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Pakistan says US not listening, drone strikes must stop

^^ Pakistani Military is highly educated and intelligent and is not as stupid as the public in general who are regularly brainwashed by Mullahs with loudspeakers and ******** on Pakistani Media like Zaid hamid.

It knows full well that Drones are highly accurate and have decimated the ranks of Terrorists in FATA.

I fully and 100% support Drone strikes.
^^ Pakistani Military is highly educated and intelligent and is not as stupid as the public in general who are regularly brainwashed by Mullahs with loudspeakers and ******** on Pakistani Media like Zaid hamid.

It knows full well that Drones are highly accurate and have decimated the ranks of Terrorists in FATA.

I fully and 100% support Drone strikes.

Dear mate,
The times have changed, the time to use drones has gone!
I fully agreed, yes there was a time, when drones were good, & lethal weapon against ground bassed, millitants but, after the attack on salalaa check post, pakistan have to cut , it down! Because pakistAn not trust, US govt designs in the, region, US congress passing the, resolution of the freedom of baluchistan, was the next big alram, which was seen as a red line, crossed by yanks.
PakistAn needs sufficiant funding of its. Special forces , so can be grown up as a full regment , & it needs special equipments like hellicopters (chinioks), apaches,s & some other hard gear, am prety sure, Pakarmy can do the job, even in afghanistan, bt for drones , its time to say“ good bye” has already, reach?

We don't want some of these drones, mapping & hitting our stratagic basses, before turrning towards IRAN?
We have already, cleared our kpk, & FATA areAs at leAst, 60% + & OBL, is gone, major threat, is fixed, US is going back in 2014, in comming, 2 years, we have too face & clean, the mess , Which was created by NATO & its allies in the region, so its in pakistAn,s best special national intersts to stop, the dam drones.
Problem is let's say you shoot down a drone or two,what happens when retaliation follows?Things will go out of hand quickly and all hell might break loose.
are u retarded?

Looks like you wish to get banned :)

Dear mate,
The times have changed, the time to use drones has gone!
I fully agreed, yes there was a time, when drones were good, & lethal weapon against ground bassed, millitants but, after the attack on salalaa check post, pakistan have to cut , it down! Because pakistAn not trust, US govt designs in the, region, US congress passing the, resolution of the freedom of baluchistan, was the next big alram, which was seen as a red line, crossed by yanks.
PakistAn needs sufficiant funding of its. Special forces , so can be grown up as a full regment , & it needs special equipments like hellicopters (chinioks), apaches,s & some other hard gear, am prety sure, Pakarmy can do the job, even in afghanistan, bt for drones , its time to say“ good bye” has already, reach?

We don't want some of these drones, mapping & hitting our stratagic basses, before turrning towards IRAN?
We have already, cleared our kpk, & FATA areAs at leAst, 60% + & OBL, is gone, major threat, is fixed, US is going back in 2014, in comming, 2 years, we have too face & clean, the mess , Which was created by NATO & its allies in the region, so its in pakistAn,s best special national intersts to stop, the dam drones.

Buddy, that US Balochistan resolution was started by this nutty US Congressman and didn't gain any followers.

And if USA withdraws after 2014, then it is in Pakistan's best interests to have total control over FATA.

It is in Pakistan's best interests that these Drone Strikes continue as they continue to decimate these terrorists who are living on our territory and a major threat to Pakistani sovereignty.

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