Unofficial death toll for Operation Bluestar is 8000 and for Delhi riots its 10000 -17000 with 50000 people displaced.If playing with the numbers somehow is beneficial to an indiviual or a nation,lets keep the numbers rollin?
Please read this:
Inderjit Singh Jaijee estimated some 200,000 Sikhs were killed, or disappeared, in this holocaust according to state magistracy statistics. In June, 1984, 10,000 Sikhs were killed at Darbar Sahib (Operation Blue Star), 8,000 were killed just afterward
(Operation Woodrose), 10,000 were killed by Hindu gangs in November 1984, in New Delhi, and 10,000 were killed in other states during the same period. In Punjab alone, 80,000 Sikhs were killed and 50,000 were made to disappear and 5,000 were
killed in Hindi speaking states.