a separate political party for Muslims was felt and Muslim League was eventually formed in Dhaka in 1906.

Taking nothing away from them, but Jinnah and other leaders from West Pakistan actually started their political career through Congress despite the existence of Muslim League, which means they were largely unionists. They only joined ML only after having some personal disputes with other Congress leaders...

they do read books, their version of history which shows them how good and great they are :P

he will deny anything that doesn't satisfy his ego .
Start a thread in suggestions and discussions. I took some screenshots of posts by kaptaan and pakistanforever insulting us and boasting about rapes of our Bangladeshi Muslim sisters. Attach those in the thread. I'm new here so mods might not give much importance.

Screenshot of them boasting about rapes of '71

View attachment 362307
Screenshot of kaptaan making abusive posts towards us

View attachment 362308

View attachment 362309 Just tag me bro if u need some more screenshots. Tag mods to take action.

@Doyalbaba @bluesky @BDforever

@Syama Ayas Can u add some screenshots if u took. Also u can tag Indian members too in that thread in "Suggestions and discussions" with screenshots of kaptaan's posts
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