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Pakistan should be closer friend to Russia if Pakistanis appove Russia's reemergence!

ahamm ahmm.. i think its india who has been begging and licking US congress feet to stop pakistan F-16 deal and other related military cooperations..

(An Indian trooper holding an Israel made Travor Assault Rifle (TAR-21) at a market in Shopian south of Srinagar, summer capital of Indian administered Kashmir.)

and guess what.. this gun is accountable for 40+ innocent deaths in last month srinagar violence.. :tsk:

Ooopss....!!!! We request or as you say lick (I think that keeps you guys haapy) US congress's feet since we know this country name pakistan is quite used to use that Aid or other related military cooperations against India in *** or in Afaganistan...and by the way that is called as deplomacy ...Oh I am sorry Whom I telling DEPLOMACY ...I think its a worng country with word DEPLOMACY...

BTW if Indian kashmiris are dying in Kashmir so Why Pakistan is more concern about it ...I THINK YOU GUYS NEED TO LOOK INTO YOUR OWN COUNTRY WHERE EVERY WEEK BOMB BLAST IS COMMON...And I think pakistan is not concern why we are buying weapons from Israel ..they are concerned that, what this country is doing with his neighbour...and pakistan has fealing for those countries .. :azn::azn::azn: (you guys know wht I mean)....

LONG LIVE INDO-RUSSIAN-ISRAEL Friendship .......:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
assalam alaikum,

I dont think pakistanies mind having good relations with russia ( eventhough the problem of chechniya we hope to be solved ). Russia is world player and we dont have any problem with them like during the cold war and soviet union.
I m for good relation with Russia, they did bad thing to us we also retaliated let's move on and make this world more stable for the generations to come.

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