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Pakistan says Taliban leader will talk to U.S!

Mr. Zombie is not completly wrong in his accessments. If Taliban wants to broker a deal with US, why do they need a middle man. They can go directly, and what is stopping them in order to do that.

You & Zombie are wrong in your assessments.

It’s not Talibaans who wants to strike a deal with USA but other way around. USA & NATO wants a deal to save their a$$ and only Pakistan and Saudi Arabia can bring them on negotiating table.
And just to prove the point further of why the midde man is required in this negotiation, Pakistan of course wants concession!!!

Nothing is free.;)

However, as the article suggests, at the end of the day this will be a multilateral process, with the concerns of all countries take on board.

As I said before, the religious and ethnic diversity of Afghanistan mean that the Taliban or their system cannot and should not be foisted upon all Afghans.

So if the Taliban can be convinced to share power (loose federation perhaps, with provinces given a great degree of autonomy in terms of laws?), that would mean that no side has complete power or control in Afghanistan, which should theoretically satisfy all the actors with a stake in Afghanistan.

All speculation though - have to wait and see what the reactions from the major players are, though I wonder if Mullah Omar will ever publicly declare he is negotiating/open to negotiations, until the negotiations are over.
Two days ago, General Mullen said in his speech, that next few years will be very tough in Afghanistan. I think US and Pakistan will try to set up mix govt. In which both members from present govt and resistance groups will participate and plus a permanent base of NATO will be established in parts of Afghanistan. What will be the role of India?.
And just to prove the point further of why the midde man is required in this negotiation, Pakistan of course wants concession!!!

If we think these confessions of zardari and ISI is gonna help India.. then we are wrong..
I suppose India has already lost the upper hand for 26/11 with interests diverted to pak war...
with taliban washout from swat and violations in J&K ISI is soon gonna enjoy their "premium malt whiskey"

Obviously :partay:
Here is another thought - the PA is getting ready to launch a ground offensive in South Waziristan against B Mehsud. This has been complicated with the alliance between Mehsud, Nazir and Bahadur, with Bahadur reportedly canceling his peace deal with the government and Nazir in the mind to do so as well.

The PA may be looking to break apart the alliance by showing the Afghan Taliban and their allies a tangible attempt to resolve the conflict in Afghanistan in a way that includes them.

Now I am not suggesting that it is only a propaganda piece by the PA - they have consistently maintained that the end to the insurgency will not be military, and some sort of political accommodation must be arrived at with the insurgents.

One other issue could be that the Taliban are feeling a lot of heat with the increase in forces in Afghanistan and the PA's offensives in Swat and FATA, both in terms of casualties and resources, with US officials suggesting that weapons prices have shot up dramatically, and they may have indicated a greater willingness to compromise.
And just to prove the point further of why the midde man is required in this negotiation, Pakistan of course wants concession!!!

US will enjoy some gains and taliban will also enjoy some. y do u mind if pakistan also gets a taste after 4yrs of terror
The PA may be looking to break apart the alliance by showing the Afghan Taliban and their allies a tangible attempt to resolve the conflict in Afghanistan in a way that includes them.

Yes that is all well and good news for the region. But isn't it bit fishy when the concession for doing so is against India. Why India? Why not more money? Why not more help for development of infrastruture in the SWAT area?

The reason is the ISI and Army has always stayed in contact with the taliban.

"And the state followed, the army followed, the ISI followed. Having said that no intelligence organization in the world shuts its last door on any other organization. So therefore the contacts are there.

To me this is the perfect time to act because Pakistan Military has shown a great stride to fight this talibans without any adequate equipments to do so. And just today the refugee is told to go to back to there homes, since all the area are cleared of talibans. Pardon me for being skeptic, but it sounds like the "Wide wide world of sports" to me!!!!
Fmr. ISI Gen. Hamid Gul is supposed to mediate/moderate the diplomatic meeting between the US and original Taliban.

Here is a interesting news report aired on CNN by Michael Ware. A Must Watch.

Pakistan to bring Taliban Senior Commanders and US officials together to negotiate.

America simply cannot defeat the resilient Taliban. Mullah Muhammad Omar, A forgotten General in this War still commands the battle field.
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Fmr. ISI Gen. Hamid Gul is supposed to mediate/moderate the diplomatic meeting between the US and original Taliban.

Why not, perfect man for the job, infact Mr. Hamid Gul thinks:

He insisted the Obama administration, through the Pakistan military, can access Mullah Omar. "Why not?" he said, "Is he a terrorist by any definition? Has he indulged in any act of terrorism?"

Mullah Omar is not even a terrorist!!!! And round and round we go once again.

This is a trap for America, you ask me!!!!
This was bound to happen.

Or i must say Pakistan has converted the US pressure over ISI's 'close' links into a Judo Move-turn an opponent's force to one's own advantage:rofl:

The blame game has probably made our planners bold enough to come out with this 'act-as-a-mediator' strategy; International Politics Anybody??!

If this materializes, in my personal opinion it's a win win for Pakistan and the US, US goes home or atleast go at ease in Afghanistan and we had the US holding india in harness:lol: moreover, the thraet that we face from the our Western would also be contained as the Taliban fighters there would go on vacation after a deal is broked!

This is a trap for America, you ask me!!!!


Such an intellect!
This was bound to happen.

Or i must say Pakistan has converted the US pressure over ISI's 'close' links into a Judo Move-turn an opponent's force to one's own advantage:rofl:

The blame game has probably made our planners bold enough to come out with this 'act-as-a-mediator' strategy; International Politics Anybody??!

If this materializes, in my personal opinion it's a win win for Pakistan and the US, US goes home or atleast go at ease in Afghanistan and we had the US holding india in harness:lol: moreover, the thraet that we face from the our Western would also be contained as the Taliban fighters there would go on vacation after a deal is broked!


Such an intellect!

Sure, sure good one.

Those Taliban Peace Deals Always Works Out, Doesn't It!!!!:tsk:
Well all this makes it very clear that Taliban and ISI are in bed. What more proof is needed?

Same old phoebia..if ISI is in bed with Talibaan then how about RAW in bed with Northern Alliance, Moosaad, CIA god knows how many. Acting like a real hooker.:rofl:
At the risk of being laughed at..I'd like to say..

So far all the comments I have read it seems our members are seeing this as an isolated event. Which I'd beg to differ, is Not. Pakistan's defence, at this criticl juncture of time is very much dependent on China's assurances and backing.

Pakistani establishment has got a nod from the Chinese to propose it as a solution. China was acting as Pakistan's psychological spline in these tough times, and as we have seen it has been shaken by the recent Uighur upraising in Xinjiang. Which seems like an act of foreign intelligence agencies (to me at least).

China just realized that it's a message from the involved parties that if you keep backing Pakistan we will hurt you in Xinjiang. So China wants to..

1) either diffuse the situation for the moment, and buy some time


2) Slowly abandon Pakistan.


Talks with Taliban can't buy peace in Afghanistan, if US doesn't wish to. I believe everyone here realizes that US's intentions in the region are suspicious. If they want to stay here longer, they will just put unacceptable/humiliating conditions before the Taliban and make sabotage the planned peace talks.

PS: I am just speaking my mind, not to encourage or discourage anyone.
Sure, sure good one.

Those Taliban Peace Deals Always Works Out, Doesn't It!!!!:tsk:

Remember those deals were with the TTP led by the dishonorable Baitulah Mehsud not the original Taliban led my Mullah Muhammad Omar. There is a difference in their leadership and goals.

As far as I'm concerned in an old video Mullah Muhammad Omar once said he would "never attack Pakistan" and he considered Pakistan an important Muslim state. It is Baitullah Mehsud's TTP terrorist who are at war with Pakistan.

This negotiation deal is suppose to be between Mullah Omar's Taliban vs US, the two have been fighting for 8 years now and still it is said Taliban control 70% of Afghanistan according to various news reports.

Anyways brilliant brilliant brilliant tactic and strategy by Pakistan.
Pakistan wants concessions from Washington over Islamabad's concerns with longtime rival India.

I forgot to mention that I see this statement as a first step in Pakistan's compromising attitude....or... Pakistan is not getting what it asked from China and it's a delaying tactic, until the US economy implodes further.
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