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Pakistan’s First Metro Bus Test Drive in Lahore


not that Im against getting public's money out of their pockets in anyway, but priority matter !!
That's Bogota, not London in the first pic on the left side.
This BRTS looks great. Every city should have a good mass transport system.
This initiative is done by Bank loans or Grants , there is hardly anything worth mentioning
Its pretty much someone donated some funds and some politicians took that as a chance to promote their own

It would have been an initiative if the project was done by Pakistani Resources , and with budget allocated to government (Provincial) and there was wide consensus to implement this out to other cities

Most people argues that such initiatives were also done in 70`s ... but what happened was soon after 4-5 years the busses needed spare parts and with lack of parts the busses went to scrap yard due to no backing from following governments

The material used inside the buses is very low quality plastic like , and the seats are not even comfortable nor modren , these seats resemble more or less like airport buses which are not meant for Metro Transportation.

So this is not new ... it may appear new but older generation of Pakistani can attest that such bus projects were launched in small scale before and failed within 4-5 years

The proper messure should have been

** National Bus Metro System

>Yearly grants for busses for all provinces
>Repair and management system for busses
>Guarenteed new busses induction for all provinces

+ 200 Busses per provinces and 50 new busses every two years

If there was a universal initiative of this scale it would have been beneficial
Woaa, that city is such a mess right now because of construction everywhere, hope construction is all finished soon.
Woaa, that city is such a mess right now because of construction everywhere, hope construction is all finished soon.

Every major project has it's associated problems.

Dubai was hell when the Dubai Metro was being made.
Is it possible for Lahore to develop a Subway System?
Very much, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi's party has been saying that they will build an underground system, don't know if its true or not. This bus track can be converted into a light train track too.
Is it possible for Lahore to develop a Subway System?

It's designed in such a way so it could be converted into Rail (once there is electricity). This is just one line. If we go for change in transit, i hope other lines go underground....
Photo taken by: Innovators - Skyscrapercity.


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