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Pakistan ready to hand Arabian Sea port to China

My Friend no intention to hurt your feelings. I have a very high opinion of Chinese (btw I was a room mate with a Chinese student in US for a whole semester and we learned a lot form each other he even knew the slogan "Pak Cheen dosti Wan Soay!")

Using each other to ones advantage is not bad at all as long as the deal is equitable to each others advantage. My countrymen are naive in this alien thought. China and Pakistan has many convergent goals -- they should have -- but also some divergent philosophies.

We are friends and should remain friends. It is in the interest of Pakistan that China should emerge as a clearly dominant player in Asia and start forming a bipolar sphere of interest globally and again strike a balance vis a vis US.

I misunderstood, very sorry, and thanks for your friendship. Although I want to say more, but stoped. With a simple, China and Pakistan is still lack of civilian exchanges, let us do more for our relationship. This is a lasting relationship, need more careful nurturing.

The other, China and the Chinese people do not care about the so-called "dominant" or "leader" of the name, we do not care about fantasy, and economic development for our people best , then the domestic need for more equitable distribution system, if there are more, we can also contribute to the economy of Pakistan and other developing countries, if so, it is perfect.
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Good development in this matter (handing over the management of the port). Good for Pakistan, Baluchistan, as well as China.

Speedy check of imports and exports, more efficient way to generate money with Chinese managing the port as more Chinese material going out, no slacking off and hence efficient document/material management. Saw a report on Aljazeera English about how Chinese manage imports/exports at their port (I forgot which port they were referring to), personally I was impressed.

So I think this deal has alot of benefits for both Pakistan and China, the only down point would be the controversy over the official signing of the agreement, as Singapore's SPA International may not let go of the contract that easily.
To my Chinese friend:

No need for apologies between friends;-) I hope and pray that we concentrate upon our convergent goals and work on narrowing down divergent philosophies.

thanks for sharing the Chinese dream. :china::pakistan:
Giving another country a military base on your territory is simply-sad.
How is it about Pakistan muse? If it was to remain a commercial port with only Pakistani military presence, then PSA International would do just the same as any chinese port management company.

The objective over the long term as pointed out in the article is to have Chinese take the base.

I would never support the idea of handing over a part of my own country to some other country(even if its a close ally),as it can prove to be a mistake in the long run ....anyways,in this case its Pakistan's own port, so they can hand over to whomever they want to, nothing to say here, as its their internal matter..but i would still like to know why the pakisytanis feel that Chinese managing their posrt would be a threat or a problem for India...as I have seen in so many posts above.

It’s high time that some of you guys stop being clownish!

You never support, or otherwise it would make you feel sad, a country to hand over a part to foreign country, yet you merrily ask Tajikistan to hand over a part of its territory to you as a military base. You know it’s a proven mistake in the long run for Tajikistan to hand over its part to you, yet you still mirthfully push for it and utilize their proven mistake? India sets up military base in Tajikistan - The Times of India

Get right your logic and meditate on India's taking Farkhor Air base!
To my thinking the coming Chinese company management of Gwadar port and investment by Chinese and other business interests in developing Gwadar is directly related to the article below:

Pakistan, Russia sign MoU for cooperation in energy sector

* Countries to cooperate in oil and gas exploration, construction of gas pipelines

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and the Russian Federation have agreed to pursue joint projects and cooperation in the oil and gas sectors, Petroleum Federal Minister Syed Naveed Qamar said after signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Russian Minister for Energy SI Shmatko in Moscow.

According to a message received in Islamabad, the MoU laid down mechanism and desire of the two countries to cooperate in oil and gas exploration, construction of trans-national gas pipelines, training, technology transfer and other areas of mutual interest. “The Russian government will send a delegation of experts to the country in January 2011, to meet with their counterparts and study data, legal framework and policy with a view to develop a time-bound roadmap of cooperative projects,” the message read further.

At the occasion, the Russian minister proposed that the MOU might be followed by an ‘Inter Governmental Framework Agreement’ to further cement the ties of cooperation between the two countries. Shmatko, while expressing the desire to participate in developing joint ventures with the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) in exploration and development of oil and gas prospects in the Pakistani territory, offered technology support and investment to the country.

Referring to the gas import projects of Pakistan, the Russian minister showed keen interest in participating in the Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline Project as well as the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan India (TAPI) Gas Pipeline Project in construction and investment. While speaking at the occasion, the petroleum minister expressed his satisfaction over the developing relations between Pakistan and the Russian Federation in the field of energy. Qamar said he hoped that the Russian cooperation would greatly improve energy availability in Pakistan.

The petroleum minister, who is on a short visit of Moscow, met with the Gazprom Zarubrezhneft CEO Valeriy Gulev and discussed ways and means of enhancing cooperation in energy sector. Gulev showed keen interest in cooperating and investing in Pakistan in the energy sector, the message stated. The delegation to the Pakistan-Russia bilateral discussion included OGDCL Managing Director Naeem Malik, Inter State Gas Systems Limited Managing Director Hilal A Raza and Ambassador to Moscow Khalid Khattak
I just want to say that you need to worry about other countries, but do not worry about China, China hope to trade security environment, so want a stable Pakistan, not chaos. I think China even are willing to invest in infrastructure in balochistan to help Pakistan government to stabilize the chaos, of course, China can only help the economy, others rely on Pakistan government .

Our chinese brother much appreciated are your words. The Pakistani people have not gone blind on what China has done and continues to do for us. Our trust in your people comes from deep within our very bones. And may the the love we share stand all the tests of time.
Just out of curiosity, what is your take on the US having military bases in Saudi Arabia? Do you support armed Kaffirs on Muslim lands?

Do you really believe every thing the media feeds you? This matter is for Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia alone to decide. This matter concerns the state not religion. It is the area of Hijaz which holds religious importance to the extent that no non-muslim be allowed there and to my knowledge that is being looked after.
The dream is two fold my dear, access to the Hormuz choke point and shortest access to African oil. That is why China is our "Friend."

I and, i believe, most of the people in both our countries would strongly disagree with you on your statement. One simple example of how deep the relationship between the chinese and the pakistanis is would be the mutual love the people of these two countries have. Many other countries have had many interests in Pakistan how is it then that after 50 years only one has tested and surpassed all the trials of true friendship? Has never said nay to Pakistan? And has always delivered more than our expectations? You can find many deeds of the chinese people and its government which clearly differentiate them from mere "stack holders" and show them as true, time tested friends of Pakistan. And yes it is true we "the naive" do tend to think beyond just mutual interests. Something more substantial shall we say?


ps: Your comment might have been hurtful to many people across the border. :disagree:
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I think the people of Pakistan should run the port. It's their land so they should manage it. If China wants to use the port, then sign an agreement spelling out each side's rights and responsibilities. That way, China get's access to the ocean, and Pakistan's sovereignty isn't infringed. Everybody wins:cheers:, except Indians:azn:
I think the people of Pakistan should run the port. It's their land so they should manage it. If China wants to use the port, then sign an agreement spelling out each side's rights and responsibilities. That way, China get's access to the ocean, and Pakistan's sovereignty isn't infringed. Everybody wins:cheers:, except Indians:azn:

Totally agree 100%. China should not have to go around Koreas, Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka to get the Middle East or Europe. China can utilize Pakistani ports for trade and commerce. :pakistan::china:
We are missing the point in the news are just making it more and more complex,

Handing over the port to China do not mean that it will be a Chinese land in Pakistan and Pakistani people will have to seek an official visa to visit Gawadar. Neither does it means that Pakistan will have no presence allowed over there.

Look brothers, the port is already under Singapore port trust, still it is a Pakistani port. Same will be the case when china replaces Singapore over here.
It is the development and management of port that we look to give on lease. Pakistan Government is short of funds and in this case the right idea is that we lease it to some company that can develop it and look after the port.
We may have to share the revenue being generated by the port with the Chinese but still we will be at least getting something. If we do not do so, I bet the current Government will ruin the port itself.
I hope you people understand what I am trying to point out,

Thank you!
Perhaps we can develop railroad links to Gawadar to help Chinese goods being transported to Chinese.
Even if we give a tax free trade pass to China from our northern border all the way to Gawadar and request them to develop a rail road network, it will be still a good profitable venture for both the countries. But yes, we must make sure that all goods coming from China must go directly to port and are not opened for sail in Pakistan as this will destroy local industry. We just need to give them free passage and in return get the development of Railway and road networks that are essential for growth of a nation.
A double track railway setup running all the way from top to bottom, passing through Baluchistan accompanied by supporting road links will help building our own economy!

To my thinking the coming Chinese company management of Gwadar port and investment by Chinese and other business interests in developing Gwadar is directly related to the article below:

Pakistan, Russia sign MoU for cooperation in energy sector

* Countries to cooperate in oil and gas exploration, construction of gas pipelines

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and the Russian Federation have agreed to pursue joint projects and cooperation in the oil and gas sectors, Petroleum Federal Minister Syed Naveed Qamar said after signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Russian Minister for Energy SI Shmatko in Moscow.

According to a message received in Islamabad, the MoU laid down mechanism and desire of the two countries to cooperate in oil and gas exploration, construction of trans-national gas pipelines, training, technology transfer and other areas of mutual interest. “The Russian government will send a delegation of experts to the country in January 2011, to meet with their counterparts and study data, legal framework and policy with a view to develop a time-bound roadmap of cooperative projects,” the message read further.

At the occasion, the Russian minister proposed that the MOU might be followed by an ‘Inter Governmental Framework Agreement’ to further cement the ties of cooperation between the two countries. Shmatko, while expressing the desire to participate in developing joint ventures with the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) in exploration and development of oil and gas prospects in the Pakistani territory, offered technology support and investment to the country.

Referring to the gas import projects of Pakistan, the Russian minister showed keen interest in participating in the Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline Project as well as the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan India (TAPI) Gas Pipeline Project in construction and investment. While speaking at the occasion, the petroleum minister expressed his satisfaction over the developing relations between Pakistan and the Russian Federation in the field of energy. Qamar said he hoped that the Russian cooperation would greatly improve energy availability in Pakistan.

The petroleum minister, who is on a short visit of Moscow, met with the Gazprom Zarubrezhneft CEO Valeriy Gulev and discussed ways and means of enhancing cooperation in energy sector. Gulev showed keen interest in cooperating and investing in Pakistan in the energy sector, the message stated. The delegation to the Pakistan-Russia bilateral discussion included OGDCL Managing Director Naeem Malik, Inter State Gas Systems Limited Managing Director Hilal A Raza and Ambassador to Moscow Khalid Khattak

muse - many MoUs between these 2 countries have been signed to 'no avail' - Russia is 'dead scared' to lose its 'defence' and 'trade' ties with india that it will think twice before doing anything substantial with pakistan.
:lazy: thank you. This should be none of bharti aka Indian business.

dont you think??

Not at all.......it has everything to do with India's business! For someone who visited India, you should know arty are not a threat, right?
I think the people of Pakistan should run the port. It's their land so they should manage it. If China wants to use the port, then sign an agreement spelling out each side's rights and responsibilities. That way, China get's access to the ocean, and Pakistan's sovereignty isn't infringed. Everybody wins:cheers:, except Indians:azn:

What did the Indians do to China or Pakistan? Seems everything you guys say is always India centric? How come, I see no threat emanating from India whatsoever?
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