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Pakistan Railways privatization opposed

Number of employees should be according to the requirement.

Yes it is required by political parties to have as many members of theirs as possible to get jobs at all crown corporations.
Pakistanis don't want a solution they just like to complain about it .when you point out the obvious problem they will simply ignore it and keep on complaining.

Military is using crown corporations so retired Higher ups can get a second Job plus political parties are using crown corporations to keep their workers employed neither one is eligible to work there.
Pakistan Railway`s Operational Strategy

Pakistan Railways Hires Employees
Pakistan Railways Retains Previous Employees
They all ask for Salary
They are given `I owe you letters`
Locomotives are repaired they break down
Trains are shut down
Locomotives need repair
Government gives bail out
96% money goes to pay the employee salaries
4 % goes to order , used parts for Locomotives
Then trains run for 2 months and then they break down again
OUT OF 500 locomotives , 5 are sent to
Rasulpoor fatory where they wait 11 months for parts to arrive since they have no money
Employees go on vacation until next year
Railways , make new budget and put it loss for whole year so no taxes to be paid to government

Court comes in and then audits Railways , the CEO sheds tears of sadness and apologies
and claims he is a victim , and nothing happens

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