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Pakistan shells hit inside Afghanistan

Pakistan has issued order to vacate border areas.... I am really hoping this time it will escalate.....

I would deal with ttp and ana with same stick.... blast them both...
To all unwanted stinky third-grade filthy immigrant indians here on PAKISTANI defence forum trolling this a several other threads:


Else, you'll be banned without any warning. Don't test our patience.

The use of inappropriate language is against the decorum of this forum.

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@waz we have some young blood here. Please calm him.
As some one pointed out if we cannot send troops than we can try Burraq drones. This will be a symbolic message if we able to take out few known militant commanders of TTP. Yes we can hunt down their facilitators and foot soldiers in Pakistan but message should be given to their handlers across the border at the same time. Frustration among general public is reaching tipping point. We don't want to lose fate on Army just like we have already lost confidence and fate of every politician in Pakistan. Army think tank in particular the current leadership of Pakistan Army must understand this.
Burraq is actually a great option for targets within 500 kms of border since max range is 1000 kms. Unless it's a one-way mission.
Yes but for most of thst 70 years we have had better quality of life and recent improving trends point again towards a resurgent Pakistan

Remember our enemy is 7 times larger in terms of population

The obstacles we have overcome would break most nations yet we have everything from SLCMs to MIRV capable missiles to a jet programme
If our economy continues on its positive trend then we can beat india with its 1.2billion people on most quality of life snd economic indicators we already beat you on msny like sanitation

Our military and defence will grow accordingly as Pakistan gets better

They don't have a 1.2 billion population. Think you'll find that india's REAL population is over 1.3 billion.
We are not Afghanistan...so watch your mouth.

We took Pakistan from you.
Northern areas from you
Liberated Kashmir from you
Even Bangladesh was taken from you and lost in our own civil war but it's independent
We still own the high points in Kargil.

So frankly my dalit neighbour you are a nobody and soon you will get a message
What India has done, rather quite successfully, given a separate identity to its deeds, read terrorists activities, against Pakistan; What ever happens in Pakistan is done by TTP, Ahrar, now Daesh etc.
India raises hue and cry over any significant or insignificant incident, whether any attack or Pigeon or God knows what, and square blames Pakistan and Only Pakistan.
Pakistan has fallen for that game, so and so that, Indian posters on this forum has adopted the same propaganda line.
All Indian posters, know deep inside what the game is India playing, but wouldn't admit it, and on the contrary many Pakistani would starting to quote Uri etc.

Indian deeds done by daesh is preposterous. Even daesh would laugh at this childish fantasy...

Pakistan right now.
View attachment 377780

We as a nation can hit you hard, but Nawaz Sharif will lose steel business with Mittal, so there's the problem

You as a nation can do better for the lives of pakistanis. Do not waste it going after imaginary enemies you dream of
An Afghan police official says Pakistan has launched a blistering artillery assault on eastern Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, where a self-declared affiliate of the Islamic State group is based.

Gul Agha Roohani, provincial police chief of Nangarhar, tells The Associated Press in Kabul that Pakistan fired several artillery rounds early on Friday into the province's Lalpur district, near the Afghan-Pakistan border.

There was no immediate comment from Pakistan, where a suicide bombing on Thursday killed 75 people and wounded scores more at a Sufi shrine in southern Sindh province.

The attack was claimed by the Islamic State group.

However, Pakistan says Thursday's attack and other recent bombings have been masterminded by militants who hide across the border and use sanctuaries in Afghanistan.

Read more here: http://www.mercedsunstar.com/news/nation-world/article133301784.html#storylink=cpy
Good news. Lets get those bastaRd TTP terrorists.
Indian deeds done by daesh is preposterous. Even daesh would laugh at this childish fantasy...
If by some ill fate, there is terrorist attack in India on innocent people, and subsequently investigators find Iraqi currency, a Daesh poster; So will you consider Daesh responsible?
I am sure you are much intelligent to fall for this and so are other people.
waiting , just look at IOK , even today some attacks and Pakistani flags are hoisted . keep waiting.
The Pakistani flags being waved in Indian occupied Kashmir, shows the Kashmiris want independence from Indian rule
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