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Pakistan proposes to create a military block of Islamic states

The first thing that needs to take place if we are so into this Muslim unity thing (even though no one is standing up for Iran today) is increase of trade between Islamic states.

The total trade between Islamic States is USD 275 bln.
The total trade for the EU in agricultural products is 153 Billion (Pounds) converted to dollars it is 203 bln. Think how much more their total trade would be.

So Islamic nations first need to favour each other for trade.
"International organizations approach to conflicts in the Muslim world with double standards, although reaction comes immediately on conflicts in Christian countries, and we therefore propose creation of a unified Islamic military block," Jamali said.
To say nothing of how it treats the U.S. now, many diplomats remember Pakistan's repeated attempts to convert its old mutual-defense pacts into an aggressive alliance against India for Pakistani rulers' exclusive benefit. I doubt that many leaders of Muslim states will think Pakistan is suddenly worthy of trust once more.
When there will be a single block not even Uncle Sam will have guts to step on Muslims Land.
I think first the Pakistani envoy should learn to read the new before visitng a country like Azerbaijan.

He would have know that just a 4 days ago, Azerbaijan concluded a $1.6 Billion arms deal with Israel including drones and missiles.
Israel Sells Drones, Missiles To Azerbaijan

And Azerbaijan is Shia majority country like Iran by the way.

Pakistani officials should atleast now stop using Islam as a sheild for their own political objectives. Islam is something that you practice in your daily lives and not something that you use as a tool and pay lipservice too.
Best of Luck...................Include India in This we have one of the largest Muslim Population after Indonesia..................
Some People in Pakistan have a selective eyesight and cant see whats happening around them. Reality is every where there is a Muslim country under attack Arabs are in bed with the west to make it happen.so i say to Mir Jan Muhammad Khan Jamali and others like him Good luck.

Pakistan seems to be the lone crusader against the west , as you rightly pointed out most Arabs are direcly controlled by uncle Sam !!!
Its only rhetoric....there can be no alliance...The arab countries are too much proud of their arab nationalism and so are the iranians.....its something impossible..however Pakistan can go into defence agreements with Turkey...that the only Muslim country in my opinion other than Pakistan where there is freedom of speech and with whom we share values of freedom.
A 'unified Islamic military block'? What the heck is he talking about? When Sunnis don't even consider Shias Muslim, what Islamic Block is he talking about? Or is it going to be a purely Sunni Block? If that happens, then it'll be bad news as Sunnis would gang up against the Shias and vice versa leading to more turmoil.

Why don't these self styled analysts apply their minds before writing such crap? :hitwall:

Such a block would be powerful enough to deal with any threat from NATO or any other block.

And neither of them has any industry base to supply there army. They are the biggest importer of arms from NATO nations itself.

Turkey is powerful because its in NATO so as the KSA.

Why not include China??? Give it a thought.
Best of Luck...................Include India in This we have one of the largest Muslim Population after Indonesia..................

But we are not an Islamic nation, by a long shot.

Start from there - Arabian countries would be a big asset if they can truly commit to it - but I doubt they would so early on. It has to be started by like-minded people and these days Pakistan-Iran-Turkey all have issues with the western powers.

One things for certain, we may not be a threat with these three countries joining forces, but we definitely won't be invadable by any either.

These three countries between them have technology, weapons and resources enough to be self-reliant - not to forget access to China through Pakistan.
I think first the Pakistani envoy should learn to read the new before visitng a country like Azerbaijan.

He would have know that just a 4 days ago, Azerbaijan concluded a $1.6 Billion arms deal with Israel including drones and missiles.
Israel Sells Drones, Missiles To Azerbaijan

And Azerbaijan is Shia majority country like Iran by the way.

Pakistani officials should atleast now stop using Islam as a sheild for their own political objectives. Islam is something that you practice in your daily lives and not something that you use as a tool and pay lipservice too.

That whole situation is so mixed up, it shows how complicated international relations can get.

Shia Azerbaijan is supported by Sunni Turkey and Jewish Israel.
Their main enemy is Christian Armenia, which is supported by Shia Iran and Christian Europe/Russia.

In short, a common religion is no guarantee of shared interests.
Best of Luck...................Include India in This we have one of the largest Muslim Population after Indonesia..................

NO WAY DUDE!!!!........we'll join a secular block if we can!!!:)

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